
 The best film of 2025 so far is a strange rather epic post apocalyptic animation from Latvia. 
It’s a true delight. 
The narrative is seen through the eyes of a small grey cat who lives a quiet life in what we presume to be his or her former owner’s cabin
There are other animals living in this lush wilderness but no humans, and the animals act as animals do in this green world that is suddenly engulfed by a flood of biblical proportions .

Director Gints Zilbalodis keeps explanations minimal . The animals don’t speak, they have no names and for the most part they act as their species would dictate but when a damaged sailboat arrives five animals find themselves thrown together in an uneasy alliance . The pragmatic cat, a benign and calm Capybara, a dim Labrador , a loyal but aloof Secretary bird and a prissy lemur obsessed with trinkets meet by chance, and this group navigate deserted ancient mountain topped civilisations and their own innate animal drives to work together for a common good.
The obvious metaphor isn’t driven home too heavily , but you do find yourself rooting for this odd little band of brothers.in one of the most visually stunning films I’ve seen in a long time.

It’s rather delightful and a timely story given some of the Trump loving and nasty blog posts I’ve read recently 



  1. That sounds like my sort of animation film. I haven't seen or heard anything about it, so thanks for the review. (Again!) xx

  2. Barbara Anne9:19 pm

    Will watch for this film.
    Today a cute groundhog asked to come indoors by scratching on the glass door to the deck (no way!), and squirrels and rabbits are all over the yard.
    Not to mention the huge bald eagle that flew past us at head height last Saturday! She (because she was large and females are larger than males) was 5 years old or more because before age 5, bald eagles have brown heads. The things you learn on TV!


    1. Groundhogs are like fat guinepigs arnt they?

    2. Much larger than guinea pigs. Somewhat like a really plump raccoon with a fatter but pleasant face.

    3. Living in Arkansas we learned that GROUNDhogs can climb trees real fast when a bolt of lightning hits a little too close... lol

  3. Anonymous9:40 pm

    I’ve never heard of it, but I see it won an Oscar
    You write rather wonderfully about it


    1. It’s very different to anything I’ve seen before

  4. I was so glad when it won the Oscar! Apparently the entire country of Latvia is celebrating too -- first time any Latvian film has won an Oscar. I've seen the trailer -- the animation is stunningly gorgeous -- and I intend to watch the movie soon. It's streaming now.

  5. The first ever Oscar for a Latvian film - Best Animated Feature Film. I might go to see it at The Showroom.

  6. Have you seen 'Wild Robot'? I have not seen 'Flow' so my perspective may be off but i was very surprised that Wild Robot did not win the Oscar... Perhaps you've seen both and you know why Flow won over the Robot???Hugs! deb

  7. I loved this film. Wild Robot was good, but felt very Hollywood. Flow got it's whole movie across without a huge budget, celebrities or any dialog.

  8. Sounds intriguing. Will look for it.

  9. It sounds wonderful. I will look out for out.

  10. Anonymous8:13 am

    This sounds very much like Penelope Lively's 'The Voyage of QV66'! I don't know if posting a link will work, but I'll have a go: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Voyage_of_QV66

  11. It sounds like a film worth watching

  12. I saw the trailer last time i was at the cinema and decided i must see it.
    I'm glad to know you rate it highly

  13. It's been playing on cable, and I've caught some of it, I need to record it and watch the whole thing. It looks rather enchanting, though anything with animals gives me pause, as I can't hardly stand anything bad happening to them.

    It seems to me that here in the states the loudest of the loud, and the rudest of the rude are those who love the orange oaf. How they still can, EVEN after his dangerous, cruel, and illegal behaviors before AND after being elected just amazes me. I want to ask them all, "Are you happy now? Is this someone you would allow in your home? Is this someone you would trust with your family?" We all know the answer.

  14. Sounds pleasant.

  15. sillygirl11:42 am

    We managed to see it before the awards and thought it really deserved to win. It gave us wonderful dreams that night - a vast change from what is happening outside our little lives - we live near Seattle, WA.

  16. Thanks, John, I will look for it.

  17. Anonymous2:26 pm

    We watched this last week. I am not a huge fan of animation films, and I still think Flow is interesting. It illustrated the terror and bewilderment animals must feel when they are caught up in a situation which is overwhelming. Feeling this a little more strongly after the fires in Los Angeles, where we used to live.

  18. I will look for this film, I need something, anything to take me away from this horrific world that tRump is trying to perpetuate. The fear is real and the man is a menace.
    Thank You John for your reviews and your blog, it is a brief respite from an increasingly cruel atmosphere.
    JC in Indiana

  19. Anonymous5:05 pm

    Thank you for the recommendation. I will definitely watch. i am not generally a fan of animated films, but Wes Anderson's Isle of Dogs is one of my favorite films.


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