
 I’m starting early for me.its just past eight and the Welsh are walked and fed and in the car.
Weaver and Bun are playing in the living room and haven’t left the cottage even though the cat flap is open.
They are home birds.
I have three clients to see today and have changed one client’s appointment to an early slot to suit her childcare. 
I will have a break between each one today so walking the dogs and note making will be easier.
I have nothing else planned for today.
Tomorrow I’m picking up my friend Polly, at her garage ( car MOT) and we are going for breakfast, then I’m going for an eye test and then theatre in the evening to see a talk by a practicing doctor titled The Secret Life Of A Sleepless Anaesthetist. 
Affable Despot Jason is going with me so it will be lovely to catch up and I think the talk will be a hoot. In my experience anaesthetic doctors are the most human 


  1. It sounds like a gentler sort of day. I hope the sun is shining in North Wales, it's lovely here today, but very cold.

  2. Sounds like a pleasant couple of days. Just past 8 is very early for me these days.

  3. A good day..and well planned

  4. Life on the wild side in North Wales. Listen to adrenaline surging.

  5. See how you feel with a little more time between sessions. I had a delightful conversation with an anesthesiologist one morning almost ten years ago. His favorite airshow was a couple of miles from my parents home in Florida. He said, "I am going to give you a little something to help you relax" the next thing I remember was the next morning.

  6. How charming that The Twins are house kitties!

  7. I'm a morning person, the best part of the day in my opinion. You seem to be making more time for yourself. Well done. Self care is so difficult, sometimes.
    I've not got a lot of experience of anaesthetists, but when I had my recent surgery, the surgeon was lovely (even gave me a hug when he discharged me), and the anaesthetist was not one of life's talkers! A few quick, cursory questions, a quick glance in my mouth from a few feet away and that was it. Still, I survived, so he must've been good at his job, which is the main thing! xx

  8. Anonymous12:18 pm

    The doctors in the hospital near me, do comedy talks for fundraising and boy are they ever hilarious. If they weren’t doctors they could easily be standup comedians. Have a good one, John. Gigi

  9. Sounds like a busy day but with some fun thrown in, too. Enjoy!

  10. Perhaps the twins will venture out more when the weather gets better. I go out with mine on their first few ventures, the outside is huge, never ending and has frightening noises until they get used to it. I've never had a catflap in the house, don't want other cats eating their food, or mice being brought in, and I like them safely in the house at night. We put a catflap in the shed so that they could have a nice comfy nap or get out of the rain when we were at work. When I say flap, we had to remove the flap as they didn't like it, just the hole was fine. It's nice that the twins have a choice but are still happy inside.
    It sounds like you have a less stressful and calmer couple of days.

  11. I like knowing that my cat can come and go at will. She never strays far from the immediate area around the house though and naps inside where I'm sure she feels safer.
    Seems as if everyone in blog world is getting an exam lately.

  12. Having time between clients to write notes and process things seems like a good pace.
    You and Jason always enjoy your meet-ups. Enjoy.
    Weaver and Bun are real home bodies. Maybe the warmer weather will draw them outside.

  13. Barbara Anne4:58 pm

    Nice relaxed day you planned and I imagine Mary and Roger loved the new variety of odors they got to smell as you walked them between clients. Nice you could change your schedule to accommodate your client's childcare needs.
    I agree that anesthesiologists are the most fun of the surgical team and I worked in OR for more than 15 years. Hope the talk is lots of fun and I know Affable Jason will be!



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