

Bluebell is in the garage having a pre MOT service. 
Like most old ladies, there are several worn out bits that need attention and she’s in for the full day which will be expensive. 
She’s been a good friend to me over the past seven years
A very good friend. 
Another year or two together will be great, but I suspect, as she’s around the clock
I will have to start saving for a replacement.
She has been good to me and good for me
And I shall miss her
When her time comes


  1. Fingers crossed she does well today.

  2. From one old lady with worn out bits, to another, hang in there Bluebell! We've both (hopefully) got a few more miles in us yet. xx

  3. Don't count us old ladies out. I was 'hit on' at a 4 year old's birthday party yesterday and yes it did feel good!

  4. With a good mechanic, hopefully Bluebell will continue to be reliable.

    1. My nephew owns the garage, so I’m in good hands

  5. OMG! Has it really been 7 years?! I remember when you bought the car, took suggestions for a name, chose Bluebell. A lot has changed in the last 7 years, but we're still here ....... I with worn out bits that need attention.

    1. Perhaps six and a half years all told

  6. Well, P's old banger (not me!) is 15 years old now and still going strong. Hopefully Bluebell will last at least that long for you.

    1. That’s a nice thought but she has gone around the clock once already

    2. Anonymous1:21 am

      Around the clock? Where do you work? The moon? lol :)

  7. She has indeed been a good car, and long may she continue to be!

  8. Seven years? My car is 18 years old. Tim's 'new' car is 10. I hope that Bluebell surprises you.

    1. Fingers crossed. She’s done many miles so far, work is nearly a fifty mile around trip

  9. She's kept her looks up.

  10. Anonymous4:19 pm

    We always bought used cars and kept them til they were unsalvageable; then our kids got to the point where we wanted one or the other to have something dependable so we started buying new and passing on the previous car after about 5 years - so far that's been working but since both kids seem fixed for cars at the moment maybe we'll keep this current one for a long time; hope so!

    Cheers, Ceci

  11. She should have lots more years in her, I'd think! Seven isn't old for a car.

    1. She was several years old when I got her

  12. Jackie4:23 pm

    My car is 13 years old and is my favorite of all the many I have had over the years. I talk to her often and ask her to hang in there with me. I, too, name all of my vehicles and a few of my husband's and son's over the years. Best wishes with Bluebell.

    1. She is the first car I’ve named. Reinforces how much she meant to me

  13. Barbara Anne4:27 pm

    My car is nearly 30 years old and keeps on keeping on so I wish that - and a good mechanic in your area - for Bluebell! I, too, remember when you bought her. 7 years ago? My, my.


  14. My car is 21 this year...still doing well. Getting new "boots" and a service tomorrow 🙂

    1. My my how many miles do udo daily?

    2. I don't use the car daily...a couple of times a week..I try and use the buses.
      However just going to see friends can be a 150 mile round trip....and th

    3. Oops! And a family round trip is 1000 miles for just the basics. So it does need to be reliable.
      I'm still doing 10-12k P.a.

  15. Anonymous7:04 pm

    Then again, you’ve consistently taken good care of her and taken her for wellness checks and repairs. I try to use the same positive thoughts regarding my nearly 13 year old dog

  16. Traveller7:17 pm

    I might be wrong but I think Bluebell lived with someone else before John and, therefore, is older that seven.

  17. Anonymous7:22 pm

    I’m an old gal with jugs down to my knees


  18. Anonymous8:33 pm

    My last car, the one to be our last, died a few days after my husband. I can not be without a car so my family told me to buy a new “Snowflake” put a big red bow on her and say, Merry Christmas Gigi They wanted me to have a new reliable car for the rest of my driving life so I bought same car in same colour and “Snowflake 2” came into my life. I don’t go anywhere far and in 5 years I struggle to get her over 8,000km. My daughter will inherit a car that looks brand new except for the dog “snerts” on the back windows. Gigi

  19. Modern cars will endure longer than we think. I wonder what colour your next car will be? That's what matters - the colour. Grey would suit you of course - or as Americans say - Gray. Is John Gray a man or a shade on a Dulux colour chart?

  20. I love that shade of blue. I had a purse that colour once!

  21. Anonymous2:56 am

    aprendiendo a hablar español shows on the label for your blog, but does not exist when I try to open. Are you learning Spanish?

  22. I always have the service and MOT done at the same time. Mine must be due quite soon, I must look and see.

  23. I'm so glad she passed, even if she did need a little work. I finally had to get a new-to-me car just the other week, and it's taking a lot of getting used to. Xx

  24. I'm sorry you're having to think about replacing Bluebell, it's such an expensive undertaking, isn't it. Our second car is a much loved Nissan Micra, which we've had from new for over 17 years. It doesn't have to do anything like the mileage yours does, but for the first time EVER, we've had to have work done on it - other than change the windscreen wiper blades - and it still cost only around £250. Your bill was much more, that's a shame. We WILL have to replace it at some point, but not yet.

  25. She has been reliable and useful just when you most needed it.


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