aprendiendo a hablar español

 Today I’m in college and I’m staying late to study in the library, so todays post is an early indulgence 

Allesandra Fortuna is a cook who tucks her tea towel down her bra straps before getting stuck in making pasta from scratch. don’t you adore her? My plan is to visit Italy with my friend Nige in 2026

Our trip to Madrid seems real now as I’ve booked our tickets to see the lisping choir and Metropolitan Orchestra of Madrid. I’m also looking at booking a Spanish cooking afternoon “experience” too which sounds great fun ( sparked by the Italian video) , so it won’t surprise you that I’ve also decided to learn Spanish when I complete my counselling diploma . I will start that in September 

This impressed me too

And finally this , shivers up the spine 

The best mini series Anne with an A


  1. The choir and orchestra's enthusiasm!
    And A capella singing always touches something important.

    It is good to have something to look forward to... September, a change of season as well.

  2. I think Spanish is a lovely language, easy to learn and speak it, but to listen to.... oh so fast!!!

  3. Nearly 8 minutes of someone cooking is too much for me, but I lasted 3 minutes because I love Anna Fortuna, even more because of that sign tacked to the cabinet door behind her. Sounds like a great trip is planned.


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