Can I Thrust By …..I’m a Diabetic ?

 The dietitian over faced me with information today.
Teaching wasn’t her forte

My head was reeling and by the time she explained what whole foods where I could have stuck an avocado up my arse and called myself a salad. 

When I got up to leave she asked me what I’d got planned for the rest of the day 
She didn’t laugh when I told her I was off to McDonald’s 
Ps I wasn’t btw

I have my insulin and needles but no one yet to officially teach me what to do with them.
Thank goodness my blood sugars are more stable this week , at least I have enough energy to get out of bed.
I went to the surgery for a blood pressure check and the nursing assistant told me it was dangerously high
I’m not bleeding surprised I told her but had the presence of mind to give her a collection of my blood pressure readings taken from the week at home, which placated her

No one in primary care today seemed to have a sense of humour today 

Hey ho


  1. Llynn9:05 pm

    Many of the lovely meals that you make and photograph for us contain whole foods. Don’t give up on healthy food because of a bad teacher. A few simple changes should help.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I’m not a nurse on their notes

    2. Would they treat you better if they knew you are a nurse? Why do you keep that a secret?

    3. Anonymous6:44 pm

      nope. Nurses are known to be terrible patients. Some nurses refuse to accept that they don't know everything. I had a retired RN (she retired in 1995 before I even started training) tell me that she would give her daughter all her pre-op education and to get out so that she could be seen by the Dr. I asked the retiree to explain Modern Fasting Guidelines and then I'd leave. She didn't have a clue.

  3. Do your own research and go with what you feel is right for you. I think sometimes they treat everyone as the lowest common denominator i.e. not the brightest button in the box, and so have a tendency to over explain things. And yes, a sense of humour is sadly lacking in some people. Hopefully, as you get your blood glucose levels lowered and lose some weight, your BP will also normalise. Still early days. xx

  4. Anonymous9:23 pm

    “ I could have stuck an avocado up my arse and called myself a salad. ”

    Your best line for ages


  5. When I was first diagnosed, I was lucky enough to be sent to "diabetes boot camp" for a 3 day period (if memory serves), where everything diabetics need to know was explained, more testing was done, and I got all the standard prescriptions for diabetics (metformin, blood pressure medication, a statin for cholesterol). I wonder if the NHS has similar clinics?

    I'm glad you added Yorkshire Pudding's cartoon drawing of you to your sidebar -- I think it's great!

  6. Everyone that I have known who has been through the diet briefing, has had a similar experience. Surprised that the docs didn't try medication before insulin.

    1. My sugars are high, I’m happy at insulin in one way it’s much better than tablets

  7. Why the fuck hasn't the doctor ordered you an insulin dose yet? I'm guessing you already know how to give yourself insulin.

    1. I do but I’m playing dumb

    2. Anonymous9:58 pm

      But you are not playing bitter
      Funny post my friend



  8. Yorkshire Liz10:02 pm

    Yep, that's pretty standard, treat the patient like a moron, expect a ridiculous level of dietary self sacrifice, exhibit a total lack of lightness or humour (you only have to read BDA literature and recipes for that.) The problem is they still persist in treating as one size fits all. And it doesn't. Listen to your own instincts and learn how to turn down your BP by willpower! You'll get there; and some bloody mindedness helps when all else fails!

    1. Anonymous2:01 pm

      John has already said he was "acting dumb" so he got treated accordingly.

  9. The avocado metaphor is hilarious.
    My dad bought into the whole dietary hype and rigorously followed it, also strict mealtimes schedule. It wasn't easy when we'd visit because he had no flexibility. He lived with type 2 caused by prednisone Rx? [he was thin, fit, energetic strong, ex military] for maybe ten years before his heart gave out. My mom did her best to accommodate him, her mantra was, ''No white carbs, no white rice, look, it's hiding in the sushi!" So no sushi, John.
    Best wishes. Health is so important, as you know.

  10. I had one primary care doctor in Málaga who had a great sense of humour. However, she didn’t really stay on top of things and her lack of seriousness may be why I ended up in the hospital last year!

  11. Barbara Anne11:13 pm

    As others have said, find a reliable source of medical info on-line and read what they have to say about diet. I go to The Cleveland Clinic website and find their info reliable.
    No huge changes needed, just sensible stuff like no sugary desserts or beverages. Wishing you well!


  12. Anonymous11:22 pm

    My blood pressure is always way high when I go for a doctor or even worse dentist appointment, anxiety and the doc's on the 4th floor and I don't do elevators if I can avoid them. Finally have one doctor's staff convinced to do my BP at the end of the appointment when escape is in sight, it's much lower by then! Wonder how many people would show a lower number with that approach.

    cheers, Ceci

  13. I am three months into the blood pressure circus. Different pills, blood tests. Now the doctor wants me to add diuretic pills too. I am anxious about them because they could instigate gout as a side effect and I certainly do not want that again.

    1. Anonymous6:11 am

      It took me an about 3 months to get the right pills for BP. Fortunately in Australia you are seen by a Specialist and if you have a problem they will find time for you quite quickly. . Our bodies are strange things as we get older.I I hope yours settles down soon. Dr Google is a good friend you can get easy access to possible effects of he pills you take

    2. I hope they get you on the right medication soon YP, I am almost five years into trying everything in every dose. The ones that work to lower my BP give me really bad and actually dangerous side effects, and the ones that don't give me serious side effects don't work. I am now on combinations. I think I am destined to be a volcano and blow my top eventually!!

  14. This does not sound like terrific medical advice or help. I am so sorry.

  15. RuthW in MD3:03 am

    Do you read by Kev Alviti? His daughter was diagnosed diabetic about 18mo ago and they've had quite the learning curve. Perhaps you could contact him for information on what to do. Best Wishes.

  16. Anonymous4:19 am

    Check out Carnivore diets online. Dm me and I can share many people that have been healed from many ailments. One in particular in Mimi K Morgan.@mimikmorgan She was suffering from a stroke and has made a remarkable recovery. You can find her on Twitter and probably YouTube. She is amazing. Check her out. Her story is an affirmation of determination and of overcoming a debilitating diagnosis. She is 100% carnivore! As a part time vegetarian , I have been reformed.

    1. Anonymous6:16 pm

      I follow Mimi. She is amazing.

  17. I presume you are Type 1. Don't go mad with diets, just be sensible. A little of everything is best. Keep your calorie count down as much as is comfortable.

  18. That sketch is hilarious! I hope you're doing okay, John. Xx

  19. Anonymous6:13 am

    Just follow the Drs advice, don’t rely on others experience
    Everyone is different

  20. Sounds like a minefield to be negotiated. I hope you find your way through successfully, and soon.

  21. Anonymous8:32 am

    Have you been offered a free style sensor - f not get one prescribed , t was a game change for me ! Best advice I found in Michael Mosely's book . Jane x

    1. Yes, being on insulin, you should be able to get one on prescription. Also, although you'll be able to check your BP at work, a home sphygmomanometer costs about £20, and you can take a reading whenever, and show the Dr or nurse several readings. (Hopefully, most will be in the normal range.) xx

    2. Anonymous3:34 pm

      clearly missed the 'I' of if and it !

  22. The new Glucose Goddess book and the Glucose Revolution book works. Just a few simple hacks.

  23. I always take in a weeks worth of BP readings when I go to the doctors as I have 'white coat syndrome' really badly. They also know now not to put me on a heart monitor as I may break the machine with my readings. I am destined to explode one day, especially if I have to go to the doctors too often.

  24. Hope you find what works best for you, John, and get your numbers where they should be. Take care! xo

  25. Anonymous2:47 pm

    John hope you’re feeling better soon . I think like all of us nurses you are better at looking after others but not yourself .! And diet info is so confusing these days .xx Bernie

  26. Anonymous3:25 pm

    Thinking of you John, you being a nurse know what to do. Don’t get caught up in all the do this, don’t do that. That just confuses the issue. Hope you settle in quickly and feel right again soon. Hugs, gigi

  27. Anonymous4:42 pm

    Haven't you had training to give insulin to patients? If so why are you wasting NHS time waiting to be given instructions? Is it because you like the attention?

    1. The last comment was the height of stupidity

    2. Anonymous7:35 pm

      I agree. John cannot prescribe the insulin, nor has he been trained in the nuances of diabetic care . As a RN
      He will have a good working knowledge of the condition and will know how to use an insulin pen but think he is wise to approach the subject as a lay person would.
      Anon, your need to be critical at any cost is not only stupid , it just does not make any sense
      You are making yourself look foolish
      No wonder you don’t sign your name


    3. Anonymous2:16 pm

      "Karen" the comment wasn't addressed to you.
      But then again as you're a Karen......

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