Scene Of A Crime


At first thought I wondered if Mary had lost patience with one of the kittens.
Black fur covered the living room floor.
The place looked trashed.
Minutes later I realised that the twins had disembowelled a black Christmas decoration with all of the gusto of a Take That groopie shagging Robbie Williams.
Only a pair of googlie eyes were left

Al least no one got hurt
Jackson’s ( the plant nursery and shop, located just outside the village) left their annual gift of some flowering bulbs, which was sweet. They deliver them too, to every household in Trelawnyd which is a generous thought.


  1. Oh, you had me at 'the gusto of a Take That groupie shagging Robbie Williams'. And this read as a murder mystery movie! LOL


  2. Gosh I bet that was a heart stopping. moment. 🐈‍⬛🎁🐈‍⬛

  3. What a moment!!
    Have you tried orange peel under the tree? Most cats don't like it...

  4. Have kittens, chaos will follow! Glad it was just a decoration, and not one (or two) wounded cats. What a lovely gesture from the plant nursery. Those hyacinths will be blossoming in no time. Do you (or Janet) plant them in the garden eventually? xx

  5. Oh dear. Dangling from the tree, it must have been irresistible to them.

  6. Yorkshire Liz3:35 pm

    Oh, those poor little eyes peeping out screaming "It wasn't ME!" Bet that gave you an awful rush of blood to the head though. Now - breathe! And clean up.....
    Your garden centre is amazingly kind and thoughtful. Wish ours was as generous. Another bit of Christmas cheer incoming.

  7. You must have some very "alternative" Christmas decorations!


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