Christmas Past

 This was a blog from sixteen years ago

“ The cold crisp weather has lifted my spirits and galvanised my Christmasjuices. I received some pressies from Nia in Australia and from Nu this morning and the first "plop" of Christmas cards on the mat has meant that I can now start to hang the cards on their strings in the living room.

The fairy lights have been set up (much to the surprise of George) and Nigewould be proud of my now re decorated pile of gifts (in the Laura Ashley style) sat carefully next to the fire.
The scene is set!

I am very lucky, as I have only experienced one awful Christmas in my 47 years on the planet.
That was many years ago and I was working just before and just after Christmas day in Sheffield. I had just split up from a former and rather abusive boyfriend and had to face Christmas day on my own with a Marks & Spencer dinner for one and a great deal of self pity!
The day was more tragic than anything Anton Chekov could pen!
The other Christmas days have been lovely, and I recall that I have paid tribute to my mother on his blog before, for all the great times we experienced as children.
my mother pushed the boat out from December the 20th onwards. Tirelessly, she slaved over home made cakes and sweets, organised gifts, cards (with an almost computer precise special Christmas card "book") and of course over cooked the dinner for the entire family within an inch of its life. (The table was set out in the dining room the DAY before Christmas Eve)
She loved the season and it showed in the care and preparation she gave things, and that legacy has been handed down to me and I am sure to both of my sisters who prepare their houses like photo shoots from Home & Antiques!
Christmas time for some families can be a traumatic and unhappy time. My experiences have only been positive and warm.....”

And I stand by that notion I think, even though 2018 Chrustmas was a bust

I have been lucky when Christmases have been concerned

Have you???


  1. This Christmas has shaped up far differently than I had hoped, but I really gave your words a great deal of consideration. In the end, since your take on it was what I planned to do anyway, I simply went ahead and did it. I am having a quiet holiday with my husband. We have an invite for Christmas supper. It is enough, I think.

  2. Mum always made our childhood Christmases special. I hope I've done the same for our children. Last year we missed our family Christmas in Cornwall as we both got Covid. It was the bleakest Christmas I've ever had. I'm hoping to make up for it this year.

  3. Yes, I can't recall a bad Christmas. I do appreciate how lucky I've been, and realise not everyone looks forward to it, or has happy memories. A quiet one for us this year, which suits us. Our adult children are having their own Christmases, which is fine by us. xx

  4. Athene7:11 am

    I had lovely childhood Christmases, we didn’t have a lot of money but it was always special. Then, as we grew up, we had big family get-togethers, all squeezing into my brother’s large house. I’m lucky to have such good memories, but I find the contrast with a much quieter Christmas now makes me feel very sad. I wish it wasn’t such a big deal these days, I dislike the insistence by advertisers, tv etc that everyone should be having a wonderful time. Because for many people, it isn’t, and I know there will be some already wishing it was all over. Sorry to inject a note of gloom, I’m glad you have so many happy memories.

  5. Athene7:11 am

    I had lovely childhood Christmases, we didn’t have a lot of money but it was always special. Then, as we grew up, we had big family get-togethers, all squeezing into my brother’s large house. I’m lucky to have such good memories, but I find the contrast with a much quieter Christmas now makes me feel very sad. I wish it wasn’t such a big deal these days, I dislike the insistence by advertisers, tv etc that everyone should be having a wonderful time. Because for many people, it isn’t, and I know there will be some already wishing it was all over. Sorry to inject a note of gloom, I’m glad you have so many happy memories.


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