Roger’s Day Out


I know I wax somewhat lyrically over Roger at times, but time and time again he had proved himself to be a delightful dog. 

Yesterday he accompanied me to the Apple Festival, and trotted in, amongst the crowed as if he has been doing it all of his life. Looking like he does, and with the demeanour of a quiet teddy bear, he is well used to what I call the coo coo attention givers. People who want to fuss over him.
And he loves this, but accepts a fuss shyly and with all of the dignity of Jessica Tandy receiving her Oscar for Driving Miss Daisy. 
I bought him a bandana from the Doggie Bandana stall ( not many of those about!) and he preened silently when the stall owner put it on for him . 
As I ate my lunch of jacket potato beans and coleslaw  ( with extra cheese added by kitchen helper, Malinka Le Vey with a lascivious wink) Roger sat quietly on the chair next to me watching everyone who passed. He posed for a photograph from a lady who I think had sampled too many of the gin stall’s free samples and let three small children fuss over him with chubby hands and chocolate stained fingers.

All of my Welsh terriers have had good natures
But Roger possesses something special. 
A sweetness people pick up on, 
Even though they are often meeting him for the very first time.


  1. I'm more of a cat person, but I'd make an exception for Roger! He's got such a gentle face (as has Mary) and you can just tell there isn't a nasty bone in his body. He does look smart in his bandana, and by the look on his face, he knows it! xx

    1. krayolakris1:28 pm

      Yes! Everything you said, I would also have said!

  2. Anonymous10:48 am

    I have told you before that if anything happens to my dear sweet Annie I would want a Roger or a Mary.

    1. Anonymous10:48 am

      sorry forgot to add my name - Jackie

  3. He is such a love ❤️

  4. Anonymous11:03 am

    Some days I REALLY need to hear about Roger, so thank you.

    Also I hope you appreciate the level of civilization that allows the Rogers of your world to attend things like Apple Festivals - where I live the anti-dog contingent (some of whom are no doubt truly and sadly phobic) would be up in arms about a dog at such an indoor event, much less sitting on a chair where food is served.


  5. Anonymous11:03 am

    That is a beautiful description of Roger by a very proud owner, you two are well matched John. Jan in Castle Gresley

  6. Anonymous11:11 am

    Roger looks smashing in his bandana

  7. Please tell him how good he looks in his bandana.

  8. Anonymous11:40 am

    What a darling he is. When we were kids we had a plush terrier on a little wooden base with wheels, who looked so like Roger. Kath x

  9. Anonymous11:56 am

    Look at that face , I love the fact you wear your heart and your humor on your sleeve.


  10. Roger looks like a wise old dear in his bandana. Cute as a button! I would be a coo-coo-er over Roger, though I've learnt over the years not to force myself onto animals, and to ask their owners before I pet them, and to allow the animal time to decide if they want to be petted.

  11. You make a sweet and loveable pair.

  12. Anonymous12:46 pm

    You could use Roger as a wing man in the right community. Maybe find yourself another animal lover. He is very cute. When my Peggy comes home with a scarf she won’t let me take it off. Where I live we can’t take our dogs inside except for a hardware store and Winners. Used to be able to walk in a very nice mall until some owners didn’t pick up after their was a great place to walk the dog on a snowy slippery day. Sounds like proud papa had a nice day at the festival.xx Gigi

  13. He sounds like a perfect dog. And he looks great in his new bandana.

  14. You lucked out with him it sounds like. He sounds like a lovely dog.

  15. So patient..and serious.

  16. Sweetness personified! Or perhaps doggified.

  17. I like his little shoe button eyes. Some dogs just have a gift, don't they? People too, really. Charisma. Something that just draws the attention of others in a good way.

  18. Sweet Roger. He's meeting new friends and dressed for the occasion. You can be proud. He's a very good boy.

  19. So easy to love. We should all be more like Roger.

  20. Roger lookin' very stylish in that bandana! :)

  21. Barbara Anne4:22 pm

    Roger has such endearing qualities and he looks so shyly pleased in the photo as a wears his new bandana. Sweet!



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