Master Of The House

I fell asleep last night and missed the Male Voice Choir Concert at the hall, which annoyed me. I left the tv off, missing this rather affecting dance from the blind comic Chris McCusland too! 
One of the highlights of the Trelawnyd concert seems to be Owain William’s comic turn from Les Miserables ( see link) ( Owain Is the youngest member of the choir)
The concert raised a cracking amount for the hall…..some1700 £) well done all. 
I was pigsick to miss it.

Storm Ashley is on its way and although we are in bright sunshine , the wind has picked up drastically. 
Bun and Weaver are sat next to the Queen’s cut out in their bedroom watching the trees whip their tops and I’m planning a quick visit to the shop to get cat litter 
Pizza and soup for supper and an early night is planned 


  1. Take care. I am glad that you can tuck yourself inside during the storm.

  2. I thought Chris was amazing on Strictly. Have just watched master of the house which is a favourite of mine from Les Mis. Owain was really good. Thank you for the link. It's a shame you missed it in the flesh but good to see it here.

  3. 'Tis breezy here too....

  4. What a marvelous waltz! So sorry your missed the Male Voice Choir concert, but glad they raised so much money for the hall!

  5. £1700 - brilliant! Well done Owain, not easy to perform in front of an audience, especially when said audience is composed of friends and neighbours! Sunny here, but the wind is whipping the leaves off the trees. Hope the storm doesn't disturb your well-deserved sleep. xx

  6. "Pigsick"---that's a new one. Do you have to do storm prep--lay in food and batteries? Do you lose power.

    Pizza and soup don't sound very hearty for a man facing a storm!

  7. Barbara Anne2:54 pm

    So sorry you missed the concert, but sometimes sleep takes over whether you want it to or not ... because you need it.
    I'd never heard "pigsick" either but then I've never lived near pigs.
    Ah, kitty litter is always needed.
    Hope Ashley causes no problems.


  8. Congratulations to the TCA for such a successful fundraiser! Wonderful performance by Owain.
    Hope you've completed whatever errands that needed to be run before tucking in for the evening with the twins & the Welsh.
    Hope the storm passes quickly and without damage.

  9. Storm ramping up here...not as much as the Western Isles though

  10. Yorkshire Liz6:02 pm

    I think Chris McCausland's performance brought the entire nation to tears - and some of the comments on YouTube are especially touching. He is an inspiration to many. I loved Owain's performance, very mature and assured - great spatial awareness and finished off all his gestures with flair like a pro. Just a case of now learning to rotate gently on his back heel so everyone gets to see his face and wonderful expressions. The piano accompaniment was to die for as well. A great night, and the heart and soul of community. Thrilled so much money was raised. Hats off Trelawnyd!

  11. Anonymous6:42 pm

    I looked at Trelawnyd on Google Earth
    It’s tiny!!!!!
    So much talent in so small a place


  12. Chris McCausland is wonderful... and so funny, too.


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