

To change your mortgage you have to have an interview online now. I had a lovely chap called Nick today who talked me through the whole process. Because I can only get Wify in the front room I was joined on the couch by the dogs and one cat which amused Nick “ I’m selling to the muppets” he quipped not quite understanding he was including me in that comment.
My new mortgage is set and I can soak up the monthly increase …just.
it’s another job done 
I used to take these big decisions in my stride 
Now I worry
Another symptom of getting older .
After nearly two hours on line, I sit in the living room

The cottage faces south and the front windows let the sun shine through on a sunny day  like a baby Sagrada Familia. 
I feel as though I’m transported into the 1940s
The animals start to flop into the squares of sunlight on the carpet to sleep 
The windows need washing but I’m enjoying being present in the moment 
The kitchen clock ticks
And the breeze makes the Honeysuckle tap the window as if a friend wants my attention 

The cottage and my animals remains safe in my hands at the moment 


  1. Anonymous12:27 pm

    Sometimes you write about very ordinary things and what you share often makes me cry .
    Today is an example of that


  2. "the breeze makes the Honeysuckle tap the window as if a friend wants my attention" -- beautiful turns of phrase like this show that you are a natural born writer! Glad your mortgage is sorted.

  3. Sounds bucolic - a cup of coffee or tea wouldn't go amiss. Ranee

  4. Lovely description of a quiet time in your cozy home. Glad the mortgage is set. It feels good to check off those chores.

  5. Anonymous1:05 pm

    So happy that your worries re: mortgage were all for naught. Happy day for you I’m sure. My house also faces south and my dog has found herself a nice sunny spot in the front window. We are still having unusually warm weather for Toronto, calling for 21 degrees today. You sound very relaxed with your crew today.xx. Gigi

  6. Sounds very relaxing. How about some stained glass in those windows now for an even more spiritual experience?

  7. Anonymous1:38 pm

    Don't encourage him to spend more money on frivolities.

  8. Glad the mortgage is sorted. That's another weight off your mind. Are you tempted to flop in a sunbeam and have a sleep? I would be. xx

  9. Congratulations, enjoy your day, Mary

  10. Anonymous1:55 pm

    Wow, those kittens are growing up! Lovely to hear they settling in well and order being carved out for all to co-exist.

  11. Barbara Anne2:49 pm

    What a beautiful account of sheer relief. Relaxation - aka as briefly falling apart - and observation of the charming little things of life: sunshine on the carpet, honeysuckle gently tapping ... another page for the book!
    This author published a wonderful book comprised of one to three page entries: https://margaretrenkl.com/
    Sort of like one of your delightful blog posts per page. Hint, hint!
    I am so pleased that your mortgage has been changed for the better. Whew!


  12. Brilliant news on the mortgage sorting out, and that last line is just perfect.


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