Chicken Feet

 Yesterday was a tough day. 
I had two high maintenance  patients. One who needed to be stabilised with medication before a peaceful death and another with a complicated spinal Injury which is my bread and butter. 
I got home exhausted and spent, a few minutes before 9 pm , so I gave the dogs a snack and sat down in my coat to watch Call My Bluff.
Minutes later either Bun or Weaver galloped through the lounge with a chicken foot in her mouth.
She did a circuit of the living room before legging it up the stairs closely followed by Roger then Mary ( Roger growling like a proper dog) and finally with the second twin in close pursuit. 
It was all rather dramatic .
Like a Tom & Jerry cartoon from the 40’s.
The chase carried on, above and below my double bed for a while, with accompanying barking and spitting, but I sat in my coat letting the shit fall as it would.
A while later Roger trotted through the living room rather victoriously with said chicken foot in his mouth
And the pecking order at Bwthyn y Llan was restored.
I kept my coat on and watched the hilarious Alma’s Not Normal as Roger paraded around the cottage with his head held high, chicken leg in mouth.

This week seems full
This afternoon I have my own counselling then
Mortgage appointment, clinical supervision tomorrow with Giselle in the evening. Counselling clients on Thursday followed by a much long overdue visit to the cinema . Friday it’s Rowenna’s funeral followed with a catch up with my family at The Crown and Saturday it’s  The Planet at The Philharmonic.
My mortgage worries me , but I can’t change the world……..


  1. Sometimes, you just have to sit back and let the world (and the animals) carry on. Too much energy required to do otherwise. I hope the mortgage stuff can be sorted to your satisfaction. Always a worry. You certainly earn your down time! xx

  2. But where did the chicken leg come from and what happened to the rest of the chicken?

    1. Haven't got one.4:32 pm

      Exactly my thoughts. If that's a treat for the dogs it's hardly a treat, just a load of splintery bones and a lot of scaley skin! Yuk! Certainly not good for little kittens either. At least give them something worth the chase, or were they set aside for one of your exotic dishes? Either way, gross! 😝😿

    2. That's what I want to know too. Where did these chicken feet come from?

  3. I can just see you sitting there, placidly watching the show, while mayhem, kittens, dogs, and chicken feet swirl madly around you! Hahahahaha!

  4. Wait, are chicken legs a pet snack you buy for them? Gross!
    It's good to have a chuckle after a busy day.

  5. Athene1:59 pm

    Where on earth did they get the chicken feet? I’m guessing they weren’t still attached to a chicken when Weaver/Bun got hold of them. You paint a very entertaining picture!

  6. Anonymous2:04 pm

    Okay free advice and all — I’d put every extra pound on the mortgage to get out from under the interest. Also, if you were able to publish a book, that could all go to the mortgage. Or you could get chickens again and sell the eggs

  7. Even peaceful deaths take their toll on us. Sending hugs John.

  8. I had to ban Alan from buying chicken feet and pigs ears for the dogs once they both had a large percentage of their teeth removed. The would just suck and suck at them, which might have been nice for them but it meant horrible slimy objects left lying around ready for the next suckathon. YUK!!

  9. Barbara Anne2:51 pm

    What a word picture of high comedy you painted in your account of the Tom and Jerry high-jinks over the chicken foot. Others have asked my questions about where did said foot come from and what happened to the donor chicken?? Yes, another for the book. Really, really, really, my friend.
    Wishing you good news about the mortgage, hugs to carry you through the funeral, and hope the rest of your plans are wonderfully enjoyable. Perhaps thereafter, you need a few days away or just at home, slow cooker on, flee inside a good book, and bliss.


  10. I can't help but wonder why you are not wondering where the chickenfoot came from....??? lol

    1. I gave them to the dogs as a treat

    2. This was my question too! LOL

  11. Long & taxing days do take their tolls. Hope your counseling session goes well this afternoon, and you have a good night's rest.
    You paint such wonderful scenes with your writing! Those involving the animals interacting are always especially vivid. Good on Roger for taking back his chicken foot!

  12. Never a dull moment at the home of JG.
    Roger has made his debut, chicken leg and all. Surprise, surprise.
    I hope your day today is calm and peaceful.

  13. Oh dear. It sounds like quite a party. I've never heard of giving animals chicken feet as a treat! Here the popular things seem to be rawhide treats, antlers, and Bully Sticks. You should avoid looking up what those are made from.

  14. You are going to need some time off after this week.


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