
 Im early for my own counselling today and so have popped in to Chatwins for a coffee. The staff are cheerful and serve good food. Ruthin is a pretty and busy market town.

I took my great nephew to college this morning and we had a conversation, Ive nothing much in common with 16 year olds save for The Walking Dead, but he chatted all way which was nice.

I couldnt find my specs so was wearing my mr Motto spares.

He didnt notice.

My counsellor wont notice my glasses also, not important. I cried for half an hour after the last session and slept in a layby for over half an hour afterwards. I was exhausted

I felt words were like fies,spewed out of the mouth of john Coffey in The Green Mile

Tomorrow Ruth and I are having a tradional home made Korean meal with friends Ben and Sokyo, friends roll on

I finish my coffee and outside it's started to rain.

The tudor houses nearby melt as the cafe windows get wet and a pretty schoolgirl with a welsh look came in to buy cakes.

How the road meanders  when you think of what brought you here.



  1. A slightly melancholy feel today?
    I once had a short holiday in a rented cottage just near Ruthin. I agree that it is a very pretty town. It rained back then too!

  2. Barbara Anne3:47 pm

    Chatwins sounds lovely and hope you had a bun of some sort to go with your coffee.
    As I read long ago, "Tears show clear what the heart holds dear." Also, it's easy to cry when you're exhausted.
    We came here because of my widowed mother's Alzheimer's and I'm an only child. It seemed the right thing to do and we love it here.
    Have a wonderful time with Ruth, Ben, and Sokyo tomorrow.


  3. The road to discovering your authentic self can be fraught. Chin up...March on.

  4. A wonderful word picture, although I do agree with JayCee, a melancholy feel. Maybe that's just the weather, the season and general tiredness? I hope your counselling session was less exhausting today. xx

  5. Home made Korean??
    Whoa. That's a TREAT. Love Korean food.
    And you brought back that scene from the Green Mile. I have to watch that movie again..


  6. Anonymous4:05 pm

    Your way with words is amazing. You manage to paint a picture with them - such a wonderful talent. Hugs To (from a cold wet n.w.Italy) xxx

  7. Therapy is hard work, tiring work. I'm glad you had a good cry and a good nap. Take care John.

  8. Lovely writing. Reads like a novel.

  9. I'm sure you know that tears are a gift. They wash away the burden. Only then do we get to see the gift and then grow from the pain. A big hug.

  10. "How the Road Meanders" -- another great title for a book of memoirs!

  11. Anonymous5:52 pm

    As so often with your words - pure poetry is found here. I think you are a natural poet. Poetry is not something that can be taught. - Jackie

  12. Anonymous6:29 pm

    I remember that moment after counselling when you literally can’t walk…..I drank gallons of water



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