
 This made me laugh , in a way I like; a big belly laugh which erupts,
I’m off for a few days now, and have just been figuring out what to do. I’m going to see Lee with Kate Winslett this afternoon and The Critic this evening. (With my sister) . I’ve also booked to see an Icelandic movie Touch tomorrow. Not many friends are around that the moment, Chic Eleanor has moved out of the village and is away, ( we’ve arranged coffee soon) and Dave ( aka Gorgeous Dave) has effectively ghosted me, which I’m sad about. I can understand the ghosting of acquaintance / friends , (we all go through phases of meeting new people who don’t quite fit into your psychi) but for a friend of ten years or so to suddenly vanish from the radar without some sort of narrative is a shame. 
I miss him. 


  1. AI I think, and she didn't miss.

  2. That made me laugh, too. If only... Not that I condone violence, of course.
    What a shame about Dave. I wonder what has made him ghost you? I hope one day he gets in touch. xx

    1. Anonymous12:39 pm

      The lies about him as beyond words .

    2. Anonymous12:40 pm

      are beyond words. He is a very brave man !!

    3. He is a liar , sad that the recent moderators had to keep correcting him

    4. Yes it is sad that the moderators have been panned by the committee that puts together the debates as being poor. There were so many lies,outright lies from Kamala and they didn't say boo. I am not saying that Trump didn't give untrue statements but come on, be fair and correct her too.

    5. It was brilliant to see the Trump being shown as an outright liar minutes after the lies left his mouth.

    6. Sorry John, but you are wrong. Kamala lied many times. BTW, although I am a Republican, I am not a Trump supporter in any way shape or form. I'm trying to point out that both sides lied. I dislike both and probably won't vote.

    7. What did she lie about

    8. - Late term abortion
      - "Very fine people" at Charlottesville
      - "Bloodbath"
      - Crime data
      - Border security
      - Project 2025
      - Fracking
      Among other things. I am fine with people hating on Trump. But just because you hate him that doesn't mean Harris is a good choice. She was the most unpopular VP ever and then overnight was propelled to the greatest thing since sliced bread. You are right that we don't deserve Trump but we don't deserve her either.
      I am truly saddened by what has become of the democratic party. Although I was not a Biden fan, I think what they did to him was shameful and cruel. They could have had a much better candidate if they had privately sat him down a year ago and convinced him not to run. Instead they humiliated him.

    9. By the way, just wondering if you watched the entire debate or if you follow both candidates rallies and speeches ,their records and statements going back 10+ years? As I stated elsewhere,my husband and I are retired now and follow it all. I am also very disappointed in the republican party. Something needs to change. Too much has gone off the rails.

    10. All those things have been discussed at length. Have another glass of koolaid.

  3. That is sad about Dave. Do you think he may be ill or something?

  4. Anonymous11:54 am

    The ghosting thing - I get super anxious when this happens, I'm trying to let that sort of thing go but it's not easy.
    Enjoy the films
    Alison in Wales x

    1. The first movie The Critic was quite good

  5. Oh man. I had a friend of decades ghost me, one of my most painful experiences.
    I'm sorry, John.
    Loving that video btw

  6. Anonymous12:27 pm

    It’s easy to make fun of him. But I can’t afford my rent and groceries

    1. Anonymous12:38 pm

      thank you !! from the USA

    2. And he will help you pay for them ..? Garbage

    3. @Anonymous---The president doesn't set rent or grocery prices or gas prices. Individual landlords and corporate entities do. Take it up with them.

    4. Actually i will be forced into voting for him. He is the only one willing to close off the border... It can not stay as it is... and yes i'm from

    5. Anonymous4:27 pm

      Inflation is caused by flooding money into the system which was done by the current admin. Simple Econ 101

    6. The same worries were played upon by politicians in the Uk and BREXIT happened

  7. I haven't been to the movies in years. I'm glad you are busy with friends, John.

  8. Anonymous1:33 pm

    post like this are not a good look for someone wanting to be a Counsellor, shows you are not really suitable to be one, sad really i never though you were like this .......anna

    1. Anonymous4:09 pm

      If you have small children and want to feed them healthy food. It has become impossible. Prices are up 40%. I’ve actually lost weight cause I’m only eating one meal a dY

  9. Mr. Moon recently thought a good friend of his had ghosted him in a way and he was so upset because he thought he'd done something to offend him. Finally, he just met up with the guy and they talked and all is very well. There was no offense, no ghosting intended. I hope it is that way with you and Dave.
    Thank you for the video. It is so good to be reminded that many, many of us here in the US can't stand the man.

    1. Yes moon xx I doubt some Americans don’t see just how embarrassing trump is as a person let alone a world leader

  10. Anonymous1:51 pm

    First, thanks for the hearty laugh this morning!

    As for the ghosting, I sympathize. But a friend of 20+ years, someone I have traveled to other countries with, stopped speaking to me sometime around 2020. Sadly, she didn't ghost me but chose to share that she didn't want to talk to me any more because I spoke freely about disliking Donald Trump. I still miss her and our deep conversations (many, many of a political nature) but kinda wish she had just ghosted me. BTW that idiot costing me a treasured frienship ramped up my dislike of him exponentially.

    1. Some relationships just run their course, but wherever possible I think it’s kind for everyone to understand why it finished

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. I’ve deleted this comment as it made no sense whatsoever

    4. Sorry that apparently my response was inarticulate. All I said was not to blame Trump for the friendship ending...apparently they were unable to discuss politics.

    5. It still makes no sense

  11. krayolakris2:27 pm

    Sad to read about the ghosting. It’s a cruel thing, to leave someone wondering. It happened to me a few years ago.
    (Reporting in from Springfield, Ohio, where it’s Day 2 of school & city office closures due to threats made by hateful, disturbed people…goaded by politicians with no moral code.)

  12. Oh i can relate of long standing friends ghosting you... I won't go into details but i know the hurt... Bumped into her at a store the other day... she had enough nerve to say hi! I walked passed her as if SHE were the ghost... childish probably... feel good.. yes..Hugs! deb

  13. A new use for soup, love it!

  14. LMAOOO
    Oh, I'm stealing that.
    And it's such a pity when a 'friend' feels like they have to ghost us. Really.


  15. Anonymous3:02 pm

    If you know that Dave isn't ill (your answer to a comment above) then can't you ask him why he isn't answering your calls? Ask if you've offended him in some way. That's assuming you've been trying to contact him. If he was the friend you say he was then surely he would give you a reason.
    Until you know why it can't be either dismissed or resolved. You could be wasting the chance of renewing the friendship which would be a shame. It could be something out of his control but he hasn't been able to communicate that to you - just ask.
    Sometimes we find it hard to act but sometimes it's the only way. You're not losing anything by asking.

    1. Yep ... when i sensed something was wrong i asked her what it was and she said nothing... so if someone doesn't want to fix it what can you do?!

  16. Seeing the films should make a good time. Ghosting? At times, when a comment is not appreciated and a response is not appropriate or just plain nasty, people walk away or just read and not write. Well, that's my opinion. Dialog is usually enjoyable and I like to think that is what everybody is seeking.
    Chic Eleanor will be missed in the village.
    DT has devoted followers; others think it is time to take Grandpa's driver's license away.

  17. Anonymous3:49 pm

    “Touch” is excellent. Joyful, touching, sad and ( spoiler alert) ultimately a good ending. I think you will enjoy it.

    1. I will review it tomorrow

    2. Anonymous9:18 pm

      So glad you enjoyed it.

  18. Anonymous4:04 pm

    You always spoke highly of him, as you do all of your friends
    It’s a shame


  19. Sorry to read that Chic Eleanor has moved. I hope she continues to make appearances in your life and on this blog.
    I've had ghosting happen with people I thought were friends. It can really throw you. Keep an even keel and the wind in your sails, Jonno. You'll be fine. xo

  20. God, I love that video! Sums up my feelings perfectly.

  21. I make a really easy and good tasting soup with pasta sauce in a can .....add 1 cup cream, heat through and it is wonderful.

    1. Cream added to anything sounds good

    2. Heavy cream if you are using the soup as a weapon.

  22. Barbara Anne5:48 pm

    What a laugh! Ta for the video.
    Hope your plans for the upcoming days all come through as planned and that the movies are worth your time and money. Good company tho!
    I wonder if any of Dave's family are causing him worry as those delightful little girls may now be of worrying ages. Perhaps invite him for dinner or to meet you at a pub or restaurant?


    1. He wanted some space when I asked him months ago if he was ok and denied I’d upset him in any way

    2. Perhaps these intervening months have been enough for him and he just wonders how to tip-toe back into friendship?


  23. That video made me laugh and i had to watch it several times!

  24. Traveller5:57 pm

    Unusual for you to talk politics, JG. I watched the debate on catch up. I have no idea how on earth someone can vote for such a liar…though I guess I don’t want people eating my cats. And what on earth is his obsession with bacon!

    1. Lol
      “This made me laugh , in a way I like; a big belly laugh which erupts,
      That was the political words I used lol

  25. Anonymous6:19 pm

    I typically read your blog first thing in the morning to start my day with a glimpse of life in a bucolic Welsh village. So when I saw the video you posted today, it was like a slap in the face. The man narrowly missed being assassinated by a shot to the head just two months ago and yet this kind of “humor” still elicits a belly laugh? Would you be similarly amused by a TikTok encouraging violence against Kamala? I doubt it. … Lynn

    1. Lynn, I've been reading John's blog since the early days. More than a decade. Thank you for expressing my own thoughts so well. Especially as John is now preparing for a career as a counselor, this seems beneath him. Violence is never funny. Against anyone. --Elise

    2. Anonymous7:20 pm

      No, violence is never funny, but this is slapstick, for goodness sake, not violence! And what a damn stretch then to question John’s choice of career. Unbelievable!

    3. I think people should take a breath
      I don’t like Trump, he is a fool, and a dangerous liar.
      He also makes America look idiotic which is something I’m incredibly angry about. America deserves so much better
      That is my opinion , subsequently that’s why the soup clip amused me.
      It’s not condoning violence, nor is it a reflection on my potential career and to suggest so is so narrow minded and wrong.
      If my stance on Trump puts u off me, well that saddens me

    4. Lynn
      If I remember rightly your proud “ leader” incited violence and rioting at the storming of your capital building

    5. I really don't like political posts on blogs such as this because I just don't want to feel insulted or belittled by someone I greatly admire. My husband and I sleep eat and breathe politics. Believe me when I say Kampala told just as many lies. I am not better off than I was 4 years ago. KH has had 3.5 years and has not improved the economy or the border situation. And btw, the cat and dog eating comment is no worse than our president(and yes,although most people forget, Biden is still our president)saying his uncle was eaten by cannibals.

    6. Not saying you belittled me but other replies here are insulting to my beliefs.

    7. Well that gets things straight , I’m not responsible for how others comment Lynn or linda

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. P.S. I understand you aren't responsible for what others say,but do I have the right to respond to their comments which you let stand? This is why I really don't like it when politics enters into blogs that I enjoy and bloggers that I like and respect. But it is your blog and you have the right to express what you want. I'm not going to announce that I am quitting coming here; I probably should have just kept my mouth shut and come back tomorrow to read your blog. ❤

    10. Re Your middle post
      Kampala is an African capital city

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. You can feel belittled and insulted, Linda, or you could simply accept that others are just as entitled to express their opinions as you are to express yours.

    13. I certainly don't feel I suited because someone has a different viewpoint Debby. However, when someone calls my opinion rubbish, tells me to keep drinking the koolaid,or criticizes a misspelling (which autocorrect did) especially when they have constant misspellings, that is taking a personal pot shot at me. It is not countering what I said.

    14. *insulted
      not I suited.

  26. Traveller7:30 pm

    Slaps own face in incredulity….ooops sorry more “violence”

    1. Violence has no place in politics, but is an "unfortunate fact of life" in schools. I am sure someone can explain why this makes sense in the GOP.

  27. Good Lord, you've swatted a bee's nest, John! I don't think that was your intention. People could just scroll if they don't like something, rather than comment. Just had a convo today about ghosting, and how it's bad for the ghost-er too. Whatever it is, is still in them, unspoken and causing them harm.

    1. Some people need to find excuses to beat me with par for the cause

  28. Yorkshire Liz9:13 pm

    My goodness John, you have awoken the Woke brigade. Can only the British appreciate satire and slapstick humour? After all the senile bile that comes out of The Orange One's mouth, any sane person would want to throw him a can of soup as the only way to stop him eating cats and dogs. Or would that be Hannibal Lecter? Alive, or dead, and a great guy apparently.

    1. Vote for whoever you want people but don’t personalise your argument when I don’t agree. I’ve not attacked you

  29. So sorry about the ghosting. Yes, sometimes it’s not only understandable but also a relief. But other times it simply hurts. Thank you for that clip. I was taken by surprise and did laugh out loud. Oh what a fantasy!

    1. lol over to more interesting things x

  30. Anonymous1:33 am

    I must say I agree with you, John, about Trump 100 percent. It upsets and embarrasses me that he was in office and is now running again. I am so hoping we have a positive outcome with Kamala.
    Linda from Alabama

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Ghosts can be replaced. Enjoy your days off.

  32. Perhaps Dave doesn't want or feel able to explain why he is closing the door on the friendship. Maybe he himself has changed somehow. Such a shame though, as it makes it painful when we don't really understand why and are unable to talk it through to understand and accept the closure. Hard to just let a good friendship go like that while still treasuring the good memories.

    1. I think this version is the right one

    2. Anonymous2:30 pm

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  33. I had to read all the comments first here before commenting. Trump is a racist, misogynist pig. No other words come close. Reading Linda's comments above, however, show why he is still in the race. Disgusting. I am so sorry about Dave. I would say his loss, because it is, but that would trivialize losing a friend. And Eleanor moving?! What is going on there? Hugs from Ohio.

  34. In my view americans do not deserve Trump.they deserve Kamala.
    Im am objectice , hes not my potential leader, but i see him for what he is. A chancer, a bully, an idiot and manipulator but biggest of all he is a liar.

    Youamericans deserve much more

    1. Karen2:05 am

      I can't stop playing this! OMG it is just too funny!!!!!!!

    2. Americans deserve what they elect, John. In the U.S. we can make a new choice every 4 years, and as with the U.K., the pendulum swings regularly. Whoever wins in November will be the one who can reach beyond their own party. --Elise
      "People fail to get along because they fear each other; they fear each other because they don't know each other; they don't know each other because they have not communicated with each other." --Martin Luther King Jr.

  35. Thank you. This American agrees wholeheartedly.

  36. Ok, I'll give you one more comment to take it to 100. Can't leave it at 99. It's been enlightening and entertaining.

  37. American news today is filled with headlines about the 2nd assignation attempt. "Slap stick" comedy is old Abbot and Costello or Three Stooges, not knocking someone out with a thrown can. I wouldn't belly laugh if it was Biden in the U.S., or Starmer in the U.K., or Macron in France, or Steinmeier in Germany. I wouldn't belly laugh if it was someone people hate virulently, as I'm sure some in those countries do their own leadership, because hate leads to what dominates our news today. We claim to stand against violence, but do we really? --Elise

  38. I’m sorry if you upset
    I’m not upset at the video

    1. Anonymous9:50 pm

      John, I had never posted on your blog before until I did so on this one but forgot to leave my name. It was at 7.20pm and it feels as if it was sometime in the last damn millennium!
      I said that no one was advocating violence and that clip was mere slapstick. I stand by that and no repetition of “belly laugh” is going to raise that to first degree violence

      Also, John, as someone who returned to studying in my early fifties, I can only applaud you for doing the same but a decade later. I know how hard I found it then. So I was completely appalled by a couple of people who immediately, without drawing breath, turned on you and I felt, and continue to feel, vexed for you. With best wishes J’nan

    2. To disagree--respectfully, as there was no name calling or cursing--isn't equal to "turning on" John, J'nan. I've been reading this blog for many, many years because I like and respect John. As I've rarely commented over all those years, careful consideration was given before commenting. If you feel I was flippant (re. the term Slap Stick), that was never my intent. Do consider that assignation attempts on one person in the U.S. are becoming normalized. This happened before in America at a time when disagreement was viewed as threat or attack. Why not, instead, listen to and hear one another? I believe John has and thank him for it.


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes