Bit and Bats

 Everything feels changed somewhat. 
I’m back in university with less academic essays to worry about but with an increased client number to deal with. We have a mental health component too which should be easier for me given I’m still registered as a psychiatric nurse.
And so Tuesdays continue with 8.30 to 2.30 in lectures followed by my personal counselling at 4pm and Choir at 6 pm. Thursdays I’m now seeing clients from 10 am and 4pm. Supervision is usually on alternate Wednesday mornings. My two hospice shifts work around all this where possible. 
Autumn term brings autumn with it and the villagers are planning the apple festival weekend . 
Soon it will be Christmas 
I’m tired just writing all this. 
Off to bed shortly , but I want to read yesterday’s 9/11 comments first.
Typically much more interesting than anything I could write .
Weaver is still with us, by the way . Just to let you know


  1. Anonymous8:11 pm

    Makes me feel tired just thinking about your schedule! I retired quite early - just a set of circumstances I guess - but although it feels like a luxury to have finished with the world of work sometimes I find myself drifting through the days rather aimlessly of my older sisters is a Counsellor , demanding but rewarding work .
    I was wondering about Weaver earlier today. TQ.
    Alison in Wales x

  2. Phew! I get exhausted if I've got a couple of appointments in a week. Get yourself off to bed, young man! Sweet dreams. Thanks for the update on Weaver. xx

  3. Barbara Anne9:15 pm

    Wishing you the energy and enthusiasm to keep that schedule through the autumn semester, especially on Tuesday. I imagine you'll need dinner in the slow cooker so you can enjoy choir to the max, knowing that dinner awaits at the cottage unless the rest of the family learns how to get into the slow cooker for get snacks! I had a friend who had to use a bungee to hold the lid on his slow cooker to thwart to efforts of his dogs!
    So glad to hear about dear Weaver.


  4. Anonymous10:18 pm

    Wow - what a schedule! Best wishes - we all know you will do great. Thanks for the update on Weaver. xx. Jackie

  5. You are one very busy individual. The schedule seems like a lot to carry. That said, you know what works best for you.
    I've been thinking of Weaver; thank you for the update. If you are reading this Weave, I send my love.

  6. Anonymous12:02 am

    Yikes, quite a complicated schedule, you will have to post it in the kitchen to make sure you head off in the correct direction each day! And start stockpiling things for dinner in the fridge so it doesn't devolve into cheese and crackers every night (my own personal bad habit).


  7. Jo in Auckland12:06 am

    We're the same age John; I'm older by 4 months and the schedule you keep is impressive. Admittedly I have been sick for the whole of Augusts and some of September but I feel that I have taken a small step backwards when it comes to tackling things or people. Things take me longer to accomplish than they used to and I feel that I have less enthusiasm to start new things. I'm a bit astonished about that as it's come as a bit of a shock to the system to realise I feel older than I should, but as I say I have been unwell and it may just be that. I agree with Barbara Anne above about the use of a slow cooker for something nourishing to come home to for the Autumn weather change; otherwise a tired person would probably just resort to a g & t and some cheese and crackers.

    1. Jo in Auckland12:07 am

      Meant to add that I'm glad that Weaver is still with us. Thanks for the update.

  8. Glad to hear about Weaver (I think). Your schedule sounds way too busy for one such as I. But then you're a lot younger than me so go for it. By the way, I love the photo of Freya and Mary! That may be how the kittens greet Mary!

  9. Anonymous4:06 am

    God Bless you weaver.

  10. I saw a lot of Halloween junk in my local Garden Centre yesterday. A sure sign of oncoming winter.

    Good to hear about Weaver.

  11. That is a really busy schedule for you this academic year! On Tuesday, choir at 6pm may be just what you need at that point in the day though. Hope you can regularly take time out somehow to take care of your body and soul too. Even if they are actually "planned in" short breaks.

  12. Anonymous6:37 am

    Sounds like proper rest will be even more important this year.

  13. Will you be seeing clients and attending your own counselling during the college breaks, Christmas and Easter, as well? I think I'd prefer more essays and more free time!

  14. Yorkshire Liz7:36 am

    Thank you for the Weaver update.
    Wow, and I thought your life could not get any busier! Note to self: get a 2025 calendar with bigger pages - you are going to need them!
    Yes, the Novemberish weather we have been having this week does make the mind turn to Christmas. Most of the pressies wrapped and ready to go. The only way I can cope with Christmas is having everything done early.

  15. What a busy time for you. Thank you for the update on Weaver. I know we are all thinking of her.

  16. I’m tired just reading this. If I have just one scheduled appointment in a day, I think the day is too packed.

  17. OMG, John, I am tired reading this. I can only do about 2 things a day any more, especially if they involve interacting socially, and then I am trashed. Even fun things drain my batteries. How on earth did I cope when I worked AND had a child at home? Thank you for the update on Pat. I pray she is content and pain-free.

  18. I used to be able to carry on like this but not anymore. I will stress over one appointment a day and can't handle any more than one accomplishment a day.

  19. Anonymous12:11 pm

    I am glad Weaver is still with us. Re ghosting. I had a friend I would walk with on lunch breaks (she worked in another department) I invited her and her dad to coffee at my house. I felt really good about the friendship, and she seemed to like chatting to me also on our walks. Then suddenly she ghosted me. I was devastated and wondered what I had done. I still wonder. Jean in Winnipeg.

  20. Be kind to yourself wherever and whenever you can.

  21. Anonymous7:42 am

    Dear Pat, I hope she is peaceful and comfortable Kath x


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes