Something is up!

 Roger knows something is afoot.
I caught him looking up the stairs yesterday with a quizzical look upon his face. 

I heard a bump, but it was faint and he did too, trying to locate the noise with a tilt of his head.
Undaunted he ran into the garden and woofed, unsure of exactly what he was wooing at 
The kittens have been vocally quiet so far. 

It feels like there is a game of hide and seek going on. 
Earlier, when I was sat on the loo, Roger followed me into the bathroom, searched it ( including my underpants) then put his nose under the spare bedroom door, where he inhaled loudly 

I think the kittens must have held their breath for satisfied he threw himself down the stairs again in a knot of tan uncordinated legs in order to search some more.

Mary is too middle aged to bother with such hysteria.
I never had all this when Albert arrived 
Or did I ?


  1. Why not manufacture a couple of feline saddles so that Weaver and Beans can ride on Roger's back?

  2. Barbara Anne10:50 pm

    How funny!
    I've been off line for nearly a week while our sons finished assembling my new computer and look forward to catching up on what I've missed. Apparently Lily has recovered from surgery so both kittens are home and she's now called Beans.


  3. I love the very loud "snoffles" under the closed door looking for whatever. Monsters I think.
    woof !

  4. Roger is very curious. He knows something is about to change. I hope he can be gentle with the kittens.

  5. Do you go in and fuss and play with the kittens? They need to trust and get to know you first. The dogs will get familiar with their smell on your clothes and vice versa. I'm sure that it took time for Arthur and the dogs to be introduced, it's a gradual process and trying to rush things will scare the kittens. You probably did have the same experience with Arthur, but that was a long time ago, we were all younger then, and forget what it was like. Mary sounds relaxed and they will possibly adjust to each other more easily, but from what you say , the lovely Roger is a lively, bouncy wild child!
    Have fun and snuffles!

  6. I would be very surprised if at least one of your dog babies didn't figure out that something was going on.

  7. Roger is not quite as dim as we thought, then? I love the thought of him sniffing under the door and the twins holding their breath. I hope, for your sanity, that before long they will all be snuggled up together in one furry, sleeping bundle. I think there'll be some fun and games before that, though!
    I hope the night shift is gentle on all at the hospice. xx

  8. I have the same problem going to the bathroom, a large dog in the room with me:)

  9. Anonymous1:24 am

    My son adopted a cat from a shelter that came from a bad situation and she has been hiding in his closet since last summer - comes out at night and joins him in bed but hides most of every day. One feels for her, but not much of a companion!


    1. Jane Dorfman6:19 pm

      My daughter adopted a formerly feral cat with one eye. She's very shy, hides a lot. Daughter says it's like having a roommate who doesn't pay her rent.

  10. Hopefully it won't take very long for kittens and dogs to get used to each other and even enjoy each other's company,you have your hands full! -Mary

  11. You have such a way with words, John dear! Wishing you, Weaver & Beans, Roger and Mary a peaceful time adjusting to one another.

  12. Jo in Auckland2:59 am

    Canny Roger trying to rumble the kittens... I bet he knows it's something but not what ... bless him. Won't be long before they all discover each other and then let the games begin ... such exciting times in the Gray household...I am jealous of your kitties.

  13. New four-legged friends in the house is bound to cause excitement. Good luck!

  14. Awww the meet and greet is going to be interesting.

  15. Dear Roger. I can't wait to hear about the first meeting.

  16. I love your description of Roger trying to sniff out the kittens under the door and dashing off down the stairs!

  17. The kittens are soon to be centre stage - Roger will be excited for a while being a terrier - Will you take him out after a brief meeting x

  18. I think you did. Remember Albert lived ON TOP of the furniture for a long time. Then he asserted his dominance over those pesky dogs. 😄

  19. When we got a new kitten for our 12-year-old cat when we lived in Las Vegas, they were both on opposite sides of the door within minutes going crazy to meet. And it was love at first (well, second) sight. The old boy hissed once. An hour and a half later, they were asleep wrapped around each other.

  20. Can't wait to see them all introduced to each other. Kittens are so adorable .... we had three ..... so different to dogs but just as lovely as part of the family. Love the names too. XXXX

  21. A détente will be reached eventually. The Welsh will be smitten in no time! I can imagine Roger and the kittens getting the zoomies!

  22. Can't wait to hear the next instalment.

  23. Anonymous11:25 am

    I think after a hiss and a swat from the kittens that Roger will be put in his place, after all , he will remember living with Albert. Maybe first meeting should be with kittens in their crate. Let the dogs have a sniff. Were there any dogs in the house that the kittens came from? I don’t remember it taking much time when we brought two kittens home to live with an older cat and a dog.. It was a long time ago but I remember the cats sleeping on the dog a lot. Gigi

  24. I hope they see one another as new playmates.

  25. Anonymous12:21 pm

    It sounds like Roger is definitely on the trail, he knows something is up, and he’s sniffed under the door where your two new residents are. However, perhaps he’s so secure in his life with you that he’s not worried, he’s just waiting to see what happens next. Looking forward to Roger meeting them. Jean in Winnipeg.

  26. Well now John , we all know Roger is not the same as any other dog . He is going to love the kittens, new playmates for him. Don't worry when they hiss and the claws come out they are rather good at defending themselves or at least putting their foe a little off kilter till they can hide . ;)

  27. It's like a new TV series - Weaver and Beans meet the dogs! I'll be waiting for the next episode! ;)

  28. Who was around when Albert arrived? That must be a while ago now.

  29. Anonymous3:22 pm

    In a previous post you mentioned that Beans was the "younger sibling"
    Assuming they're from the same litter and are siblings but how do you know Beans is the youngest?

    1. Anonymous4:04 pm

      Does the fact you have cats now fill the lonely void in your life?
      Or are you as quietly miserable as ever?.

    2. Anonymous4:04 pm

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Choose kindness, please.

  30. That made me smile and recall when my own pets came and got settled in.

  31. It sounds like Roger is on high alert and really getting into the spirit of the hide-and-seek game with the kittens! His antics are both amusing and endearing. It must be quite the adventure for him, especially with Mary taking it all in stride. I just posted a new blog post (, I invite you to read and let me know what you think about it. Thank you!


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