No Twins

 Yesterday left me feeling , if not sad, certainly a tad melancholy.
Subsequently all those little jobs I had planned , didn’t get done, 
And the cat flap has yet to be fixed.
The kittens ( who will be henceforth now be referred to as the twins ) will not be arriving today as planned either,
Lily’s hernia is not quite right and because of that the Cat Manager agreed to keep her under observation at home until the 5th of August, the day I’m back after London, and of course Weaver will be staying with her. The twins will have their own room upstairs until they are more robust. 
It’s already decked out with cat litter, a few toys and old copies of the Guardian 

The next three videos are random, my favourite Italian cook, who hangs her tea towel on her bra strap ( love that) a video of the Gop Hill behind Trelawnyd at dusk and Conwy Castle ,the beautiful castle I see everyday going to work.


  1. I hope the melancholia is dissipating. A shame the twins won't be joining you yet, but better to make sure Lily is fully healed first. I have visions of them sitting in their room reading the Guardian, and discussing the news. Very good of you to make sure they have some reading matter to keep them occupied! Lol! xx

    1. Well one is named after the wordsmith Weaver of Grass

  2. Anonymous4:21 pm

    After viewing the above this is what I am wishing: to see Wales again and to eat! - Jackie

    1. I just want to hurl a cleaver about

  3. What's the name of the Italian cook, please? I can't make it out on the book cover. TIA

  4. A nice view..and good company.
    The twins will arrive in good time when they are ready..better than rushing the job, with a hernia in question and of course they stay together. Xx

    1. And I can go to london , worry free x

  5. I hope you can tuck your tea towel in your bra strap and per up. The cat are awfully young to read and understand The Guardian. Couldn’t you find them something more age appropriate? Maybe a pop-up book!

    1. She does the bra thing in every video , I’m loving it

    2. Anonymous7:31 pm

      I can tuck a duvet in my bra strap

    3. And the prize for the best comment goes to Lee lol

  6. Never underestimate the usefulness of bra straps.

    1. I am in need of them debra , I am in need of them x

  7. Poor little Lily - at least she has her sister x

    1. The vet reported she’s quite well, but I wanted to be very sure

  8. weaver5:37 pm

    I am so looking forwar to seeing my namesake. xx

    1. Weaver, is physically more robust than her sister , but quieter, it is reported by the woman who has hand reared all three sisters

    2. Three sisters,! I must have missed that. Now I feel sad for the lone one. Unless she had already been adopted, I wouldn't have been able to resist all three. " Such fun."

  9. The Guardian? Now that's posh!

  10. Anonymous7:10 pm

    The tea towel in the bra strap, and her wise-ass glances, are making my day!

    1. She’s a cracker, move Over Nigella

  11. Barbara Anne7:12 pm

    Sending big hugs to help you feel a bit better, happier as you imagine the anticsof tthe twins when they do come home to you and the family.
    Loved the videos!

    More hugs!

  12. It's good that the cat manager with take care of the twins,, until they come to your home -Mary

  13. Watching her bake like that, makes me want to spend more time playing in the kitchen.

  14. Poor Lily. What kind of hernia is it? Is it not responding to being repaired? Good that you have their care planned out while you will be away.

  15. I keep kittens in the house until they are 5 or 6 months old, then out in the garden under supervision for a while, then alone, but keep calling them in now and then, and then eventually the outdoors is theirs and they come in when called. It's a gradual process, I suppose it's s bit like children!
    They need to get used to their new surroundings, family and other pets, and know where home is.
    Some people, (not you John,) let tiny kittens out and then they get lost. I know this because in the past we've found lost and alone kittens, two different times, which no-one claimed even though advertised, so we adopted them.
    Their room sounds great and no doubt they will spend their arrival sniffing every corner and piece of furniture, the two I adopted from the RSPCA in January did.
    I expect many of your readers are looking forward to their arrival, as am I. I do hope the hernia heals fully and all is fine. I'm glad they are keeping the kitten under supervision until all is well.
    We will just have to be patient and wait to hear of their innocent and crazy antics.
    Yes, I adore kittens, didn't you guess? Lol !

  16. Another day or two waiting for the twins is for the best and having both in good health is the ideal.

  17. You've thought of everything for the twins, haven't you? Even reading material! That made me laugh.

    It's always sobering to lose a contemporary. I am sorry it has been a tough day.

  18. Quite an expanse of green space where you're at!

  19. I particularly liked film No 1 with the horse (Welsh Cob?). I have a love for all horses with hairy feet.

  20. Our excitement in anticipating the arrival of the little sisters will have to be put on hold a little then. But Lily's welfare must come first!

  21. Great films - the Welsh cob and great landscapes, the very skilful Italian baker, and the castle. I'd love to see the inside of that - is it open to the public?

    And I'm kind of glad you're not getting the twins until after your London jaunt - you'd be worried about leaving them. Now you can enjoy London and then come back to a new adventure.

  22. You live in such a beautiful place! I liked those horses too. My favourite breed though is the Shire.

  23. I have never even thought to utilise my bra-strap in that way.

    I hope the Guardian newspaper has a crossword and that you leave the page the right way up for Little Weaver to do each day. Lily can recline and recover in the corner while the puzzle is completed. :-)

  24. Ooh, I love that Italian cook, so confident and sassy! Saw that video the other day with the dishtowel and the bra, omg! So sorry for you won't have the twins just yet, it will be fun chaos soon enough, and all of us are so ready for the tales of the twins!

  25. Melancholy is the perfect word for how one feels when an old acquaintance dies. So many old memories are brought back.
    It works out that your cats will come after you come back so you don't have to worry about them while you are gone, John.
    I love the view of your castle! I can't imagine seeing something like that!

  26. Well, it probably is for the best that the Cat Manager keep the cats until they are in the best possible health. You wouldn't want to take them on and then have to deal with a health crisis. Your melancholy is perfectly understandable.

  27. Loving the videos, particularly the sassy baker because - the background music is my favourite piece- 'The Moldau' by Smetana. It is very descriptive of the River Moldau as it flows from a spring then narrow and wider segments on its journey through Prague. I recommend a listen in a quiet room to soothe the mind. xx But if you nod off, watch out for the final 2 notes!


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