
Mary, carefully waiting for her sausage to arrive

 If my counselling day is dull and cool, then I am getting into the habit to taking the Welsh with me. They are walked before hand, and patiently sleep in the car for the hour and a half I am away, after which it’s a walk on the beach and a shared sausage sandwich at Parisella’s.

I’ve said it before, but the beach provides a wonderful debrief for me, where the off shore wind, literally sweeps through my head like a new broom.

Mary, sits with me, bolt upright, careful to miss nothing.

Roger is pulling on the lead, trying to beg crumbs from the next table .
He’s succeeding to , 
I let my brain wash away from the sadness, of complicated lives, and of anxious thoughts 

And I watch my aged Welsh Girl patiently waiting for her part of the sandwich
Her old brown eyes, bright in the anticipation . 
And I realise, all over again, that I love her so very much

Over to the magnificent lisping Spanish choir
Have I ever told you that I went to Madrid to hear them live?
It’s them at their best with a love Matters Medley 


  1. Small pleasures make everyone's life worthwhile, including those of Welsh terriers!

    1. She loves the sandwich dripping in melted butter

  2. It's good that you have found a way to debrief,and having your old Welsh buddies with you likely feels as though
    it's family comforting one another . For many years I
    counselled recovering
    alcoholics.My large troupe
    of cats,dogs and birds was a healthy group to just be okay and happy with .-Mary

  3. Anonymous5:09 pm

    I’m a fucking cynical old bitch
    My eyes are friggin leaking


    1. Are you sure you’re not related to Mavis

    2. Anonymous7:41 pm

      Only by solidarity


  4. Yes, you might have mentioned going to see the choir live!!! I love being by the sea. Once, over an autumn and winter, I had an office that overlooked a large beach, and every lunchtime I could walk around the deserted town and harbour. Nothing quite like it.

  5. It was lovely to hear you say how much you love Mary. Really lovely. She is a beautiful dog and if all of your dogs is my favourite.

  6. Yes, a beach is possibly the best debriefing place. Sea breezes, space and sausage butties shared with beloved dogs all help. Mary has such a gentle face. I think you might have mentioned in passing, that you saw the lisping choir in Madrid.

    1. Lol really ? I thought I was rather quiet about them

  7. Anonymous5:36 pm

    I think it is Mary that has me wanting a Welsh dog the next time. As much as I love my sweet Annie I know she will not be with me forever. You are very lucky to live near a beach. - Jackie

    1. Jackie,
      I’ve now had 5 Welsh
      And never had a bad dog


  8. You have made me cry John describing your love for Mary - I can't bear it that our dogs live such short lives compared to ours - One minute they are youngsters going to live with us happily ever after - then before you know it they are aged and I'm wondering how much time we have left together x

    1. Get a grip Flis , we love dogs but need to accept their mortality

  9. You may want to look at the last few comments on your previous post, several people responded to you

    1. Anonymous6:04 pm

      Give him a chance, he will be listening to the Archers



    2. Anonymous6:18 pm



    3. Thanks Keith 💜

    4. Lol nothing much on tonight George Grundy postering over the Anonymous Tilly Button

    5. Anonymous10:19 pm

      Lee - Jesus? Was he in the Archers?

  10. Now, that face just deserves a sausage.

  11. You just couldn't refuse her could you...bless her heart. Arilx

  12. Barbara Anne7:18 pm

    "The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, the sea." - Isak Dinesen


  13. A good and healthy way to come down from the stress.

  14. You are good to the dogs, and they are good for you.

  15. Sweet, sweet Mary!

  16. Anonymous10:35 pm

    Oh Mary. She’s a dear soul. And a trip to the beach after work is an excellent choice.

    You might like Curtis Salgado’s song “I Want My Dog to Live Longer”—we heard him perform it last night at an outdoor concert in a park by the Willamette River, complete with plenty of dogs in the crowd. (But no Welsh…)

    1. Anonymous10:36 pm

      Ooops, sorry, this is Jean (in Oregon)

  17. A walk by the sea is a great way to decompress. The waves and sea air wash away the stress. A sausage sandwich shared helps too. Sweet Mary.

  18. You went to Madrid to hear them LIVE!!!! Seems like that would have made an excellent blogpost or two. ; )

    I find that simply sitting with my feet in the waves is remarkably soothing.

  19. PS My own favorite quote about water: If there is any magic on this planet, it is contained in water. Loren Eisley That is one line from an essay, and it is beautiful. From a single drop to an ocean, magic.

  20. Anonymous1:08 am

    Just looked up our local Welsh Terrier rescue organization; I didn't realize they were so small! I said the current dog is my last one, but gosh these are cute!


  21. Billy has endless patience, but in his case it's for me to throw his ball.

  22. I like your line about complicated lives.

  23. A midwife I knew used to shower and wash her hair after every birth as her way to debrief. A walk by the sea seems more fun!

  24. Anonymous6:36 am

    That walk by the sea is perfect for clearing the mind and spirit and re energising yourself. Must be hard to listen and help without "taking on" problems. This sounds just right.

    Your sweet girl is precious and she seems to appreciate everything so much. I know that feeling that can suddenly wash over us as we realise how much we love someone.

  25. Anonymous6:37 am

    Sorry - MarisAna

  26. Do you know this?

    “I Go Down To The Shore

    I go down to the shore in the morning
    and depending on the hour the waves
    are rolling in or moving out,
    and I say, oh, I am miserable,
    what shall—
    what should I do? And the sea says
    in its lovely voice:
    Excuse me, I have work to do.”
    ― Mary Oliver,

  27. Jo in Auckland10:10 am

    She's a sweet looking girl... I would give her a squeeze if she was in front of me... but here's the thing, I like all animals but it was only much later in life that I realised I'm a cat person and not a dog person. I like dogs.. but I bloody love cats! They are sassy, annoying, loving, leave hair everywhere, want to eat what is on my plate most of the time and make me laugh like no other animal on this earth.. except perhaps gorilla! I also love Gorillas but to be honest not practical in a 3 bed bungalow.

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