Non Nobis Domine. Orquesta Metropolitana y Coro Talía

The lisping choir completing one of my favourite pieces of music, this time during distancing restrictions , a hard job indeed if you have ever been part of a tight knit choir, and are used to having your fellow harmonisers at elbow distance.
I’m sorry for the quality of Going Gently recently. It feels somewhat disjointed and variable in content ( which it is anyhow to be fair), I think it’s reflecting a slightly misaligned, not too joined up thinking which is me at the moment. 
I’m in a neither fish nor fowl frame of mind. 
Still a student not yet a counsellor,
But with clients of my own 
A part time hospice nurse, just outside the loop,

I’ve had a couple of dates over the past few months, both perfectly nice individuals, all told , but not for me and I’ve decided that being a spinster ( and I like using that epithet , before you open your cakehole troll) is the way forward.
I’ve thought this before
Now I’m embracing the concept.

The Hospice is due to close for a month for some refurbishment in August and a month away will do me some good to re group and redefine 


  1. Gradually moving from one path to another.
    Easier than doing that overnight.
    Being a spinster is ok...making friends is good

    1. And she who,is going through much grief gives the first support

  2. Does being a spinster mean not dating?

  3. My bachelor life has had it's perks. Not having to provide a house for a wife and kids. Able to go down the pub without being questioned by her indoors, and any offers of benefits from friends can be accepted or declined.

    1. I’ve never liked the term bachelor

  4. Life has many paths, we plan a route, get lost and find a different way, it comes together to make us who we are, and we find different unexpected things. You will find your path, you have a good sense of your core of who you are.

    1. Anonymous12:57 pm

      I love how you said this So calming
      Lizzy D

    2. Yes , and I know I’m being vague, vague is how I feel

  5. I think your blog is just fine. Life is complicated and it's a privilege that you choose to share yours with others. Thank you. Janx

    1. I’m fine, I know I’m ok, just ruffled of feathers

  6. We all enjoy reading your blog so you are definitely doing something right there!
    I echo gz's comment about changing paths. One step at a time, as the cliché goes.

    1. One day at a time sweet Jesus
      As Lena Martel said

  7. John, we love your blog. xx

  8. Anonymous7:54 am

    You be anyone you want to be baby



  9. Never apologise for the quality of your blog. There are many, like me, who'd read a shopping list you wrote, 'cos you write so well! Embrace the change, it all makes us who we are. A month off will be great. You go at things full pelt, it'll give you some breathing space. (Although I don't doubt you're already planning...) xx

    1. I felt a bit stuck too, in what to write, it happens to mys bloggers from time to time

  10. Yorkshire Liz7:57 am

    Don't be so hard on yourself - if we have a brain, a heart and compassion, we all have periods of doubt and self reassessment like this. All it means is that you are a complete and fully functioning human being. Allow yourself time to breathe deeply, defrag and reboot your system. And move on. However.....I rather like the idea of you as a little old spinster. Very endearing. Trelawnyd's Miss Marple, eh?

  11. But isn't this life? Sometimes orderly, sometimes messy. One, hopefully long, patchwork.

  12. I love your blog exactly how it is! We all have many facets to our life, some joined up but many not. I'm looking forward to seeing what you get up to (or not!) in August! :-) xxx

  13. Traveller9:09 am

    Even in this post, for which you apologize, there is some good food for thought. The sign of someone who writes well.

  14. Jo in Auckland9:12 am

    I have read your blog for many years...sometimes not commenting...sometimes doing so. I read you the first thing in my morning...I love the content you put out, the topics you cover, the controversial content on's been a thing for so long I couldn't do without it without feeling a missing piece. It's that book I keep on my bedside where I dip in and out, re reading stuff that resonates, laughing at stuff on occasion and nodding along when I agree and I don't always but then that's also good...keep doing it and I'll still be here, pulling up the Ahole anons at times when I bristle for you...despite the smart arses going at me albeit half cocked as I'm not the target are..because they hate that you're smarter, better qualified, better liked and better travelled than they and can do so on half the purse and still enjoy it..AND find great stuff to post about to boot. So there is all that!

    1. Anonymous9:14 am

      Jo here, sorry for the bible above..but I had a couple of gins!!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Gins are good for lubricating the tongue , unless you are one of velvet voiced Linda’s gins which have the ability to render the drinker semi conscious

  15. Out of curiosity: If the hospice closes for a month what happens to the inmates not yet dead?

    As to you using the term "spinster", and no I am not a troll, just interested in use of language: Spinster - on account of gender - is assigned to women; bachelor is assigned to men. So why you would you describe yourself as a spinster? If you entered a cloister would you call yourself a nun when, in reality, you'd qualify as a monk? Mind you, as one of your old friends has pointed out on various blogs, misogyny is rife in blogland. Or is it a gay thing?

    Anyway, not all is lost. Spinster and bachelor mean "not married". Nun and monk celibacy. The first two can still have plenty of sex as one of my grandaunts, a most spirited woman, did prove. Even with the same person - for decades.

    Good luck in your abstemious endeavours,

    1. Anonymous9:18 pm

      Perhaps a gay man calling himself a spinster, in is the same as John calling himself a bitch.

      I wondered what will happen to the patients too, it's not as if a place in a hospice is booked weeks in advance.

    2. The first question doesn’t make sense
      The second question , we have a satellite hospice in Holyhead and another sister hospice in flintshire near to my home

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Anonymous11:29 am

      He didn’t

    2. Anonymous11:40 am

      Asshole !


  17. Never apologize for your blog! Your generosity in sharing your life and thoughts is what keeps us reading you first thing in the morning!

  18. No need to apologize to us,your audience. This is your private journal which you graciously share with us. It is your life, really not written for our entertainment.

  19. Always one of the best blogs in my daily read list. Take care of yourself and keep growing.

  20. I enjoy your blog, it’s often insightful, often moving and regularly amusing. You do you, I’m here for the pretty and the everyday ordinary. Roll on August.

  21. You don't have to apologize John, it's your blog. Life is disjointed at times.
    A month of from nursing will probably do you good.
    As for longterm relationships with men, no offence, but men are hard to deal with. I think I'd be happy as a spinster.

  22. Ana Dunk12:20 pm

    When I ended a seven-year relationship in which I lived with him, I moved back to my own home. I decided I liked living alone far more than living with someone else, and even though I was only 60 at the time, never dated after that. I have many friends and activities and have never regretted that decision. I have had a full life with book club, social club, garden club, travel and family activities and at 83, don't regret that decision at all. Since women usually live longer than men, had I stayed in a relationship, I might be alone now anyway.

  23. You may have the qualities of a gecko which would explain your thoughts at the moment x

    1. Anonymous2:26 pm

      A gecko? You're comparing John to a reptile?
      Gecko - a reptile with a short stout body and a large head. Nocturnal and with sticky toe pads.

      Well John does work nights sometimes but the rest of it?

    2. To John - I am interested in symbolism - The gecko has meaning of - change - regeneration etc x

  24. I like your blog, John.

  25. Your blog is wonderful. Varied and it always adds some quirk and fun. Your travel adventures are interesting as well as all your village activities and friends. Your dating is like that of many - a roll of the dice. Friends are truly invaluable.

  26. Anonymous1:07 pm

    Maybe an unplanned trip is in order? Tuscany? Iceland?
    I love your blog. Current content is fine. I admire how you post daily
    Where and how did your love of music develop? Was it part of your childhood. Or?
    Where do the hospice patients go? This is mean but I’m imagining them in their hospital beds all lined up at the beach
    Lizzy d X

    1. My love of orchestral music and choir comes from cinema generally. I think lizzy.

  27. I don't think you have anything to apologize for in terms of content! Your blog is your life and reflects your thoughts and experiences.

  28. Sylvia2:25 pm

    I been following your blog forever. I can understand how you feel as being single. I’m a widow just over 4yrs and could not imagine having another in my life. I can do what I want and when I want. John you would miss all the people in your life ….you really have a good social life and that takes time, Not forgetting work and your course. Another person would need to be extra,extra special

  29. Never, ever apologise for the quality of your blog or its entries, it is yours to fill as you wish. At least you have stuck to just one blog, whereas I have chopped and change with each stage of my life. Readers of my old blogs still find me occasionally, and get cross that they have missed out on years of entries.

    It seems, to me anyway, that you are simply in a state of flux with your life at the moment ... and that is exciting. There's so much scope for what could be ahead, make your choices or just go with the flow.

    1. Flux is a good work it’s almost onomatopoeic

  30. You keep being your own true self, Jonno. It's why we love you.
    As for being a spinster, I call it 'blessedly single' and someone I know calls it 'being a soloist'.

    1. Blessedly single
      I may be converted to that x

  31. As so many have said, you have no reason to apologize re content of your blog. You write wonderfully and I truly appreciate all that you share. Deep breath, John dear.

  32. Not long ago in a comment you mentioned thinking you might want another bulldog, might you still get one,or are you too busy to deal with that?
    Mary and

  33. No need to apologize for your blog, John, life ebbs & flows, your blog is a reflection of that, it is what it is. And that is as it should be.

  34. Barbara Anne5:38 pm

    Fret not about the twists and turns on your blog. That's life! Your delightful way with words remains a constant.

    I remember the 'neighter fish nor fowl' feeling of having graduated from nursing school but had not yet taken State Boards so wasn't yet a real nurse. Time took care of that and time will have you soon a fully accredited counselor. Enjoy the meantime!


  35. John, I love reading your blog, you tell it like it is . I think most of us identify with how you react to life's up and downs. We are with you when disappointment hits, but equally we feel your excitement and joy when trips and holidays and home improvements or whatever, go beautifully right. I echo what others have written here, never apologise for your blog, I am in awe of any person who blogs daily.

  36. Anonymous8:14 pm

    As you've mentioned before your blog is your own personal record of your life, it's also very readable and engaging for your readers. Although the subjects you write about are sometimes challenging, I never feel uncomfortable or lectured. Reading your blog is like checking in with a friend and it's very obvious from all the folk who comment that a lot feel the same way.
    Alison in Wales x

  37. I find your blog always interesting when it is words about your life, not when it is videos culled from the internet. It puzzles me often, in fact your life puzzles me often, but that is part of the blog's appeal. Long may it, and you, continue. I don't read any blogs regularly, apart from your one.

    1. Anonymous10:10 pm

      I’m intrigued puzzled in what way

    2. I’m intrigued more lol

    3. Attempting to explain the puzzlements would likely be misinterpreted so I will just leave you intrigued, and me sometimes puzzled. I hope you keep writing and keep finding it worthwhile.

  38. Good times, bad times and then just strange times. Hang in there John and take comfort in the simple things, family and friends. Stay grounded.

  39. Anonymous4:36 pm

    That is one of my favorites, too. Sorry you are going through a rough time. I so enjoy what you write. Jenny


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes