
My friend Colin arrived last night clutching a good Prosecco in one hand and some Aporol in the other, a lovely nod to Venice, I thought. We had dinner at The Crown ( again!) and came back to the cottage for drinks and entertainment from Roger who had gotten himself all too giddy with the unexpected company so was racing around doing zoomies, with intermittent stops to lick the skin behind each of Colin’s ears which he suddenly found strangely irresistible.
“Is he always like this?” Colin asked slightly perplexed,
And Roger was off galloping up the stairs again, grinning like an idiot.
“ I’ve no benchmark “ I replied as Roger ran into the toilet and skidded loudly on the Vinyl flooring.
What could have been the toilet brush bounced across the floor.

The behaviour continued until Colin left for home this morning, after which Roger wound down completely like a clockwork toy. Affable despot Jason called around with a card as did Mrs Trellis and Llewella widow of Ralph The gentleman farmer stopped to wish me happy birthday which was sweet  


  1. Happy umpteenth birthday John! Llewella is a lovely name. I have never heard it before but I guess it has been around for a long time - just like you!

  2. Anonymous11:48 am

    Another chapter for your book. (I know I sound like a broken record). - Jackie

    1. Noted πŸ“½πŸ“•πŸ“’πŸ“”πŸ“—πŸ“˜πŸ“–πŸ“™

  3. Happy birthday John and Janet.
    Who needs a cabaret when you've got Roger? He'll keep you entertained for hours! Does Colin have particularly tasty ears, I wonder? xx

    1. The velvet voiced Linda had a similar greeting

  4. Happy Birthday dear John!!! xx

  5. Many happy returns of the day John x

  6. Anonymous12:13 pm

    Happy Birthday! It sounds like a multi day celebration with much love and affection from your friends and family. A cocoon of warmth. Happy Days indeed. All good wishes. I do love hearing about Roger. Jean in Winnipeg.

  7. Happy birthday, John and sister Janet. May you have many more of them!!

  8. Anonymous12:14 pm

    Happy Birthday John, have a wonderful day and I hope the celebrations carry on indefinitely. Jan in Castle Gresley

    1. Not indefinitely my waistline couldn’t cope

  9. Happy Birthday to you and me - it's my bday too! We are great Gemini's

  10. Happy Birthday John - and Janet - Hope you both have a good year x πŸŽ‚

  11. Happy birthday to you, John!

  12. Happy Birthday to you and your sister, John! Hope you are having a fabulous day. Best wishes for a year filled with fun adventures! xx

  13. Anonymous1:02 pm

    Happy birthday,John

    Lizzy d

  14. Happy Birthday, John! I think this year is going to be one of your best if not THE best. I hope so.

  15. Happy Birthday! That Roger, what an imp! And LOL at all that Big 80s Hair in the video.

  16. Very best wishes for today, JayGee - AND for all the years ahead. I reckon that frisky Roger must have cottoned on to what day it was so gave a special performance just for you, with Colin lucky enough to have been a (participating) witness. Do have a super-nice day. .

  17. I love dogs' zoomies. They always make me laugh.

  18. Wishing you a very happy birthday John.

  19. Happy Birthday, it sounds a good one with the over excited Roger. X

  20. Wishing you all the best on your B-day! Roger sure is full of fun and mischief. You never know what's coming next. Life's adventures.

  21. Best wishes for a very happy birthday and a great year to follow. Barb

  22. I know the grinning like an idiot from a best friend. He is so glad to see me he can't hold it in..he just beams and makes me feel so good! I have to admit I am the same way about him. It is catching.

    1. Love is a great feeling. Love and Happy Birthday to you again.

  23. Is Roger habitually so excitable with visitors? Or was it just Colin?

    1. He gets more excited the longer they stay

  24. Anonymous3:53 pm

    Happy Birthday to you ! Glad you have a weekend of lovely experiences and company - a perfect gift to give yourself . Jane x

  25. Damselfly4:25 pm

    Dear sweet Roger. 😊🐢
    Wishing you an absolutely wonderful birthday!

  26. Just a young un John. Many happy bumps of the day. Dogs just have to love them always have their moments. My cat does too. Have a lovely one. Hugs Tricia x

  27. Wishing you all the best in life and many happy returns!

  28. Barbara Anne5:02 pm

    What a wonderful birthday week you're having as family and friends near and far show how joyous it is to know you.
    Roger is your comic side-kick, no doubt.
    Yes, another chapter for your book
    Heres to a best ever year ahead.


  29. kruzingwithk9s5:03 pm

    I hate to be naive but is Chic Eleanor Nicole Kidman because she sure looks just like her in your pic on the side of your blog?

    1. Anonymous8:23 pm

      I thought that too !

    2. Anonymous8:46 pm

      It's a joke for goodness sake! It is not John and not Eleanor, but Nicole Kidman and Russell Crowe. John believes they look similar. You decide...

    3. I didn’t, a blogger did

  30. How bizarre! I wonder if Colin was wearing cologne (or maybe shaving cream) that Roger found tasty?

    The "Working Girl" theme song holds a special place in my heart as I saw the movie with one of my earliest and most persistent love interests -- and we were both huge fans of the music. I had it on a cassette single!

  31. Happy Birthday and wishing you lots of fun and Happy Birthday to Janet too from another Gemini having my birthday just a week before you but two years older xx

  32. Happy Birthday! x

  33. Anonymous5:39 pm

    Another trip around the Sun John.. congratulations ..hope you’ve enjoyed your special day x

  34. Anonymous5:45 pm

    Happy Birthday John. Maggie in Shropshire

  35. Happy Birthday! I'm glad your birthday week has been full of good times with family & friends.
    BTW - the tambour door side table is Sweeeeeet! Nice to not have doors to deal with keeping enough space to open them fully.

  36. Happy birthday, John! I'm sending a huge hug from Virginia,

  37. Anonymous7:46 pm

    Apologies John I'm very late to this.....Happy Birthday xxx
    Alison in Wales x

  38. Happy 62nd dear John - you are still such a youngster in my eyes!!!!
    Mary -

  39. Anonymous8:13 pm

    I hope your birthday was purrrfect. Gigi

  40. Happy, happy birthday John and many happy returns of the day. Hope you've had a special day. XXXX

  41. Anonymous8:24 pm

    Sounds like it was a good day I hope it's followed by a bang-up year.

  42. Sue P9:04 pm

    A little late but I hope you have had a wonderful birthday John x

  43. Just before the midnight hour strikes, wishing you a Happy Birthday, and many, many more.

  44. Anonymous9:10 pm

    Wishing you the happiest of birthdays Kath x

  45. Thank you all for your best wishes xx

  46. A very happy birthday John. I'm sure you had a very nice day.

  47. Anonymous12:21 am

    Happy Birthday John (belated by a day, obviously)......but no less heartfelt in thought. Sounds like the makings of a perfect day for you! Susan M/ Calif

  48. Anonymous2:45 am

    Happy Birthday! Sounds like it’s been a good one! Many, many more! I also have thought your friend looked like Nicole Kidman and may have commented such quite some time ago! Can’t remember for sure. 62 is young and keep the good times rolling. Kathy near Chicago.

  49. Anonymous6:58 am

    Belated happy birthday (Sandy mid wales)

  50. Happy birthday to you and your sister too.

  51. Happy Birthday young man, and to Janet too.

  52. Happy Birthday John. πŸŽ‚ I hope Roger sleeps well today after all that excitement, perhaps Colin dabs 'eau de dog' behind each ear before he visits. πŸ˜€

  53. Happy birthday to you, dear John Gray! And to your wonderful sister Janet.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Happy birthday John. I love to see dogs zoomies. When my 12 year old pup gets excited he is all energized and I tell him he has puppy power.


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