Chic Eleanor Says Happy Birthday For Tomorrow


Chic Eleanor always makes a fuss of me when we meet
Lots of “Oh Darlings“ and big hugs which I love , 
And she never pulls her punches even when inside a venue, where she can be overheard 
She is honest and loving and free with her emotions 
That’s Another thing that I so love about her .

We shared a bloody lovely Scotch Egg starter and talked without taking breath for two hours straight. 

I was once approached on a period train journey  by a fellow traveller who noted that Me and Nu had never stopped talking for hours over dinner and drinks. 
I can always tell best friends  rather than a husband and wife, she said, they talk constantly 

A great way to start my Birthday 


  1. Frankly, I am surprised that you allowed Eleanor to get anywhere near that scotch egg as you are so addicted to this drug.

  2. Anonymous12:40 am

    Happy Birthday! Best wishes for an enjoyable, relaxing, & fun filled day.

  3. Let the celebrations and fun begin!

  4. Anonymous12:57 am

    Happy Birthday!! - Jackie

  5. Spending time with true friends especially on your Birthday is wonderful!!

  6. During chemo my husband and I talked pretty well non stop, the whole 6 hours and the nurses also commented on it. We were best friends as well as husband and wife. Really, what I miss most is the best friends part.
    Happy Birthday for the rest of the week too.

  7. That traveler's comment was right on the money. May you have a very happy birthday, John.

  8. Anonymous3:12 am

    Happy, Happy Birthday!! Enjoy it!!Jen

  9. Happy birthday John! I hope you have a really good one.

    Eleanor is such good company and a supportive friend too.

  10. Is this the start of a week long birthday? Great that you have a friend like CE.

  11. Barbara Anne4:42 am

    A Sctoch egg and and Mrs CE for company is a good way to start your birthdat, indeed!

    Hope the card I sent last week has found its way to your cottage.

    Happy Birthday to you both - Janet and John!


  12. Happy Birthday, John! It must be love, if you shared a Scotch Egg. Xx

  13. Anonymous5:53 am

    Happy Birthday, and best wishes for many more!

  14. Joining in with the birthday wishes. Hope you're feeling better, too. xx

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Happy almost birthday month!

  17. What a fun head start on celebrating your birthday, wishing you much happiness, Mary

  18. It's lovely to have someone like Chic Eleanor around.

  19. That looks like a decent Scotch Egg.
    I rather like Chic Eleanor's scarf too.
    Enjoy yourself over the forthcoming festivities.

    1. Anonymous10:07 pm

      Scarf? Oh dear me no, it will be a pashmina, chic Eleanor wouldn't wear a common scarf. Haven't you noticed how she sticks her pinky out when she drinks? One of the elite is chic Eleanor.

  20. I hope it's the start of a fantastic birthday weekend. Happy Birthday. xxxx

  21. Happy Birthday - enjoy all the fun stuff.

  22. Pen blwydd Hapus John and Janet xxx

  23. Many Happy Returns John, glad you're celebrating your birthday with lots of friends and family.

  24. Jan from Perth9:59 am

    Happy Birthday, John!

  25. weaver10:08 am

    Very happy birthday dearheart. xx

  26. Traveller10:11 am

    Happy birthday. Enjoy!

  27. Traveller10:17 am

    John Gray, a man of modest means,
    Found joy in simple, rustic scenes.
    His heart was bound by love so true,
    To a delicacy he’d often pursue.

    With gentle hands and eyes alight,
    He lusted for scotch eggs, day and night.
    Each one a work of art, you see,
    An homage to his culinary glee.

    The breadcrumbs crisp, a golden hue,
    The sausage seasoned through and through.
    Inside, an egg with yolk so bright,
    A beacon in the morning light.

    Though years may pass and times may change,
    The love for scotch eggs will remain.
    For in each one, a piece of thee,
    Lives on in joyful memory.

  28. Anonymous10:19 am

    People used to remark about how my husband and I were always chatting and teasing each other. We were best friends from the day we met until the day he died. It was very special and I miss him every dam day. Enjoy every minute of your birthday week with Janet and the rest of your family. Don’t burn yourself on all those candles you old fart. Gigi

  29. People often query if me and Alan are actually married as we chatter away incessantly when we are out and about. The only time we are quiet is in the car, it's always been the same.

    I hope you have a wonderful birthday weekend, and this evening out with Chic Eleanor was the most perfect way to kick off proceedings. Happy Birthday Old Man. xx

  30. Anonymous1:09 pm

    Wishing you a very happy birthday John! Cali G

  31. Great way to start your birthday celebrations, John. Enjoy!!

  32. I hope it's just a perfectly bloody lovely birthday, as bloody lovely as a supper with Chic Eleanor. I believe we are all a little in love with her.

  33. Oh, funny! That is a good observation about husbands and wives.

  34. Anonymous3:35 pm

    We've been married for almost 30 years and talk and talk and miss each other when we're not together.
    I see from some of the comments above that other readers say they talk a lot too, I think if most couples aren't speaking then they probably have a companiable silence and they're not thinking about divorce!
    To be one half of a couple is wonderful and I feel sorry for those who don't have that, unless it's by choice. We each have our own interests but it's wonderful to meet again in the middle. Having an empty nest is wonderful too, being loving can happen at any time of the day! We've had sad times as have many people but our being together is the mainstay of our lives. To be told you're loved every day is so healing. One of the nicest things a friend told me was that my husband's eyes light up when I come into the room. For all those who don't have this but wish they did I hope that some day it happens for you too.

  35. Happy Birthday weekend! x

  36. A marvelous start to your birthday celebrations!
    Happy, Happy Birthday to you, John dear, and your lovely sister Janet!

  37. i hope you and your sister have a lovely birthday x

  38. Anonymous4:25 pm

    Happy Birthday to the twins! - Jackie

  39. Great start to your birthday weekend! Cheers!

  40. The man upstairs never stops talking - I used to find it appealing x

    1. Anonymous10:02 pm

      And now you don't?

  41. Anonymous6:26 pm

    I know it’s not your birthday until tomorrow
    But I couldn’t resist popping in


  42. Jo in Auckland7:02 pm

    As it's the 1/6/24 here may I be one of the first to wish you a Happy Birthday ON your special day (never happened before!) I hope you and your sister have a fabulous time and enjoy all the special things you have planned.

    On a more culinary note that scotch egg looks delish (sharing a scotch egg ... woah!!!) as does CE's scarf as someone else also noted.

  43. Anonymous9:18 pm

    Happy birthday for tomorrow John. I'm on half term break at the moment so have just caught up on your Madrid adventure it sounds and looks like you had a wonderful time. Enjoy your various celebrations and take care of yourself love Sarah x

  44. Lovely meal with coin tonight….late to bed xx thank you for all of your comments

  45. Anonymous12:11 am

    Let the festivities begin!

  46. Happy Birthday. Hope you have a wonderful day. Happy Birthday to Janet too xx

  47. Anonymous6:19 am

    happy birthday john, have lots of fun and frolics, noreen

  48. Anonymous6:37 am

    Wishing you a very happy & relaxed birthday ~ Buon Compleanno (as they say here). Enjoy your day (birthdays should last at least a week these days). Hugs Ro (n.w. italy)xxx

  49. Mary D9:14 am

    Happy Birthday John xx

  50. Happy Birthday and many more to come.


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