‘You’re like a vitamin enriched Brian Blessed’

I caught up with my sleep last night, and did so heavily, 
But managed to catch up with Sheffield Jane on video before I crashed
It was Roger who eventually woke me up wanting a wee at 9 ish. 
Unlike Dorothy who used to gently occlude my airway with her own neck, Roger tapped my face playfully with a heavy paw
Mary, as usual was dead to the world. 
I’ve walked and fed them and when they settle, I will go to Chester to meet my friend Nigel for lunch
This has pleased me as later tonight I’m off to see Troy Hawke a stand up comedian in his one man show. 
As you can see from his improv video, he’s quick witted and as sharpe as Margot Channing.
I’m going with Rhian, one of the doctors at work.


  1. Troy Hawke is brilliant isn't he, always seems to say the right things to the right people, although I have seen him get a few black looks. :-)

  2. That's a great line - vitamin enriched Brian Blessed. I must remember it. I'm trying to think who I can use it on! Glad you got a good sleep, and have a great evening planned. Enjoy! xx

    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZCjfoNtl_I

  3. Good young Roger!
    Nice to have a reason for a daily walk.

  4. So...question from the U.S.A. "Do you currently hold an allotment?" in the video. What exactly does that mean? Are you a homeowner vs. a renter? What is an "allotment" in the UK? (I laugh with my guy because he will catch me Googling words from various blogs to get a better understanding.) Thanks for the fun clip!

    1. An allotment is a small area of land, which you can rent from the local council, to grow flowers, fruit and/or vegetables on. xx

    2. Anonymous3:01 pm

      Not only flowers, frut and vegetables, we keep some hens on ours too although not all councils will allow livestock. A bit of tending to the hens, a bit of gardening then a cup of tea on the verandah of the shed before going home with veg and fresh eggs. Bliss.

    3. Anonymous3:05 pm

      There are lots of videos about allotments on You Tube.

    4. Anonymous3:12 pm

      We also have allotments in Canada, apartment dwellers use them.

    5. I used to have a field full of allotments

  5. Of course you are! Aren’t we all.

  6. Hahahaha, fun video! Enjoy his show tonight!

    1. We did , he was articulate bright and incredibly funny

  7. I will now be going googling to find this wit , since you have shown him before. I really like his energy and straightforwardness for the skit. Made me grin and still am grinning. Once you leave the hospice all docs are fair game! I figure it is a woman and you have just given us a name that could be likely either. :) Your a sly one Mr. Grey.

  8. Barbara Anne4:25 pm

    What a compliment! I've always loved Brian Blessed.
    Your plans are delightful and it's lovely that you and friends will have such oggd time togeher.
    It's raining here and am ging through a lot of stuff to have a clear out.
    in two weeks DS1 and his wonderful wife will pick up a rental truck to beging thir move here. Joy!! Hope they find a new homee not too far way.


    1. It was lovely havinG a full day , and we were sat next to a couple from the village at the show, and before we started another group waved at us madly from the stalls

  9. I have no idea who Brian Blessed is -- but have fun!

    1. Jo Jordan9:28 pm

      He's a wonderful english actor, built like a man mountain with a voice to match! The guy at the door looked like him but a bit smaller!

    2. Steve


  10. Anonymous5:48 pm

    Couldn’t we all use a it of cheer like Troy Hawke gives in that video?

    1. He talked about that in his wrap up, about giving a compliment without any caveat

  11. That guy could indeed be Fancy Smith with a beard.

    1. He’s a delightfully clever performer , the night flew

  12. Nice to have people to meet and things to do david


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