Bats In A Dark Lane.

 When you are part of a group where one of the members is suddenly poorly WhatsApp can be a godsend. Like bats in a dark lane, messages flit through the night, keeping you updated and worried. And early this morning I found out that a dear colleague and friend Ann from the hospice had died after a short illness. 
We started together a few years ago under similar life challenges of a sudden marital separation and a needy to earn some money. And from day one she proved herself to be a hardworking support worker who would always go that extra mile for her patients and for you, the trained nurse she was allocated to.
I shall miss her as will so many others I know. 

It’s a sad end, to a sad week, so I’m grateful for my friend Colin who messaged me with the offer of lunch out today. We are meeting at the Glasfryn in Mold ,which is a hearty gastropub perched above my beloved Theatr Clwyd and I intend to eat something with mash and gravy .

This morning I removed nails from the art wall and filled in the holes then sanded and washed the walls in readiness for paining tomorrow.
I’ve also carefully washed by Burleigh Ware crockery which sits on the top of the kitchen cabinets and put them carefully away 

I will leave you with the talented Mr Wu, whose house and garden renovation is almost at an end 


  1. Anonymous12:52 pm

    Something with mash and gravy sounds just right after the week you've had, enjoy lunch with your friend.
    Sorry about your colleague, may she rest in peace x
    Alison in Wales x

  2. Sorry to hear about your friend and colleague Ann.

    1. We started at the right time and shared support at being spinsters once more
      We understood each other

  3. Barbara anne1:10 pm

    Sympathy in the loss of your reliable and pleasant co-worker, Ann. Peace be with all who loved or cared about her.
    Hope today's lunch with Colin is a delight and the food worth to trip there.
    Have you yet revealed the new paint color for the kitchen? If so, I missed it.
    Oh, and be sure to wear green!


  4. I love Mr Wu - I saw my dad construct fish ponds, waterfalls and rockeries for 30 years x 🐠

  5. Heartfelt sympathies to all who knew Ann.
    Enjoy your lunch. After the past couple of weeks, you deserve a bit of a blowout!
    What a hardworking, talented man Mr Wu is. I wish he lived near me - I'd be employing his talents. xx

    1. He has a interesting and very Chinese eye to his creations

  6. My condolences on the loss of a friend. It strikes me that your careful work inside your beloved cottage mirrors Mr. Wu's work in an obviously beloved garden. Mindful attention to make your places in the world beautiful.

  7. Yorkshire Liz2:35 pm

    The definition of comfort food - "something with mash and gravy." I think is has been one of those dark weeks we get before the hope of spring springing: I also lost a dear longtime friend and former colleague this week. These losses hit you when you least expect them.
    Good luck with the hole filling and the painting; I have just done my kitchen. No-one tells you that the downside of having cataracts done is being able to see the true state of your skirting boards and how much the paintwork has faded.

    1. Liz, I told my cataract surgeon he was now going to have to pay for a cleaning lady for my house. I couldn't believe how the house looked. But did believe how well I could see after the surgery....amazingly.

    2. Yorkshire Liz6:48 pm

      Hello, Gemma's Person: So pleased to know it's not just me! I wish I had thought of your answer and used it. Thank you. Btw, anyone else reading and having cataract surgery suggested - just do it. It is quick and painless, no needles, just eyedrops. And as Gemma's Person says - amazing. Plus, I was warned that having the surgery would make me lose my longsight. It hasn't. Can still see a hare racing down the hedgerow two fields away.

    3. Not something I know about…as yet!

    4. Nothing to fear, don't put it off if the time comes. Nothing short of a miracle. :)

  8. The bats in a dark lane is a good analogy.
    Sad to lose a friend, especially one you have worked closely with

    1. We had some difficult shifts together and she was always there, in the thick of things

  9. We lost one of our colleauges to pancreatic cancer, her funeral was on Friday. She was only forty-six. Cancer is an asshole.

    Thank you for sharing Mr. Wu. What a lovely garden he's building.

    Take care John.

  10. Hugs from afar,

    1. I’ve needed lots of hugs these last two weeks , I’ve yet to have had one 😞

    2. Anonymous9:56 pm

      Virtual hug from me xx

  11. Glad you had a friend to meet up with, John. Hope it helps lift your spirits after your sad week. xx

    1. It did Ellen , it did the job quite nicely

  12. Hope lunch with Colin was delicious and comforting. Hugs to you, John dear, and ear scratches for Mary & Roger.

    1. They slept all afternoon, they do that after a hot soapy shower, my bathroom looks dreadful

  13. I am sorry for your loss. After a difficult divorce and then to re-establish herself to only fall ill. That is sad. Enjoy your meal with Colin. Mr. Wu does great work. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Yes, ann was unlucky but she was much loved

  14. What Mr Wu is doing is mesmerising.

    1. It’s a beautiful conversion , and sobering to see that most he’s done himself …addictive but award winning. Little videos

  15. Hope lunch with Colin was helpful. That garden is incredible. A labor or love, backbreaking work, and exceptional craft.

    1. Do you know what? It was delightful
      A proper gossip, some wonderful food , a nice venue

  16. Sad news. I didn't know you had Burleigh china, I adore it. New and even vintage is so expensive, I would love a set for everyday use but unless i win the lottery it won't be happening. I'm particularly fond of their pink products. I live in a dark house and have just had the kitchen, living room and kitchen cabinets painted white. What a difference!

    1. I have collected at least 100 pieces but only have 20 on show on top of the kitchen cabinets


  17. That video is fascinating. Mr. Wu has way more talent in his garden than I ever had.

    1. Catch the earlier videos when he started the house

  18. I see from the comments that your lunch was a better end to a tough week, good! Thanks for sharing Mr Wu, soothing to watch and a beautiful finished product. :)

  19. I am glad to see you surrounded by Love in the comments.

  20. My heart goes out to Ann's family, and to you. I heard someone say, "God, it's been a rough year, and it's only March." The balm of friendship is soothing and life-giving, I wouldn't be here and somewhat sane without my friends.


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