Thank You


Thank you Will who called today to check on a missing roof slate when he didn’t have to and to promising to sort it by the end of the week.
Thank you to Donna from Uni who checked up on me when the tutor told the class I was off sick.
Thank you to Trendy Carol’s Hubby, who looked after the dogs when he didn’t have to today.
Thank you to sister Janet who asked me to see Manon at the cinema tomorrow 
Thank you to Trendy Carol who kept Mary a few hours longer as she was asleep , like only older dogs sleep when they find a comfy corner.
Thank you for your blog comments and
Thank you whoever invented macaroni cheese 
Bloody lovely for a late tea after sleeping all day 


  1. Anonymous11:06 pm

    Rather sweet


  2. It's good to give thanks but it is something we will often forget to do.

  3. Anonymous11:27 pm

    I hope your bladder is settling down and it was nice of you to thank all your caregivers. They certainly take a load off when you just need to look after your health worry free. Gigi

    1. I’m off to bed with it sort of normal

  4. It's good to know that friends and family have been helping you. You're earlier post's bit about
    Joni Mitchell kept me on the internet today
    She had a daughter when she was young and single that wasn't raised by her
    They reunited several years later and remain close to day. Joni had
    a stroke and recovered beautifully . At ,80 she still Is being honored as a singer, Mary

  5. One of my favourite animal pics on the net :) It's a quarter to midnight and now I want macaroni cheese.............

  6. Thank you, John for sharing your life with us. One of the highlights of my day! Hope the combination of sleep, fluids, antibiotics and macaroni cheese has helped. xx

  7. Anonymous12:23 am

    So glad to hear that you are doing better. Your last gratitude was so out of left field that I laughed out loud! Thank you for that.

  8. How can one go wrong with macaroni and cheese!!!

  9. Is that Manon the ballet, or Manon (des Sources) the movie? I adore the music of the latter.

  10. It's so good to read of such kindness. Especially Carol and her husband who sound like real gems who understand and love animals.

    So sorry you are still suffering the intermittent bladder attacks. I keep reading of advances in the reasons for persistent UTIs but not really a successful treatment. They drag you down so much each time and are truly miserable. At least you are feeling a bit better now and hopefully nearly back to normal routine. I agree with the macaroni cheese comment!

  11. Anonymous7:57 am

    How can Mary be old? I remember her puppy days. Can that much time have really passed?
    Ah, mac and cheese…almost as comforting as mashed potatoes with lots of butter.

  12. Good to hear that you are feeling better.

  13. Sleep. Liquids. You don't do enough. Glad you are feeling better.

  14. Giving thanks is a positive, life-affirming act.

  15. And thank you for just being you, and blogging, and being part of the village...that cares

  16. Anonymous10:58 am

    I think I will just have to make a macaroni and cheese casserole today as I have just tidied up my freezer and now have room for the leftovers. I only make a big load of it. Gigi

  17. Glad you’re improving and that you’re so loved… and grateful.

  18. It's nice to thank everybody, they are doing all this to thank you for all that you do. Good friends have good friends. xx

  19. It's hard to beat macaroni and cheese for comfort food! Glad you were able to catch up on your rest.

  20. Anonymous1:34 pm

    Thank you for sharing your life with us. Jackie

  21. Anonymous8:26 am

    Thank you for sharing your gratitude. This post has hit home for some reason. I’m in tears. Bless you x

  22. And thank you John for all of your musings and observations.


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes