A Little Moment

There is a new horse on the field 
A skewbald pony infact.
He’s on one side of the field. 
The three resident ponies are on the other.
Mary and I watched them meet over the fence this afternoon.
Sue warned me the introduction may get noisy.

We sat in my bedroom window with a blanket 
It was cold and Mary looked like a little Virgin Mary with the blanket around her head.
She sat on my knee, watchful and happy. 
She now has a slight cloud in one eye, showing her age,
I hadn’t noticed it before.

All the ponies had been given hay to keep them busy but the three bays kept nodding their heads to the newbie who pretended to ignore them 
He moved closer at every munch though. 
And We could almost taste the tensions. 
The skewbald finally was near enough to extend his head over the fence and the three little bays reached over too to sniff the air between them. 
Mary shifted, excited at their meeting
And I held my breath.

A loud whinny, and two ponies jerked their heads and spun around, 
But soon after there was more sniffing and more head nodding.
It was fascinating to watch.
And Mary put her paw onto the window
As we sat a while longer to watch.


  1. It seems no time since Mary was a pup and now she has a cataract. How fast time goes and our babies age before our eyes.
    I would have liked to watch the horses with you both. What magic

    1. I think we all were just able to watch them all. Pure magic.

  2. What a treasured moment. Another little snippet of life for the book, perhaps? xx

  3. weavinfool7:38 am

    I love that you take the time to observe these moments in time. Thank you for sharing them with us.

  4. Such a touching moment which so emotionally charged can I find be so painfull when catches unawares - Though my bunch are lively they don't bother much about horses in a field alongside us unless I show interest or a horse and rider passes on a track x 🐴

  5. A lovely shared moment.
    How hairy equine chins are!

  6. Anonymous9:48 am

    Just a beautiful moment for you and Mary. Jan in Castle Gresley

  7. Anonymous12:05 pm

    That horses chin looks somewhat like mine, ha ha.

    1. Yes, thank goodness for tweezers (and a good magnifying mirror!) xx

  8. I enjoy the way you describe things, John. I can so easily imagine what you are seeing or feeling. The way you paint with words is lovely.

  9. Anonymous1:06 pm

    Like a dad who tries not to have favourites.its lovely to see you spending time with the quiet one


  10. When the moment arrives, the words flow

  11. Anonymous1:21 pm

    You and Pat. The only bloggers that I read every day. When you each create a post, I feel as if I am there - seeing, hearing and feeling what you describe. Thank you for that. Jackie

  12. Is a fireplace the only heat source in your home? Mary

    1. Yes, when going it fires up the thermal store and the radiators

    2. Good system!Mary

  13. Barbara Anne2:27 pm

    What a magic moment when new friendships begin and you and Mary too time to share the moment. It's good to add magic to your life. :)
    Sorry about Mary's cataract. When will there be doggie cataract implants?


    1. Anonymous4:18 pm

      Cataract surgery is available for dogs.

  14. Another perfectly written scene from your life.

    1. Traveller6:11 pm

      Agree πŸ“•πŸ“—πŸ“˜πŸ“™πŸ“š

  15. Hail Mary, full of grace, what a little sweetie-face.

  16. Anonymous2:58 pm

    Hmmm....methinks a poet trying to get out lurks inside this Welshman ! Rall

  17. A nice horse (and dog) moment! Love the photo.

  18. Anonymous5:01 pm

    have you had horses of your own John, I see in some of your past archive pigs and poultry seem to feature a great deal



  19. Anonymous6:30 pm

    Thank you for this photo. I can almost smell the dear pony. Llynn

  20. A magical moment. Thank you for sharing.

  21. Sometimes it's the little moments like this to give us a small chuckle. Where I used to live, I miss the neighbor that had the miniature horses. I swear, they did things purposely for a laugh.

  22. how nice to have a horse near by! I would want to stop by regular to say hello.

  23. Anonymous1:06 pm

    Since I have four horses and keep one at a very large horse farm I get to see this often. I never tire of watching their friendships develop. Or not!


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