Self Care

 I’ve got skills practice in an hour. 
This is a recorded zoom meeting between me and my colleague Donna .
It will last an hour with each one of us playing the therapist for thirty minutes each.
Our tutor will assess the video sometime this week.
Yesterday I set up zoom and got everything set up.
In between times I called friends for chats, 
It’s amazing how much the cottage feels alive with the sound of chatter in it.

I’m working nights tonight so made a big brunch.

Soda bread toasted with garlic topped with Greek yogurt, salmon and avocado , topped with a left over spoon of mushy peas…
Bloody lovely.
I won’t eat again until this evening 
Eating special meals has always been important to me, and it’s a skill I have indulged myself in since I was single. 
In counselling , it would be termed self care 
Respect and care for myself in a time which isn’t always as nurturing as it could be.

Or perhaps I just like my food 


  1. That does indeed look bloody lovely. I must try it myself.

  2. Caring for yourself is what you have to do when you live alone.
    But I'm afraid I can't be tempted to the muddle on your plate!!

    1. Anonymous1:17 pm

      I would eat that muddle any day- looks delicious

  3. Who cares for the carers, if not themselves? You have a physically, mentally and emotionally demanding job, a Uni course, your animals and cottage to look after. You need to do whatever it takes to look after yourself. And, yes, you probably do like your food, too! There are worse vices, John! xx

  4. I see you had a big bowl of fresh lemons for dessert. I would rather have sticky toffee pudding with custard myself.

  5. Anonymous12:26 pm

    If I ever go off my food, there will be something wrong with me. I cook what I can and tell my kids I do 10 minute meals. If I can find room in the freezer I want to make a big Macaroni and cheese casserole. That is the thing that takes me more than 10 minutes, but I can still manage it, and I have lots of it left for freezer meals. I do sometimes eat some crazy concoctions just to get rid of leftovers. Except for the mushy peas, yours looks very nice. We don’t have mushy peas over here and thats fine with me as I am not a fan. I only eat peas if they are in stew, or creamed salmon or tuna. I hated peas as a child but do them now as long as they are mixed in with something else..other than peas I will eat anything else. Enjoy doing your skills practice and I am sure you will ace it John. Gigi

  6. Yes - Always yourself first unless an emergency x

    1. Anonymous2:56 pm

      what a selfish attitude

    2. No flis has a point, you help no one when you run on empty

  7. I had leftover brandy butter on toast. Fucking delicious x

    1. Yup. It was past it's use by date but had yet to go rancid 😁

  8. The salmon looks wonderful. Enjoy and take care,

  9. Oh my, that looks divine, I would be all over it, such an interesting combo. Our freezer is my self-care; I lobbied my Hubs hard for an upright freezer for our garage. When I cook, I like to make enough to freeze for those times when I am in a slump, and don't know what to cook, or don't want to cook. Our little vacuum sealing device and that freezer have saved my sanity on more than one occasion. I make soups, stews, roasts and casseroles, and freeze into portions. Add a salad, and it's a lovely meal. I agree with Flis and Happy Hooker, that caregivers especially need the most self-care; giving takes its toll and no one can take care of you, like you can. My counselor has her own counselor who is a specialist counselor FOR counselors! I cannot imagine the load they all carry. Everyone can benefit from a skilled counselor.

  10. You sound like you are in a busy, happy mood, John. Great!
    Your brunch looks yummy. What do you use all of those lemons for? That burst of yellow is so pretty there!

  11. I think it's very fine that you like your food and can prepare it nicely for yourself. Isn't the whole point of self-care to do something kind and health-promoting for ourselves?

  12. The meal looks wonderful, a beautiful combination of colors and flavors.

  13. Yorkshire Liz3:24 pm

    All of those things! Your meals always look divine, and make your readers craving recipes! I used to beinto coooking and did a lot (WI training is a wonderful thing) but since overtaken by too many losses in too short time, have no interest whatsoever in food any more. The effect of bereavement on attitudes to food is something too often ignored.

  14. I love that your house is filled with chatter on this day. It is a wonderful balance to those gray days when you feel alone. May the days of chatter always outweigh those days.

  15. Barbara Anne3:52 pm

    Hope you and Donna could take turns setting the world to rights.
    Your meal looks delicious and nutritious! You'll have to keep the peas if you serve it to me!
    Hoe to you use the many lemons we see in your photos?
    Hope it's a quiet shift tonight.


  16. I love how you always have the big bowl of lemons! Bright burst of happy color for only a few bucks. I have tried to emulate w my small blue bowl of three or four lemons now and then---but they go bad! What do you use yours for?
    Your plates of food always look so beautiful and healthy. Do you bring your overnight meals when you work nights?


  17. Nothing wrong with liking food! And you're getting your veg in!

  18. That looks like a tasty meal. But why do you have so many lemons?

    1. To keep his smalls fresh I believe x

    2. Anonymous4:26 pm

      When has John ever indicated that he "keeps his smalls fresh "with lemons?

  19. You can't look after others if you don't look after yourself. Fundamental.

  20. It is so important to be kind to yourself, be it a little gift or a special experience. Time taken to stop and enjoy life, even for a brief pause, is so valuable. Your food looks delish! x

  21. Except for the mushy peas (which thankfully don't look all that mushy), the brunch looks delightful.

  22. Brunch looks wonderful. Hope your skills practice session with Donna went well. Wishing you a quiet evening shift.

  23. Delicious brunch - enough there to carry you through until you can eat again.

  24. A nicely prepared meal that includes lots of favorite items is always excellent. I love salmon and your plate looks terrific.
    A video showing role play is helpful for fine tuning technique. Nobody knows how they come across until seen on video. One job had us videoing our presentations just to improve our delivery.

  25. Looks as though your lunch was lovely too. Its good that you are starting to "listen" to the silent words of your body and what it needs. Because you now recognise the silent signs in yourself now you will recognise them in others too. It all helps. Self-care is very necessary; learning how to do that is not always comfortable and a journey in itself especially if you have always been one to put others first. Nice to see you more than getting there. Practice makes perfect and a chance to hone your skills further. It sounds as though you are really getting a lot from this whole course. Glad for you John xx

  26. Hi John
    It sounds like your life is full and rewarding now, I'm glad.
    The lunch looks quite good, I'm a fan of lox myself. I usually use creme fraiche or even cream cheese with it, but yogurt sounds good too. I'm also a fan of mashed peas, I'm unclear if they'd be good as a addition, but I'll take your word for it.

    1. Mushed peas on thick buttered toast is a treat too

  27. Anonymous9:43 pm




    2. Anonymous4:29 pm

      But really just for show or appearance.

    3. Anonymous6:14 pm

      because they look pretty, he throws them away when they start going bad and buys more

  28. You eat well, but I think we need to have a talk about the mushy peas. But since I have never quite had them the way that Brits do, and I presume my ancestors did, I should just shut up. 😊

    1. Oh mushy peas with lots of vinegar

  29. Your lunch looks wonderful, one question, are mushy peas an acquired taste? Just curious.....

  30. I love mushy peas but they are hard to get here and pricey

  31. You are right to pamper and look-after yourself. So many just give in, and head for the chip shop or McD's. I only discovered Mushy Peas last year, and love them.

  32. I like how you take pleasure in the making of your food as well as the eating. Finding joy in the everyday, a bit like the tea ceremony. I wonder if the film " Perfect Days", which I am hoping to see when it comes, will be a little about that.

  33. Why is everyone so obsessed with your lemons? I bet they make the cottage smell a lot better than a bowl of Scotch Eggs would. ;-)

  34. Anonymous3:02 pm

    Salmon and avocado? I can't afford either of those.


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