
 Sometimes you just have to push through the miserable weather and claim the day as your own.
I’d arranged to meet a friend in Chester but I cancelled because I was skint, but found myself meeting another more local friend for a short walk and take out coffee

Soaked, but invigorated, getting wet during a winter shower has done me good


  1. If we Brits stopped doing whatever because of the weather, we'd not do anything! I suspect it was the company rather than the rain that invigorated you. xx

  2. That sounds like an excellent last minute change of plan, and just what you needed.

    Alan has been getting back from walking the dogs soaking wet but fully invigorated ... the dogs just think that he is totally mad and left to their own devices would stay in bed and dry!!

    1. I said to my friend, just getting out is important sometime , the physicality of moving

  3. I adore walking in the rain. It is a cleansing way to start the new year. Wishing you contentment with a dash of joyful surprises for the New Year.

    1. Just braving the weather is a positive step

  4. I like walking in the rain or snow. Coffee after a wet walk is key.

  5. Oh dear...was that a donut? And--"you'll catch your death!" as my gramma used to say. I hope youre dry and warmed up now.

  6. I would love to get wet in any kind of shower!

    1. And it wasn't even being saucy. I specifically meant rain shower. I guess I”m slipping!

  7. Not keen on walking in the rain but that coffee looks good. I may have been tempted by that.

    1. Yes…the coffee was bloody lovely ,malmost on a par with McDonald’s who do amazing coffee

  8. Anonymous6:07 pm

    I do love a long walk in the rain - a warm rain and no lightning - with my large umbrella. Jackie

  9. Barbara Anne6:13 pm

    Good change of plans with a friend, gof coffee, and a yummy treat (judging from the crumbs!), and a lovely walk home in the rain. I like warm rain but cold rain? Not so much. I am usually the coldest one in any room.


  10. Well, the sun is out here so I have no excuse! I will get out for a walk now. Thanks for the inspiration, John!

    1. I always have at least one long walk a day, Dorothy insists we leaves the house at the latest of 8.30
      She places her neck over mine then occludes my airway

  11. I thought that Bryn Williams was a kind of upmarket and rather pricey seaside food and drinks service. Next time why not take a flask and a packet of digestives?

    1. Anonymous7:14 pm


    2. It was Bryn williams take out cafe , which has the same prices as a big standard cafe
      So there!!!!

  12. Yorkshire Liz7:11 pm

    When you have dogs, not walking in the rain is not an option. And there comes a point when you sop worrying because you can't get any wetter. An invigorating start to the year!

    1. And more exercise , another New Years resolution

    2. Yorkshire Liz9:59 pm

      You mean Couch To 5k? We could form a team!

  13. Anonymous7:11 pm

    I went with my daughter to buy her first car -an almost 20 year old VW Beetle Convertible . She’s thrilled . But we both had a little cry as her Daddy would have wanted to be there with her

    Siobhan x

    1. You have given her a memory she will cherish , your husband would be proud of u

    2. Aww, that's so touching. I hope your daughter thoroughly enjoys her car.

    3. Yorkshire Liz10:04 pm

      The spirit of her dad, and all he taught her, was right there in her individual choice of such an individual car. She will love it and her dad will be at her shoulder. I loved my beetle...which followed on from my little mogrot.(Morris 1000) Being little and chunky, have always had a soft spot for little chunky cars.

    4. Anonymous1:29 am

      Thank you all for replying
      Your comment has resonated John
      I really hope Tony is proud of me , of our kids
      One of the most difficult parts of living when he has died is that I thought I would sense him - but I don’t
      He’s not with me anymore
      Siobhan x

    5. This is a heart tugging, but what I love is the gentle loving and affirming responses. John, you have a wonderful community of commenters. Siobhan, I hope that you felt the kindness too.

  14. Dogs and rain - can't be beaten.

    1. The wet dog smell is the only downside x

  15. Anonymous8:04 pm

    It is 1C and cloudy here today.. I was just out brushing a dusting of snow off my car. Also trying to get a haircut appointment before winter really gets started here. I really, at this age prefer rain, but not the gloomy days. My dog isn’t keen on going out in the rain, unless there is a squirrel out there, then she forgets. Coffee out is so nice if you have someone to do it with. Lucky you. Gigi

  16. Sounds like it is time to snuggle up and take a nap.

  17. The rain was not draining away close to my window - The air vents are on the ground - I nervously checked the creeping pooled water throughout the day - The rain seems now to have ceased so I may relax x

  18. Ha! You've taught me another word today: "skint". I used to love a walk in a gentle rain and also loved driving in the rain. Somehow it does the soul good.

  19. I love walking in the rain, but hate the dark, gloomy days we've had recently. Some sunshine is forecast!!!

  20. I spent many years in Seattle, which get's less rain than people think. What it does get (or used to, before climate change) is days on end of drizzle, all day. Seattlites are know for their disdain of umbrellas. Gortex, and hoods are the uniform of the day. My two daughters are both the archetype of the area. I'm doing ok, weird thing with recurring cyanosis in my right hand, two middle fingers at random times...so far goes away after some time. But hey, with age comes the weird stuff, eh?.

  21. sounds like a great start to the year!

  22. Anonymous3:42 am

    My start to the year was to get my new debit card (which I've never had before) used fraudulently by some toerag in Christchurch catching 4 ubers in one day. Christchurch is very flat so they are also lazy toerags. Fortunately the Bank refunded my money as the card was used fraudulently. So now I'm on an even keel again. Phew.

    Jo in Auckland

    1. Anonymous3:43 am

      A walk in the rain with a dog and a friend would have been much nicer.

      Jo in Auckland

    2. Criminality aside, catching ubers in a flat city doesn't automatically mean a person is lazy!

  23. It is worth investing in really good head-to-toe weatherproof clothing. My long 'Stockman' Barbour is good, but does seem to absorb some dampness. I don't have a waterproof hat. If we have another winter like this, I shall invest in something that really does the job.

    1. Try giving your coat some extra wax - it will help

  24. Yes, just getting out in the fresh air and natural light help me a lot.

    I love Dorothy's way of reminding you she wants to go for a walk!


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