Falls From Grace

Yes my hair does look somewhat “ surprised” 
I had a fall, getting out of the car at the station and hit the pavement with all of the good Grace of a sack full of tripe.
I lost my reading glasses in the kurfuffle but have only just realised that , now I’m sat on the train, an almost empty train on its way to London.

I’m getting used to the dismal service provided by avanti trains and decided to catch the early train to London after hearing that my midday service had been cancelled at 8 am. It was a good call but only one I’ve learnt after a plethora of bad journeys to the capital in 2023.

The dogs had been walked and fed and were left asleep for Trendy Carol’s hubby to pick them up at his convenience 
I will arrive in London at 12.30 , more than enough time to have a late breakfast, mooch around the National Portrait Gallery, check into my hotel before meeting Nu at Dishoom on Kingly Street, around the corner to Carnaby Street.

Nu and London has been somewhat of a touchstone for me over the past few years and despite some fraught journeys , it remains very much that.
A place always associated with laughter and with theatre


  1. Shake off the unpleasant start and have a lovely day with your friend and the city!

  2. Oh Bloody Hell, your relationship with gravity is getting more complicated by the day!
    Have a great time with Nu! X

  3. Hope you were not hurt. I am always glad that there is still some hair left to stand up on end.

  4. Don't you feel a fool when you go arse over tit in public! Hope the hair was the only casualty. You should be able to buy a cheap pair of reading glasses somewhere. Enjoy the time with Nu. xx

  5. Anonymous12:28 pm

    So sorry you had a somewhat rough start to your event with Nu. Hope it is all smooth sailing for the rest of the day and that you and Nu really enjoy the show. Gigi

  6. Well, the rest of the day certainly sounds as though it should get better and better. Hope you both enjoy yourselves.

  7. Hope you're not too shaken by the fall. Have a fantastic time in London. xx

  8. Ouch ... hopefully your glasses will be handed in at the station, it would be worth asking when you arrive back. I hope you have a lovely time while you're there.

    1. If only to meet the hunk who hands them back to him. ;)

  9. A bit of a rough start, but I hope your London visit with Nu more than makes up for it -- have fun!

  10. Anonymous2:21 pm

    Hopefully no aches and pains to mar your get away! And that you only have cheap reading glasses to replace - my husband buys colorful ones at the drug store and keeps them in various strategic locations.

    warm wishes, Ceci

  11. You have terrible train luck, don't you? I am so sorry. But hopefully, all of the joy of being with your Nu will more than balance it all out.

  12. Hope you are safely in London by now, enjoying your time with Nu! x

  13. Relax and enjoy your time away.that change of train was a good call

  14. Sorry to read about your fall. I hate when I do things like that, which is often. How long does the train take to get to London? (I am just catching up on blog reading as I've been out of town for a few days, and didn't have time to do much of anything on the internet.) Enjoy your time in London.

  15. EEEEEEE-yikes! Col made me laugh with his comment about your relationship with gravity, but all joking aside, you should try to see if you can figure out why you fell. Uneven pavement? Ice? If you can isolate a cause, you can perhaps prevent a future fall. Glad you were not seriously hurt. Enjoy your break with Nu.

    1. Anonymous6:00 pm

      Not hard to figure out why he fell - you only need to have been watching or reading the weather news. Also John posted photos of his snowy village.

    2. Anonymous11:27 pm

      I live in another country but hey, thanks for the tip.

  16. Do you need your glasses to see in general? Maybe you can pick up a pair of readers in a corner drugstore.? Tho I suppose by now you've figured it all out and are having a fun if blurry time w Nu.

  17. Have a wonderful time with Nu! Safe travels home.

  18. Barbara Anne6:22 pm

    What a bother to have fallen (upsetting as you get older) and lost your reading glasses, too.
    All is water under the bridge as our day is filled in Nu's wonderful company and the play. It couldn't get any better!!


  19. I feel for you as we are about the same age and I tripped over two weeks ago and landed on my face and right arm/hand on the pavement. A very grazed and bleeding face but worse a painful arm and right hand very weak. Still using my left hand which I have now discovered is much weaker than the right and so many things I have been unable to do. Very frustrating. Takes time to heal. Hopefully you are not so bad and will have a great time with Nu.

  20. Oh, that's a bummer about your glasses. Maybe if you check at the station upon your return they'll be there, in the lost & found (if such a thing exists)? Have fun in London!

  21. I have heard a chiropractor say 'that first step is the most dangerous' out of your vehicle.

  22. Ooh dear, I'm sorry you had a tumble, but despite the bump on the head you are looking marvelous darling.
    Enjoy your time with Nu, it's all going to be fun !

  23. Oh my, sorry about the fall and the loss of your glasses. Maybe you can retrieve them from a lost-and-found on your return. Glad you weren't hurt more than you were. At any rate, have a great time in London.

  24. You really did not need a fall mishap. Your forehead looks a little red from the bump. Hopefully, you will not have much swelling. Enjoy your time with Nu. She is a lovely person and a great friend to have by your side.

  25. Sorry to hear that you fell over. Did somebody fart in that carriage? I know it wouldn't have been you unless you had baked beans for breakfast.

  26. H-mm, I'm wondering if your having worn new footwear yesterday made you walk differently in whatever footwear you wore this morning and that's why you fell.

  27. What a pisser! Hope the rest of the time went off without any more bumps.

  28. I haven't been up to town for decades. My oldest goes several times a week for work, and hates the travelling. I still miss it.


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