

I’ve had a beard since I was 24.
It’s a full beard at the moment 
Usually it’s trimmed and a goatee 
I quite like the Father Christmas look but I know it’s unkempt and lazy
I will trim it today and have washed my Christmas jumper too.
I’m going out for dinner with Gorgeous Dave so I will have to shape up 
He’s so ably turned out.
I wonder where this comes from, my two sisters are always impeccably turned out and my brother was no slouch in the dapper stakes either. my parents although old in their outlook always dressed well even in 1970 and my husband was neat, tidy and groomed within an inch of his life.
Is it habit I’m like this? 
Do I really don’t care? 
Have I let myself go? 
I’m off for a long hot shower and my beard trimmer is all charged up ready


  1. I quite like beards.
    Since becoming a lady of a certain age I have even started to grow my own....

  2. You haven't let yourself go - you are just very busy!

    1. I’ve shaved it back into a goatee and have used moisturiser and conditioner and feel much lighter

    2. Anonymous5:09 pm

      And cooler. You will feel thise winter breezes now. Pat in Pennsylvania

  3. When I saw the blogpost title "Scruffy", I thought it was perhaps the name of a mongrel dog you once owned and I was about to read about some of the mischief that Scruffy got up to.

    For a transformative male grooming experience try Homme Menswear & Barbers in Bangor. You'll go in as Fungus the Bogeyman and come out as Julian Clary.

  4. Anonymous2:10 pm

    Laughing at JayCee's comment - bravo! My brother has had a beard continuously since about age 17 - no one knows what his chin looks like. As he points out no one knows what the top of my head looks like since my hair came in at 6 months.


    1. I’d look like my dad so I’ll always keep my beard

  5. I tend to like the Lumberjack look. For me, dressed to perfection signals a bit to much perfection. I acknowledge, I am far from perfect.

  6. Have you ever thought about completely shaving off your beard? People probably wouldn't recognize you without it!

    1. I’d hate it debra, it’s always been something I’ve hidden behind

    2. Barbara Anne5:38 pm

      Decades ago SH shaved his beard and moustache and I didn't recognize him when I saw him! We'd been married 10 years then..
      Who wants to shave off a beard in the intertime?


  7. I too have been bearded for most of my life. My own dress style is 'shabby chic'; a refined scruffy look that can pass anywhere.

    1. I’ve never aspired to something even like that

    2. Traveller4:59 pm

      One person’s shabby chic is a more honest person’s scruffy.

      Am definitely more on the scruffy side of things. My partner is the other side of scruffy. At the supermarket today I looked at his jeans and commented they were hardly clean…his response was they were comfy.

      We have always both been clean shaven - but he couldn’t grow a beard if his life depended on it.

  8. I like a man with a beard. As for scruffy, I could give you lessons! My idea of hell is a formal occasion where I'm expected to dress up. My default is old jogging pants, tee shirt and no bra (bliss!) Guess what I'm wearing at the moment! xx

    1. How do you women cope with a bra ! Horrendous

    2. I hate not wearing a bra! It is like being in a car without wearing the seat-belt!

    3. I'd never go out without one, but, oh, the relief when you take it off! BTW I'm not overly endowed in that department, and what I do have is rapidly moving south, so doubt if anyone would notice if I did go without! Except of course in this cold weather... xx

  9. Could it be you are one of the rare few who like themselves just as they are? Except when their long raggedy beard is getting caught under their pillow at night, why not? I like your trimmed-beard look.

  10. Stubblejumpers Cafe3:18 pm

    By the way, the young female moose who beds down in our farmyard every winter for the past two years has been named Scruffy, as her hair/fur is pretty scruffy-looking. She eats dry tree twigs. Actual wood! and has either no bottom or top teeth; I forget which, now, but have a video somewhere of her chowing down right outside our living room window.

    1. Anonymous6:03 pm

      Just curious as to why a young moose wouldn't have any teeth?? Do they come in later or has she lost hers for some reason?? But I have to say I'm jealous you have a resident moose!

      Jo in Auckland

    2. Anonymous7:02 pm

      I believe that many or most ungulates - like moose, deer, cows - only have incisors teeth on the bottom jaw. The upper jaw is a hard palate. The use the teeth and palate to grip and pull grasses and such, and the back molars to chew.
      Karin in Colorado

    3. Anonymous7:07 pm

      To clarify, the cloven-hoofed ungulates.

    4. Anonymous7:36 pm

      Ahh I knew about cows and deer but know nothing about Moose ... I suppose they are just whopping big deer! Thanks for the info!

    5. Anonymous7:36 pm

      Anonymous above is me! Jo in Auckland

    6. What a fascinating exchange. The things that I learn from blogs!

  11. Anonymous3:19 pm

    My husband trimmed his beard today at my request as I thought it was very unkempt looking. I cut his hair yesterday which made me realise how bushy his beard was! Catriona

  12. I get it. Body maintenance is a pain! And when we get older, the payoff is less. When I was young and I shaved, I looked so much better. Now that I'm older, I just look...older and shaved!

  13. You know who’s scruffy?
    Daryl Dixon.

    1. Anonymous6:03 am

      Scruffy or not he can park his boots next to my bed anytime 😉. Jane

  14. My husband is always neat. I am always tatty. I feel it makes me more approachable hehe x

  15. Anonymous4:11 pm

    You are fishing for compliments, your beard as is looks quite nice.

  16. When I was in my 20s and 30s and shaved, I looked like I was 12. NOT anymore. Have you ever been clean-shaven in all this time?

  17. Anonymous4:30 pm

    I love a well trimmed beard but the goatee needs to go! All the gay men I know really look after themselves. Why not you? Are you afraid someone might be attracted to you? Maybe you are just too busy to put yourself first. Now go get yourself cleaned up. Lol. Gigi

  18. The beard looks fine as it is. I guess it's about how you feel and what you're comfortable with - or I suppose if it was your inclination (we all have them), what another person might be attracted to. A gay chap I once worked with at a clinic had a thing about being very smooth all over (manscaping? ). Then there are the bears... Anyway, back to appearance, if you suddenly started to wearing chic clothes and dapper suits around Trelawnyd people might start to get concerned about you. Stick to the Walking Dead t-shirts with food stains (you'll lose your soul if you don't! ).

  19. Alan's beard was getting long and scruffy, very Father Christmas-ish but it started getting him down so his was trimmed yesterday. So now you're both neat and tidy for Christmas. 🙂

    1. He always reminds me of a Viking king

  20. Barbara Anne5:34 pm

    I think your beard as pictured looks neat and lovely. If we weren't an ocean apart and of different persuasions (not to mention the age difference ) I'd be happy to kiss you!


    1. If I was different too , I’d let you

  21. I've been married to my husband for nearly fifty years and he has always had a beard apart from one time when he shaved it off and I didn't recognise him !!! I love a beard. XXXX

  22. Anonymous5:58 pm

    My ex husband had a beard & moustache, remember a female friend of mine saying she just could not like either so my ex quietly told her she evidently had not had the top of her thighs tickled. Jan in Castle Gresley

    1. I’ve not ticked many ladies thighs

    2. Anonymous9:53 pm

      Not many? Any?

  23. Just wear a cravat and you will look arty and stylish no matter a holey jumper or crocs!

    1. The scarf Hugh Hefner wore around the front of his neck when he was wearing his dinner/leisure 'jacket' at his playboy palace.

  24. Anonymous6:06 pm

    I love your beard as I love all beards. My Dad had a goatee for years and once I came home from school and he had shaved it off... I was shocked I hardly recognised him. We all said please Dad regrow it... he had it for the rest of his 86 years.

    Jo in Auckland

  25. Last week my daughter and I were eating in a restaurant. A woman walked by our table. She was at least my age, if not older, and she was absolutely perfectly dressed and groomed. Here hair was so pretty- white, styled, cut beautifully. She wore a skirt and jacket- a suit of sorts, which were unwrinkled and as tidy as can be. She wore a scarf decoratively around her neck, and her belt had a fine buckle on it.
    I looked at her and after she passed I told my daughter, "Wow. That is a real adult." I thought for a moment and then said, "And I feel like a ridiculous child peasant." I will not describe my entire outfit but Crocs were involved.

    1. P.S. I love your beard. It reminds me of my husband's.

    2. Miss moon, to me you always look so chic

  26. I , being a woman , am not on your list of who you are trying to impress. But, I like the look of your beard. It doesn't look unkempt to me. Run a comb through it every once in awhile and brush out any loose scotch egg hanging around. Keep it if you haven't already done the deed. :)

  27. Goatees are so yesterday.

    1. So is “ Bryn” as a name

    2. ha ha my daughter and son in law have named their 2 week old boy Brynley, after his grandad!
      Is it old fashioned or 'yesterday'? Who cares!!!

  28. Anonymous7:17 pm

    You should definitely tidy yourself up. You’re a very good looking man.

    1. A back handed compliment which I will take

  29. You must please yourself and be comfy! But I am glad to hear you trimmed down to a goatee and washed that Christmas sweater. It's attractive and mood lifting to look nice, I think. Have fun tonight w G Dave.

    1. It was a nice chatty evening , we had fun

  30. In the times when I haven't seen any value in myself I have let my appearance go as if I'm not worth the effort. Now it's my early warning sign that I am in danger of slipping backwards and need to shape up.

    1. Whoops well I’ve don’t that today

  31. I've had a beard now for about five years. And I do let it get scraggly at times. Beard grooming and grooming in general isn't my favorite thing to do!

  32. Anonymous9:27 pm

    I prefer a FULL beard. Like Victorian sea captain beard. My husband can grow an amazing one, which he does for me, but it itches him and he shaves it off every once in a while. Seeing his bare face is always a shock.

  33. I rather often notice scraps of food caught in a beard, which is somewhat disturbing even though I would never be closer to a man's face than civilised talking distance. Congealed dribblings of sauces or whatever are the worst.

  34. Yorkshire Liz10:01 pm

    I love men with beards! I knew my husband for 56 years, and never ever saw his chin. If I ever admitted this to other people they always found the idea hilarious. I always had a theory there was a tattoo on his chin that said "I love Mary." Which is not my name.

  35. I have wild hair and I can make it tidy-ish b ut I don't feel like me if wild isn't an option.
    Is it possible that "scruffy" feels right to you? I think people who have a long list of interests like to devote their energies to those things more than presentation

  36. It's slothfulness, of which I am a prime contender.

  37. Whether you are aware of it or not I suspect that deep within in you is
    confidance that allows you to know how attractive you are,-Mary

  38. Anonymous4:58 am

    My maternal grandfather whom I never met (he died in 1921) had a full beard because he wanted to look older. My grandmother once told me that the beard "didn´t smell good".
    Hilde in Germany

  39. Anonymous6:18 am

    My two cents. As we age it’s better to be clean, pressed and trimmed.Casual or not, same rules. No pills, holes or stains. White well looked after teeth. A bleaching kit from the dentist works wonders. Floss, when you see what comes out you’ll never not do it again.Bonus, you won’t get gum disease which can affect heart health. Wash your clothes and hair more often than you think you need to. Our sense of smell decreases with age.Use a nail brush. Sand your feet. Use a napkin and check your face after eating. Stay huggable, we are worth it. 😊. Jane xx

    1. Anonymous6:21 am

      Ps my comment was general and not a dig at you John xx

    2. Good comment. It is easy to get lazy and let this be slide. Some days I just don't feel like showering but feel so much better when I do. Its surprising how it can lift your spirits. There is supposed to be an old persons smell. I worry about that.

    3. Anonymous2:06 am

      Linda, the very fact that you worry about it means you wouldn’t have it. I agree sometimes it’s hard to get motivated. I say to myself, just do it for future Jane LOL. Best wishes xx

  40. My beard grows incredibly fast, even more so as I get older. Neck hair is now a problem as well! It does feel lighter as you say when it's trimmed though. Feels like taking control of ones life when the facial fluff is finally controlled.

  41. Your beard looks good, especially with your Christmas jumper. Sounds like a very pleasant evening with Dave too.

  42. Anonymous8:33 am

    When my daughter was a year or two old my husband decided to shave off his beard. We sat her on the counter to watch so she’d know it was still him.

  43. A beard is so much easier than shaving. The older I get, the more casual I become.

  44. Nice post, thanks for sharing.

  45. Sometimes, I feel like letting myself go. I haven't done it yet though.


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