
I found this clip rather moving. 
I have no idea just why perhaps 
I’m just tired tonight, sad at the fact a colleague I value is moving to where the grass is obviously greener.
I’m sad too that some people visit here and have to leave negativity when they don’t really need to ,
I’d prefer that these people don’t visit anymore
You wouldn’t invite me into your home and have me be rude to you
Would you?

Like I said I’m tired tonight 


  1. Anonymous9:36 pm

    It's the music, it would be meaningless otherwise.

  2. I think it's about hope John, and that there is still love, beauty, and tradition that matters in the world - even at this time when the year is drawing to a close and we consider all that's happened. As for the motive of whoever is behind the negativity, it's sad that they have to do it. Your life is rich - perhaps theirs isn't. I think you enrich the lives of the people who post on here - I pop in most days, even if I don't post. You've created a community and you should be proud of that.

    1. You hit the nail on the head with your comment P :)

    2. I absolutely agree. You are an amazing person.

    3. Beautifully put P. I also pop in most days, although I rarely comment.

  3. Lovely but that's a scary climb.

  4. I like to think it was for peace, a hope for peace. That was a beautiful few moments in a shitty day, so thankyou for sharing x

  5. Yorkshire Liz10:30 pm

    The music is a more bubblegum pop version from Hans Zimmer's award winning score for the original Gladiator movie with Russell Crowe. You are allowed to be tired. It is a hard job you do and losing a member of such a tight team is always hard

    1. Thankyou for the music tip - I was having trouble placing it

  6. Ooh, I don't think I could do that climb! You get so much love here. It would be great if we all could simply ignore the unkindness, but that's easier said than done.

  7. We always hope for better days to come. In the meantime...It is the season to be merry. Rude people are simply unhappy, hurting people. Give them no credence.

  8. I, too, found it very moving, if a little scary. Some days everything seems to be off kilter, and when you're tired it can make it worse. Thanks for sharing your life with us. Most of us appreciate the little snippets of life Chez Gray. Those that don't, can b*****r off! Sweet dreams and restful sleep. xx

  9. Barbara Anne11:28 pm

    Couldn't play the clip, but no worries.

    I just read "If more of us valued food and cheer and song more than hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.? - JRR Tolkien
    So true.


  10. I watched it a second time with sound off, because of first comment, and I rather liked the plain silence even better.
    (I don’t always like the heightened emotion that music creates.)
    Not only the salute, but the climber’s puffs of breath in the cold air moved me.
    Thank you for this bit of beauty and respect.

    Your troll(s) find rich pickings here—people are always feeding them.
    Silence is a friend.

  11. Damselfly11:52 pm

    Thanks ever so much for sharing that moving clip! May you have a peaceful evening, sleep restfully & soundly, and awaken with your spirit restored tomorrow morning.
    Stay safe & well, John dear.

  12. Man, you could not pay me enough to climb up that ladder.

  13. Is that The Column of The Immaculate Conception in Rome?

    1. Anonymous12:19 am

      Yesterday was the feast of the Immaculate Conception, the patron saint of the USA.

    2. I thought it was Saint Donald - also the patron saint of ducks.

  14. Rude people suck, period. You should take comfort in the community you have here on your blog and in the village you live in. Trolls don't have that and it is their loss. Rest easy tonite.

  15. Anonymous1:37 am

    A bright spot in a gloomy day today. Thank you for posting it John. Sleep well. Gigi

  16. Just delete them. Pay them no mind. Make this a rudeness free zone.

  17. I love the way he salutes her.

  18. Sorry you are losing a valued colleague. It does feel sad, especially when so much trust is needed in a place of work.

    The troll (s?) must get some amusement from trying to hurt people and playing destructive games with everyone, especially if we engage. Delete is the only option I suppose and I agree with Fresca about this place being rich pickings, as it is such an open house with friendly commentators.

    1. I’m not discussing the troll

    2. Yorkshire Liz9:14 am

      You don't need to discuss the troll, it only gives It power. Basic psychology shows that any troll, any bully, is only demonstrating their own flaws and weaknesses by turning the hatred they feel about themselves onto others, picking their own scabs while deflecting their own problems onto others. Sad, shrunken souls to be pitied as they struggle along in the dark pit they have made for themselves. And as I read this back it may appear to offer as much compassion as understanding; which is not, in fact, true.

  19. A very moving clip, but my goodness the height!

  20. Moving but slightly terrifying.

    Have you ever seen that famous Sandra Boynton cartoon, "Don't let the turkeys get you down?" That's something to keep in mind about negative commenters. :)

  21. Karen7:12 pm

    That was a beautiful clip. I looked it up, and it's even more meaningful when you (I) know a bit more about what is happening.
    Here's the link:
    John, I hope I'm not overstepping here.

  22. 94818RoseB00FC4:09 am



I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes