An Arm Through The Catflap

 Dorothy smashed the catflap during a fit of pique a month or so ago .
She’s been through three now since she arrived
She boxes the plastic door like Rocky then feigns any blame after walking back in, wide eyed and open mouthed .
She has no patience with closed doors.
And has muscles in her front legs like Popeye

I’m tell you this as a bit of colour as the new postman happily waved his arm through the flap yesterday  afternoon with the deep baritone welcome of “ Hello Dogs” 
He had no idea I was sat at the kitchen table banging away at my laptop
All he wanted was a mass of dog hellos which he received immediately from three goo goo eyed dogs who obviously have had a relationship with him for ages
He’s tall and butch and bearded
And I nearly grabbed  his outstretched hand myself 
I opened the door and dogs hugged him one by one
Even Mary was smitten 
He passed me my post as he apologised somewhat red faced
I told him to keep abusing my cat flap
He obviously adores dogs.

The above beautifully crafted glass Christmas bauble was in the post he gave me. No name , no note with it, but against the Sitges bulb , it looks iridescent   and rather beautiful 
Thank you whoever sent it.


  1. Yorkshire Liz6:57 am

    These little moments of man and dig connection are as unexpected as they are heartwarming. But it's a brave man who stoops down and sticks an arm through a cat flap! He must know your three very well. Heart warming.

    1. Anonymous6:36 pm

      he knows the dogs very well having first met them at Trendy Carol's where they take over a conservatory

  2. So I take it the postman finally got to see what these dogs looked like, as the relationship up to that point would have been hand-to-nose or hand-to-tongue.

    1. Anonymous6:39 pm

      he tends to leave parcels and such like at the back of the house where its safer, thats when he realized the broken cat flap and a succession of happy heads sticking through

  3. You have a wonderful postman.

  4. Yes, the bauble looks so beautiful!

    "I told him to keep abusing my cat flap" :)

  5. Oh, that made me laugh! Is he bearded, butch and available by any chance? The bauble is lovely. You are deservedly loved, John. xx

    1. Anonymous6:49 pm

      John GoingGently
      wedding ring in situ

  6. Nice postie, and a very pretty bauble.

  7. Perhaps it's a rural thing, as we regularly have Cat Flap Deliveries! Makes sense doesn't it?! Love that he trusts your dogs not to take his hand off :)

  8. P.S. That is an absolutely gorgeous bauble. I came back with a hairy squirrel and a Beatrix Potter style wooden robin on a watering can the other day.

  9. That glass ball is truly gorgeous. I wouldn't mind a tall, butch, bearded, postman sticking his arm through my catflap. (Well, that doesn't sound like I thought it would.)

  10. Your postie sounds lovely. We used to have a gorgeous guy ( who happens to be gay) with long eyelashes and a smile to break your heart, but we now have a miserable git who couldn't/wouldn't crack a smile if his life depended on it!

  11. It's a wonder that Postman Pat hasn't had his hand savaged by one of your guard dogs.

  12. Anonymous9:53 am

    What a beautiful bauble bringing light into these dark days. Catriona

  13. The idea of a postman shoving his arm through a cat-flap and shouting, 'Hello dogs' makes me wonder if you make up most of the stuff you write here.

    1. Anonymous3:33 pm

      My thoughts exactly.

    2. Anonymous6:50 pm

      john Going gently
      shame that Tom!, if thats what you really think perhaps its time you dont visit any more eh?

    3. I wonder which anonymous incarnation bravely spouted that inanity. One without a sense of humour I guess, but there's no shortage of those.

    4. It’s Not funny , and it was not meant to be funny Tom

    5. Well my original comment was meant to be funny. How could it not be? Think about it - a postman sticking his arm through a cat flap and shouting 'Hello dogs'??? Oh never mind.

    6. Okay. I am confused. Who is the person beginning their comments with john going gently?

  14. An interesting way to make a man blush.

  15. Ah, the advantages of living in a small town. If anyone had stuck their arm through someone's cat flap around here, every Ring doorbell within 5 miles would have been notified and all of us would be on alert! The ornament is lovely!

    1. Anonymous1:43 pm

      Exactly what I was thinking!


  16. I do hope your Postman has himself such lovely Christmas baubles x 🎄

  17. What a charming postal carrier! And that Christmas ornament is lovely indeed.

  18. Oh you're such a flirt! Naughty John x

  19. Barbara anne1:59 pm

    Ta for the morning chuckle as I envision Dorothy destroying the cat flap, the the postman's arm bravely waving to Mary, Roger, and Dorothy! Yes, you know I'm going to say "Another one for your book"!
    Lovely ornament!

    Hope the weekend shifts are calm and peaceful.


  20. I love ALL of this!

  21. A postie who likes dogs gets my vote.

    1. Dogs who like posties get mine!!

  22. What a lovely ornament. We installed a cat flap when we bought our new home, the first visitors were a raccoon and two babies, so the cat flap had to go....
    It's always nice to have a friendly postman :)

  23. My daughter has a cat flap and her cat has a chip so that only she can get in.... unfortunately when being pursued by next door's cat she tends to get in then turn around to face him as he headbutts the flap... unfortunately if she is too near her chip unlocks the door and he follows her in!
    Your postie sounds like a good 'un..long may he keep that round!!

  24. Lovely ornament and a nice surprise. A postal carrier that loves dogs is nearly unheard of. You lucked out.

  25. Damselfly4:06 pm

    You "paint" such lovely & vivid stories with words. The postman sounds delightful and the Christmas bauble is beautiful.

  26. The postman must appreciate a warm doggy welcome and not a snarling one!

  27. What a great gift! I love the fact that your postman communicates with your dogs. I doubt mine even knows I have a dog!

  28. If the postman did that to our cat flap it would be the cat that chewed his arm off. She's a bit feisty.

  29. Anonymous7:21 pm

    What a lovely Postie you have. And a lovely bauble.

    Jo in Auckland

  30. I love this story! And that Christmas ornament is wonderful. When I saw the photo I wondered where you had bought it. Now I'll probably never know!

  31. I was waiting for a parcel. Postie tapped very quietly, and I told him he was lucky I'd heard him "I didn't want to wake the cat" was his response - she was asleep on the back of the sofa, right by a window next to the door. Posties are human too!

  32. What a lovely postman you have! That glass bauble is stunning.

  33. We have a dog flap for our three dogs, works very well for them. The cats, two of them began following suit. The ginger cats creeps through one paw at a time, the little tuxedo girl crashes through like a hurricane. Postman, not so much. lol


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