A Christmas Rubber Chicken, A Scarf and Cards To Die For

 The hunky Postman never got the change to “James Herriot” my cat flap today , as Roger caught sight of him early doors and marshalled the troops to meet him at the garden gate with big smiles and busy tail wags.

I opened the parcels and cards at the kitchen table and was amazed 
A beautiful scarf, simply wrapped ( I love it) 
And a Christmas decoration in the shape of Winnie’s much loved rubber chicken from Mistress Maddie.
Wearing the scarf, I cried real tears at the chicken and it’s significance 

I miss my old Queen Sálote of Tonga so
My favourite photo of Winnie
Getting pissed off with me Christmas Day 2018
When we were at the cold beach and she wanted to go home


  1. I am curious as to how so many people know your postal address, or do they? Will John Gray of Trelawnyd reach you?

    1. Anonymous2:39 pm

      I live in the US, so I don't know how it works in Wales, but when my nephew lived in a small town with his parents, we could address an envelope "Ted, Foxburg, PA" and he would get it.

    2. John has given out his address many times, he likes to receive gifts and some readers send him money when he says he has bills to pay.

    3. Surely not ?.!! .. I don't believe John would accept these sort of "gifts" in all conscience.

    4. Anonymous2:19 pm

      Yes Tuliika like Pam I have also seen posts where he has mentioned receiving money from readers.
      I've never sent him any or any gifts but he has said in the past that others have
      I can't remember now what the bills were for

    5. Anonymous8:08 am

      Ignore the trolls, this is bullsh*t and they know it. Do you honestly believe John would ask his readers for money?

  2. I LOVE the Christmas ornament. What a sweet, thoughtful gift. The explanation behind Winnie's expression in the photo made me laugh. It so is. x

  3. I remember Winnie. I loved her from afar.

  4. The scarf sounds lovely and that glamorous Rubber Chicken is delightful! And thoughtful too, as it will remind you of your dearest Winnie. That photo!! :)

  5. How thoughtful of Mave. That "rubber" chicken will put a smile on your face and a tear in your eye every Christmas. xx

    1. Anonymous10:09 am

      Oops, I meant Mistress Maddie! Should read more carefully. Xx

  6. Now those are proper Christmas presents.

  7. A golden "rubber chicken" - well, that has to go at the top of the tree for sure! Love that expression on Winnie's face - what a character the old girl was.

    1. Oh gosh yes ... what a perfect tree topper for John. :-)

  8. Yorkshire Liz9:26 am

    Oh, that made me smile! However did she find a tiny shiny rubber chicken? Then saw it and thought of you, brilliant! The next Going Gently team project is to find a decorative Scotch egg. Is there one out there? Always love to see that photo of Winnie. There is no baleful stare quite as 'speaking' as one from a bulldog.

    1. Yorkshire Liz-

      It's so funny isn't it? I just happened upon a company called Old World Christmas Ornaments for all my clip bird ornaments and I saw this for John and I knew he must have it.

      A scotch egg!!! There has got to be one....

    2. The search is on! xx

    3. Yorkshire Liz8:59 pm

      Thank you for replying. That company sounds superb. Hope I haven't started a great international Scotch egg hunt!

  9. So kind, so touching, and so funny!

  10. weaver10:07 am

    Oh John I love that photo of you and Winnie.

  11. What lovely well thought out presents, no wonder the tears came. xx

  12. Anonymous1:04 pm

    Sweet, especially the picture of you being scolded by Winnie!


  13. Anonymous1:21 pm

    The sparkling, golden rubber chicken is so you, now if it was a seagull or a flamingo I’d probably want one too! That photo of Winnie, she sure looks peed off. She was so funny. Gigi

  14. I love the golden rubber chicken bauble. It's so perfect for you.

  15. Oh, that rubber chicken ornament is TOO perfect!

  16. Your friends know you well, John. Great gifts!
    Awesome photo of you and Winnie.

  17. You are beloved. Remember that.

  18. Barbara Anne2:51 pm

    It's amazing that rubber chicken ornaments are even made, much less one was found just for you, John! How perfect! Please model the scarf in due time.
    Ah, seet Winnie. Dorothy is a dear, but Winnie was indeed a queen!


  19. Anonymous2:52 pm

    yes that is a very special photo. I loved Winnie.

  20. Thoughtful, unexpected gifts bring great joy. Even tears sometimes. Winnie will always be remembered for her personality plus. What a girl!

  21. That is a great photo, and I LOVE the rubber chicken. Yes, a very thoughtful gift from someone who knew what it would mean to you.

  22. Winnie has so much meaning on her face in that photo. Marvelous!

  23. That chicken ornament (is it glass?) is glorious! I hope you display it every year in memory of Winnie. x

  24. Dear friend....you have no idea how glad I am it made it...I was on pins and needles. Im even more amazed just how quick it got there. I couldn't resist it. Enjoy!!!!!

    The picture of you and Winnie...priceless.

  25. The evoking of special memories creating more special memories. Hail to Winnie , a girl with an attitude. You can even tell by the photo. Sweet thing. Beth

  26. Anonymous8:03 pm

    The ornament is so sweet !
    Linda from Alabama

  27. I did not read you when Winnie was with you, wish now that I had done so. Some dogs are just really exceptional critters and it's abundantly clear she was one of those. Love the rubber chicken ornament, I'm channeling John Cleese. :)

    1. John has a search facility on his blog. Scroll down to the bottom to find it. If you type in Winnie into the box, it will pull up all the posts which contain that word. The first one is from 2015.

    2. It’s top of the page on the left , right at the top xx

    3. Thank you both. :)

  28. Anonymous5:10 am

    Aww I remember that picture of darling Winnie... she certainly doesn't look happy with you!! Love the rubber chicken christmas decoration... who knew they were available. I agree the next one is a scotch egg for you. I'd also like to see the scarf on you!

    Jo in Auckland

  29. Aww lovely Winnie, the chicken ornament is excellent 👌


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