Where Does The Time Go

 This morning I took TCH * to the dentist . We have a nice barter going on. 
Dog sitting for car transport 
It’s a good deal. 
This afternoon I’ve written a quarter of my essay and mybib -ed the references. The library staff at the Rhyl satellite campus were far too loud but didn’t take exception at me asking them to keep it down
I think they thought I was a visiting member of staff.
I had a cheese toastie for lunch and sat with a group of 16 year olds who were merrily slapping each other in the faces and filming it for a laugh.
I bought some sushi for tea and fresh flowers from a struggling florist, a shop I also bought a single white cyclamen from, which I intend to give the eldest Randa girl who is 18 on Saturday along side a trendy girl clothing website voucher 

It only feels like yesterday we were disembowelling pumpkins, blowing duck eggs and back combing William until he looked like Tina Turner.
Speaking of birthdays, it’s my nephew Leo’s today
We are off the London in the New Year to see a show, that’s his gift but I’ve sent him a dvd of Oppenheimer too…and sang him a recording of Happy Birthday , sent in messenger

He’s now in his early twenties….and was non plussed with the singing

* Trendy Carol’s Hubby


  1. Happy birthday, Leo and the Randa girl. Yes, time does fly. I always say I went to sleep aged 20 and woke up 69! I had a little giggle at the library staff thinking you were a member of staff. Age does have some compensations! Bloody well ought to, to make up for dodgy knees, back, hips (insert appropriate body part here)! xx

    1. To prevent any confusion - I meant insert the NAME of appropriate body part here! xx

    2. And I was just about to shove my cock in 😜

    3. You feed mave the line and she never disappoints!!!!!

    4. Anonymous8:59 am

      "She?" Looking at that photo that must be a typo.

    5. Anonymous11:37 am

      and not to mention "She" with a cock!!!

  2. Replies
    1. It’s going to be a busy week , I’m working days Sunday and Friday , have the essay to finish for Monday as well as starting a research poster which will be presented ( that has to be sent in on Monday too) I’ve also got Grayson Perry to see on Saturday night in Liverpool

  3. Barbara Anne7:08 pm

    "Time flies whether you're having fun or not!" So true.
    How can the older Randa girl be nearly 18???
    Well done in getting your college work done and in calling for quiet at the library!
    Happy Birthday, to Leo, too, and how can he already be in his early 20s?


    1. Affable despot jason ( eve’s dad) doesn’t look any older

  4. I had a much older brother, and as a result, have a niece who is your age!!!!

  5. Wow. Even I'm shocked by their ages.
    So, were you at all tempted to merrily slap the 16-year-olds... for a laugh?

    1. Punch them in the face more like, whist saying PUT THAT ON TIKTOK

    2. 🤣 Oh, if only... xx

  6. Rhyl satellite campus? I thought you were studying counselling and not space technology!

  7. Anonymous8:46 pm

    Hello Jonno

    Keith here.

    I love the fact you have had these children in your lives. The girls obviously were very fond of you , as you were of them and that shows in your writing.
    It’s a beautifully evocative photo
    And I envy your ability to be close to “ little people”
    As for Leo …..I’m sure he will invite you to his wedding
    I hope you have the strength to go


  8. Anonymous8:47 pm

    In your LIFE

  9. Happy Birthday to both young people! Ah, youth.

  10. Where does the time go? I wish I bl**dy well knew!

  11. A good exchange.
    And we'll done on buying from that florist

  12. Well, not we'll....autospeller!!!!

  13. Everybody is growing up and B-days are fun for these newly minted young adults. I am sure your gifts and well wishes are greatly appreciated. Between work and school assignments, you are going to be very busy.

  14. I wouldn't leave those two girls near a sharp knife.

  15. Just sayin', but when you say "nonplussed" is that what you mean? - 'cos lots of people use the word thinking it means the opposite to what it actually does. However, knowing you, I dare say you're fully aware of that.

    1. I always thought it had two meanings , I chose the indifferent meaning x

    2. I've never known (until now) that it has two senses,
      only knowing it as 'being bewildered. But I now see that, especially in North America, it is now used in the way that you have used it, i.e. nonchalant, which is probably catching on here too - or has already done so. Result being, on this subject I'm now totally nonplussed (= confused).

  16. Oh wow, time definintely flies, it's hard to believe that the eldest Randa girl is about to be 18!! That's children for you, they show us in their growth how time is whizzing by, my eldest great-grandchild is five next month ... and here's me still only 38. ;-)

  17. Oh my! How time flies. I'm starting to feel old. X

  18. I visited my neighbour last week who was 91 years young - Apparently she has a bit of dementia but when I sang "Happy Birthday to You" the lady accompanied me x

    1. Anonymous2:15 pm

      Not relevant to the post. Yet again.


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