Oh no Giselle


Giselle at Venue Cymru was produced by the vague sounding  Classical Ballet and Opera House productions.
That should have warned us.
Perhaps 200 people at a venue built for 2500 was another clue
The third indication of a totally amateurish evening was the rather hefty ballerina in the back row of the Willis ( willies) 
Janet and I got an attack of the giggles a third through the way of the first act when no one seemed to be actually dancing

Once you’d had the ROH you don’t go back.
A third rate production at a second rate theatre
What a shame

I’ve turned into someone fairly objectionable (my  troll will be moist at that statement ) 
A ballet snob!!!!!
Memories of watching the willis entering the Royal Opera House stage overran everything
Two dozen Corps de Ballet , their heads covered in veils , moving as one animal across the stage like the ghosts they were meant to be
I remember, having tears in my eyes.
And the gasp from the audience as they floated in front of us.

“We’ve been spoilt by Covent Garden ”Janet said, summing up the evening 

But we did giggle like schoolgirls on the way home


  1. Anonymous11:40 pm

    Well, maybe not the entertainment you were expecting, but you made the best of it! Beth

    1. I need to see Gisselle again at the opera house

  2. It may have been Dawn French - as she is a ballerina too x👰

    1. I remember that! Dawn French mirroring Darcy Busselle. Hilarious! I have got that stuck in my vision now.

    2. Yes both had a blast

  3. Anonymous12:29 am

    At least you and Janet had a good laugh! Too bad it was cringe worthy. Gigi

    1. We did giggle about it on the way home

  4. Anonymous12:41 am

    But another fun memory for you and your sister. I am heading out tomorrow to spend time with mine. Thanksgiving here in the States. Jackie

  5. Once a fit of the giggles begins in a situation like that it just gets worse. I'm the same.

    1. Yes…a friend was there too, she saw someone from behind the set, kick one of the dancers ‘ feet into th3 right position

  6. I've seen a reasonable amount of ballet in my time, though never 'Giselle' - but knowing some of the music. Assuming it included men in tights, did you reckon some could crack walnuts?

    1. Two men in tights with only one dancing….the other just walked slowly around the stage

  7. Yorkshire Liz7:42 am

    You learn more from watching something like this than you do by watching something you actually enjoy. Strange fact, but true. You both had an unforgettable experience. As well as fits of the giggles! A good night, then!

    1. I felt for the dancers..they just know, they were lacklustre

  8. They'd have been better off making it a spoof Giselle. At least then, you could have laughed out loud! It's like seeing a remake of a film that, although full of good actors, just never hits the mark. xx

  9. Traveller9:21 am

    Welcome to the club. I am a music snob

    As you said, once you have seen the best it is difficult enjoy more amateur productions.

    1. I should have known better but I was Willie hopeful

  10. John, it's good to be critical; to be complacent is bad for all involved.

    1. It was dreadful cro , I should have known, the production only goes to Devon and here on the tour

  11. Good to enjoy a giggle though.

    1. Yes, we have similar humour which helps in times like these

  12. A good night in the end. We suffered through the two hour production of Kenneth Branagh's King Lear a couple of weeks ago. My advice don't go. Top dollar for a very poor evening.

  13. Sniggering at a "Moist troll". x

  14. Anonymous12:31 pm

    Don’t know if snob is the correct word. I enjoy ALL live entertainment. But having heard and seen the likes of yo-yo Ma Itzak Perlman Luciano pavratti placido Domingo (I’ll stop now) you just cannot compare. I’m lucky to live near San Francisco and travelled to New York for years on business. Some great performances in small theaters as well. Sorry to hear you have a troll. What motivates them? Blogs have find boring I stop visiting. Blogs that irritate I stop visiting. Time is a precious thing. Not sure it is good for the troll to spout, but hey, maybe they enjoy the combat. I would just view it as comic entertainment. It’s late here and the night is still.

    1. I can’t wait to revisit New York ,

  15. I night out with loved ones, and a good laugh, life is good.

  16. It's a night you'll never forget.

    Venue Cymru has THE most uncomfortable seats of any 'theatre' I have ever been too. I was going to buy tickets for the Abba fest last week and put up with them, but there was only one seat left ... and I didn't fancy Alan sitting on my knee for two hours. ;-)

    1. The only good thing on next year is COME FROM AWAY

  17. sillygirl1:19 pm

    Wouldn't it be fun to find out exactly who the troll was and show up at his (I somehow assume it is a him) door and invite yourself in for a coffee?

    1. Not really, I’d be underwhelmed and bored whoever it turned out to be

    2. I wouldn’t waste my time with her

  18. Have you ever been tempted to take up ballet yourself John? All you need is a pair of flesh coloured tights and a draught excluder to stick down the front of them.

    1. hhahahaha, he can join the hefty willy in the back row!

  19. Anonymous3:40 am

    Going to NYC next week with my daughter and my sister with her daughter to see The Nutcracker, the Radio City Christmas Spectacular and tea at The Ritz! We go to a different city each year. This is year 10! Hope I love the city as much as you seem to! Doing all the Christmas Things and if I like it hopefully I can go back. I always enjoy your blog but don’t comment much. Kathy near Chicago.


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