Sitting On The Porch with Tim and Apples Everywhere you look

 Blogging has its downsides for sure, 
But unexpected friendships are the upside for sure.
For a few years now I have a friend called Tim, 
His actual name is Mike but as I know a lot of Mikes and Micks , I thought using his name confusing 
Tim was a doctor, he’s straight, has a family, and has suffered from ill health from time to time.
He’s honest and genuine and emails me rather than commenting on the blog
And he’s my friend.
He lives in America and we share the same mindset on many things 
And I have a great affection for him. 
It’s sunny and slightly warm here today and I wish I had a porch with a couple of comfortable wicker Lloyd Loom chairs on it. 
Side by side with a small table of coffee cups and biscuits set in-between  
And we’d talk and sit the morning away together.

The hastily organised and named Apple Festival was a resounding success yesterday. I managed to get out of bed after two hours sleep and popped along to support it. 
Loosely based on harvest festival, apples and autumn the festival saw cider making , Apple pressing , Dave Wilson teaching archery on the stage ( mannequins with apples on their heads) yes there’s a theme here.
Lots of scrummy food to buy, ( apple crumbles etc)and from nowhere lots of local craft stalls 

Im really proud of the way that The Trelawnyd Community Association has rallied the troops this year. Together, we have raised enough money to start a re boot the Hall’s infrastructure as well as to pay for its upkeep and bills in an uncertain and cash strapped world.
It’s future looked bleak 
Now, like the TCA, the hall is thriving.

Btw, Patrick from the book club has been in touch again ( several times!), he seems very nice, chatty and witty. We have arranged to meet next weekend
I’m looking forward to it


  1. Anonymous12:09 pm

    I would love to live in a place like Trelawnyd, with the village hall being so well supported by the locals, kind of old fashioned but fun. Everybody around me has to work so hard just to afford a roof over their head, so not much time for fun stuff. The churches around here used to have craft shows etc. but not anymore. I now live a very boring life and I hate being old. The good thing is I can keep myself amused and enjoy living alone, with my dog. Patrick sounds like one of the good ones! Gigi

    1. I think you get off your arse to do things when the alternative is terrible and staring in your face. The village had to face the fact the hall was in trouble and led by village leader ian , who knows his stuff the committee was formed to save the hall, and save it we have ( so far)

  2. Anonymous12:41 pm

    Your last comment sounds like you have ‘lightened’ and looking forward again after that nasty bout of illness, enjoy and very best wishes to you. Jan in Castle Gresley

    1. Patrick has been very entertaining pre date

  3. Maybe you could have a Zoom coffee and biscuits on the porch with Tim? The Apple Festival sounds like a lot of fun and well supported. Well done the TCA! Patrick sounds like he'll be (at the least) a good friend. I'm quietly hoping he'll be more.😘 xx

  4. Your town sounds like a lovely place to live, John! How nice that the troops can rally and save the town hall! Our small town has its good and bad, but generally, we try to take care of each other.

    1. Most communities do, I’m a firm believer of that , as long as personal worries don’t make u insular

  5. Barbara Anne1:21 pm

    Would the Lloyd Loom chairs be rocking chairs? I love a good rocking chair on the porch! Lovve the idea a zoom meet-up with tea or coffee and biscuits. That seems like a worthy thing for you and Tim to aim for.
    Lovely and delightful Apple Festival and good participation, indeed. Great pics!
    Am glad Patrick seems a nice person and that your outlook about your meeing has become more positive.


    1. They can be, that’s more the waltons

  6. Very impressive on all fronts. The apple festival looks like lots of fun for everyone. Saving the Hall and making it financially viable is a great accomplishment by the TCA. Congratulations to all.

    1. Thank you . The committee has many do ers now, people that may enjoy meetings but who also put in the work …we also have a what’s app group of volunteers that we call upon when needed

  7. Great job on the apple festival! Glad you are feeling so much better, John.

    1. I’m still coughing like the queen Mary’s hooter

  8. Good to see the apple festival nicely busy.
    Zoom chat sounds a good way to go, if you're ok with that.
    Friends are worth their weight...whether by blog, email, zoom or in person

  9. Your village does sound very charming and I sometimes find myself wishing I lived there as your other readers do. But I wonder how many of us have social events going on in their own hometown that they never go to, or could make friends like you or those in your community but don't. Surely we don't need to fly to another continent to find friends or activities. I am basically a loner with few friends but I basically blame myself for that as I am awkward in social situations. Or maybe the people in your town go out of their way to include others. What are other's thoughts on this?

    1. Anonymous2:29 pm

      John village is no better than others but it does have a shared project and that is to keep the village hall going. Volunteers are alwsys welcome linda so theres your answer. Find a local cause and volunteer

    2. I agree, its up to us to initiate, not wait for others.

    3. Trelawnyd is the closest community I’ve ever lived in, it is also the smallest
      My small holding brought me into contact with many villagers , I would never have met otherwise

  10. You make me happy, John Gray.

  11. Next year, if the apple festival is repeated, may I suggest a fancy dress parade in which entrants have to dress up as apples? Costumes could be made from papier-mâché, large blocks of polystyrene or old space hoppers. You could go as a Winthrop Greening - "Stalk is short. Flesh is white, tender, juicy..."

  12. The Apple Festival sounds and looks like such fun! Congrats on the TCA's and the Hall's success! A lot of hard work and creativity have gone into it.

    1. The art and craft stalls were invited in free of charge and no charge was made for entry ( we garnished good will for the xmas Fayre) and we still made over 1100.00 £

  13. weaver3:23 pm

    Looks like a really happy village occssion. Glad you managed to pop in. You sound about back to normal now - so go steady- and good luck with the meeting up. x

    1. I’m not right yet pat, the chronic and persistent cough remains

  14. Congratulations to all for a thriving TCA and Hall! Have a calm, restful Sunday.

    1. It’s been nice, Patrick has texted me a great deal which has been fun

  15. Sounds like a fine way to spend a autumn morning, John.
    Your apple festival has inspired me to make a apple pie, one of my favorites. We'll see if ambition becomes action, just having my coffee now.

  16. All good things here today. I am glad for you.

    1. Yes, friendship, a possible romance and community
      I’m very lucky

  17. I like the sound of the Apple Festival. A great community initiative with something for everyone.

  18. Well, someone's in a good mood today! :)

  19. I have been delighted by the friends I have met/made since I discovered blogging. It wasn't something I expected, and it has been wonderful.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Things are on the up! Have a great week ahead John. Sending you lots of positive vibes. x

  22. Just thinking about the years I have read about you here on your blog...I think I have a truer picture of you because I have read what you wrote during times when a cat was part of your life.I think you should adopt a cat,let that balance your life naturally, then see if dating someone seems like a good idea,Mary

    1. How you have given me something else to think about

  23. Anonymous8:38 pm

    Simone had it right, you can feel a cautious lift in your mood especially about Patrick in your prose which for me, is so exciting.
    I live most of my life, vicariously , through your daily diary. And it’s a long-time-a-coming baby!
    I hope you and Patrick click……
    Is he Irish???


    1. No he’s from Lancashire now Cheshire

  24. Anonymous9:06 pm

    Very happy for you, you’ve made me feel good x noreen

    1. For the first time in ages , I feel hopeful

  25. What a wonderful autumn festival event. Creatively planned with diverse aspects to attract many different kinds/ ages of people. And great news that the town hall is being used successfully. Great ideas, hard work, you can def be proud./// Could you do the Lloyd Loom chairs in your beautiful back garden? ///btw off topic, how is the town pond doing ? Fared well over the summer? Pics if you get a chance? Winter ice skating Fair there at Xmas, maybe?

  26. I love that crowded hall. What wonderful fun, and so well attended!

    You sound so very happy, and that makes me very happy too.

  27. Today we seem to have a virtual front porch.

  28. Enjoy all of your many friends, John, and the good times they bring you.

  29. I recently heard a podcast on apples they talked some about the apples grown in England. Oh to try some !

  30. A good community atmosphere is so important in a village.

  31. Trelawnyd people should be proud of each other for keeping the hall. It's a great effort.
    You're a great maker and keeper of friends, it's inspiring.

    Keep us in the loop about Patrick!

  32. Tim sounds intriguing. But then so does Patrick, albeit for a different reason.

  33. Enjoyed your photos and descriptions of the apple festival! The village has some great people willing to organise, turn up, give up their time and effort and have fun together.

    I love your vision of tea and chat on the porch with Tim.

    Texting with Patrick sounds good too!

  34. Good to see you have decided to go on the date.

  35. Loving the idea of Apple Archery. Fun, danger and fruit, what a heady mix! x

    1. Anonymous7:35 pm

      Too dangerous they wouldn't be able to afford the insurance!


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