
 I’ve spent the day quietly. 
I made a late lunch of  salmon covered in dill yogurt with roasted new potatoes spiced with home made harissa.
I will treat myself to a McFlurry later, it only takes a few minutes to get one.
I’m in my pjs and have been all day.

I noticed that all of the 20 mph signs in the village have been defaced.
The village website is filled with keyboard warriors shouting the odds about it all.

 My twin sister called around with more flowers. Like my elder sister did yesterday, she also bought me some Italian food . A selection of antipasto! ( my family loves ironic humour) 
I had run out of vases so used my kimchi jar to house the sunflowers

The velvet voiced Linda left me some soup on the kitchen wall,which was kind and I’ve had many messages of commiseration  which is sweet, some of me feels I should feel sick
But of course I don’t 
Lywenna sent me some jam ,,perched by the front door.

I rearranged the living room furniture ( a favourite pastime of middle aged gay men), shampooed the carpet free of the contents of my beloved New York snow globe which had been broken when I was in London  😢 and have drunk several buckets of tea 

It’s blustery and feels like autumn 
I’m watching Ocean’s 11 
It’s a classy watch 


  1. Anonymous4:45 pm

    I love ironic humour too. You Brits have it in spades. Gigi

  2. Rearranging the living room furniture is also the pasttime of middle-aged straight women; I'm here to testify. My husband threatens to nail it down.

    Glad you're safe and well. -Kate

    1. It’s looking very cozy here

    2. A change is always refreshing. I may never understand why it upsets some people (my taller half) as it does. -Kate

  3. Anonymous4:59 pm

    Your family have you taped John. Laughter is the best medicine though. Glad you have had a peaceful day. I have had my Covid Booster today and also my Flu jab and I have physio tomorrow. I think I planned things slightly wrong! I just wanted them out of the way with. I would dearly love to re-arrange things but do not have the room! Keep safe Pattypanx

  4. It's lovely that everyone is rallying round. You are very much loved.

  5. Sounds like a good day. I'm an old straight lady and I'm in the middle of rearranging my living room furniture. I think it's seasonal.

    1. Naw that’s a bit of a gay man in you

  6. Anonymous5:02 pm

    Glad you are feeling better. Now I am craving salmon. Jackie

  7. I live 13 miles from Manhattan. If you send me pix of your snow globe, I can try to find another one for you.

    1. That would be incredibly kind thank u

  8. Well, I'm glad it's not just me. I was tempted to ask why you didn't make yourself something Italian for lunch.

    1. I love the irony shown by bother sisters

  9. Barbara Anne5:29 pm

    I'm so glad you're feeling okay, f a bit fragile, and that family and friends are leeping your well sotcked in food and flowers. How anazing that all of your vases are full!!


  10. I love that your tribe has rallied around. If ever was a testament of your importance to your corner of the world, this is it. You are loved.

    1. It’s important to have that hand on your shoulder sometimes

  11. Good that you've had a day looking after yourself, and allowed others to do their bit, too. A few more days like that and you'll be ready to take on the world again! Shame about the snow globe. xx

  12. Your lunch sounded delicious, and followed by a McFlurry, yep, comfort food!

    1. We all need a bit of comfort food

    2. Anonymous9:17 pm

      You eat too much bad food, Why on earth when it’s obvious you have weight related health issue would you have. Mc Donald’s products?

    3. One Mississippi,two Mississippi, three Mississippi.....

    4. As I always say to my husband when he worries about some unhealthy thing he's eating, "It's not like you're consuming it every day! Sheesh!" -Kate

  13. Traveller5:47 pm

    Some see the 20mph zones as another way to control the population.

    Ain’t it grand that someone has offered to replace your NY snow globe

    1. Anonymous7:15 pm

      How can 20 mph zones control the population? Because it takes so long to drive home we're too tired for sex?

    2. Now there’s a thought

  14. I need to look up how to make harissa.. unless you are willing to share your recipe?

    1. You will need
      7 mild red chillis
      2 large roasted red peppers
      2 tablespoons tomato purée
      5 cloves garlic
      2 teaspoons cumin
      2 teaspoons coridander
      I teaspoon caraway seeds crushed
      Paprika ( tablespoon)
      Juice of one large lemon
      Olive oil

      Blitz together

  15. It feels like you're just done the lane. Have a lovely day John.

  16. Happy to hear you are back on track. If I were to leave food on my rock wall, the ants would carry it off.
    How generous the lady offered to try and find you another snow globe, people have good hearts.

  17. Good to see Wales doing what South Ayrshire (and other places in Scotland) have done. It is a safety issue not pollution...I would rather be hit by someone going at 20, than someone at 30mph....and the injuries have reduced.
    Less work for the NHS.
    Great to see family and friends rallying round.

    Grandma used to say If you can't move, Move the furniture....she was still doing that in her mid 90s....

  18. Did Albert's ghost knock the snow globe off the mantel piece? I bet he did.

  19. Oh gosh ... snow-globe juice is not good is it, I always assumed it was simply water until I dropped my first one!!


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