
Even the salt shaker at the cafe has a boyfriend lol

 I was going to meet a friend for lunch, but he has a new boyfriend and his whole world is consumed with love, obsession and probably sex, so I’ve been rainchecked
I hate that.
I won’t say anything
But if it happens again, I will do.
I’m not very good at being second fiddle 
Even though I may be second fiddle.

And so I’ve changed my plants today. 
I walked the dogs to exhaustion , and while they sleep, I’m in Llandudno having a long quiet lunch in the Oriel Cafe, with its wide bright windows overlooking the town  and its moody French Blues music of the 60s
It’s a nice place in which to write the blog
Or to think

After lunch I’m attending a staff meeting at the hospice which means I will miss a showing of the Korean film Past Lives but I’m now  planning to see it on Monday instead so all is well.
After that it’s another walk, this time on the beach

Off to a bookshop now for a mooch.

I’ve dribbled very creamy mayonnaise down my very dark blue rugby shirt


  1. I find that it doesn't work to wear dark colors and eat light food. Better to try to match, then the stain isn't so visible.
    I do think it's a mistake to sideline your friends in favor of a new romance. They might not be there when you come back. Just sayin'. But you still constructed a good day.

    1. The waiter saw the Mayo and smiled to himself

  2. You found other ways to have a good day so that's nice, John!

  3. I think this type of thing happens frequently. It is not entirely right. It is disappointing. That said, it happens to all of us at some point. I once had a friend that invited me for a BBQ and I brought appetizers (as agreed). When I showed up the babysitter said she went out for the evening. Clearly, something better came up. I dropped this "friend" pronto.

  4. Why play second fiddle when you could have a French Horn?

  5. Not nice to be sidelined, but you seem to have made the best of the day, despite that. I can sympathise with the dribbling of food. We never learn, do we? xx

  6. I wonder if you should always carry a clean shirt (or two) with you in case of spills. Just on the extremely slim chance you might have a little accident.

    I left many friends behind as a result of their obsessions with their new loves at the expense of their friends.

  7. Anonymous2:19 pm

    A date is a date, never nice to miss it for any reason. Gigi

  8. weaver2:23 pm

    Dribbling mayo??? You need a bib handy in your pocket for such occasions.

    1. You lose the cool look with a bib( mind you I did that years ago)

  9. Barbara Anne2:24 pm

    Well, it's disappointing to have a lunch date cancel but you're making good us of your unexpected free time. A bookshop and the beach .. nice!
    A friend or ours always tucks his napkin in his shirt collar because he, too, occasionally dribbles. He says the brief show he makes when installing the napkin is better than the all day stains.
    Hope Mary is feeling lots better.


    1. Perhaps I should sit inside a plastic paddling pool

  10. I love the melting pot of mixed race relationships x

  11. Anonymous4:10 pm

    You have done well to create a good day out of disappointment. I fear I have no good days left . I miss my late husband so much . I am sick of being where he isn’t
    Siobhan x

    1. I'm so sorry that you have this pain, I hope that it will ease in time

    2. Nicely said chinadogs

    3. Anonymous7:46 pm

      Thank you both x

    4. Siobahn, I am in your shoes, today is my birthday, he isn't here to kiss me or hug me. I have family that loves me, but it isn't the same. Email me if you want!

    5. Anonymous11:44 am

      I am sorry that you are in this club too - not a club anyone wants to join . I know this is not the birthday you would want . I know how wretched it feels - Tony died 19 days before his 64th birthday, and 25 days before our daughters 30th birthday . She has refused to mark her birthday in any way .
      I miss him x

  12. Can we play top trumps please John? I've just gone and got some sort of honey and soy sauce concoction all down the front of my 'very old, not living dead' tee-shirt. Does this qualify? Tess

  13. Sansthing4:48 pm

    I have those identical shakers!

  14. Yellow shoes6:40 pm

    I don't know the people involved, even you, but my immediate thought was - you were actually first fiddle.

  15. Well, if someone is in love or on a date, annoying as it is, It's the one thing that I'd have to say 'fair enough' to being dropped - who can deny anyone that? (unless it was an assignation with Chic Eleanor). I do so like mooching around bookshops, especially secondhand ones. Any excuse.

  16. Anonymous8:02 pm

    never a nice feeling to be *rainchecked* however.... (hope I'm not out of line)...... hurtful as it was for you....perhaps he felt it might have been hypocritical....and was trying to spare you that? Not defending him or his actions, just trying to think he may have a redeeming quality of honesty. Susan M

    1. No I get that, I’m not too worried , this sort of thing is normal

  17. Anonymous8:22 pm

    The next time you are looking for something to do, may I suggest watching “Itchy Boots” on you tube. It is a wonderful travel the world by a motorcycle woman from the Netherlands. It is so well done, she is so talented. Gigi

  18. We just watched a rather old Robert DeNiro movie - "Midnight Run", co-starring Charles Grodin. It was fun though DeNiro smoked and cursed a lot. Judy was shocked at his smoking. I dunno, I think your day sounds pretty good if perhaps a bit lonely.

    1. Not quite what I expected but hey ho

  19. Nothing unusual about a drip here or there. A part of life.

  20. Sure, mayonnaise . One reason I don't put my shirt on till after I brush my teeth. A toothpaste stain.

  21. Love the salt & pepper shakers!!

  22. LOL at Gemma's person. Yep. Many is the time that I've had to change my shirt for the self same reason. I do love those salt and pepper shakers.

  23. Disappointing. Hopefully things will balance out in a while and he can still find time for friends without changing existing arrangements for the new relationship.

    I like the sound of your long quiet lunch and mooch around a bookshop though.

  24. Every time someone gives up on you they are the big loser.

  25. Anonymous11:58 am

    Your post made me sad. And now it’s early morning in California and I don’t see a new post from you. Bummed that your friend asked for a rain check, but secretly glad for him. Love is hard to find.

  26. Anonymous1:02 pm

    Being rain checked is disappointing. I walked with a new friend a former colleague. I’ve probably walked with her about 5 times now. I was a bit astounded when this time she was playing a game on her phone while we walked. It didn’t seem to affect her chatting ability, but I was a little thrown. It made me feel like when I was a kid waiting to be picked to play the game! Jean in Winnipeg

  27. I've heard "Past Lives" is terrific! I gave a friend of mine a pair of those shakers once. Glad you got out and about despite the annoying letdown from your friend. New love CAN be all-consuming but that's not really an excuse for bad behavior.

  28. Oh John I wish I lived near you. I don't have a boyfriend (new or old); I'm not obsessed with love or sex and would enjoy lunch and a chat with you!


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