Arse on a Swing

 I got to Liverpool early as the train from Hooton was on time. 
So I went to Mowgli on Bold Street to practice having a meal out on my own before Rome on Friday 
Have you a table for one ? I asked and the cheerful twelve year old waiter immediately pointed to a free position in the window bar where a swing seat was facing the glass.  
Yes what looked like a swing seat faced me

I looked at the waiter quizzically as if to say, my arse on that swing.?
But he didn’t pick up on my non verbals .
“ Id prefer a table and a chair if you find one “ I asked nicely 
He couldn’t “find” one.
Hey ho.
I left

The Audience with Lucy Worsley was an interesting evening. The historian is engaging, humorous and articulate and her affection and respect  for Christie is clear basically because of Agatha’s very human reaction to her husbands’ infidelity in 1926 where she disappeared for 11 days.
Worsley is a romantic and Christie ‘s subsequent relationship with max a man 16 years her junior pleased her greatly and her positivism and pleasure of the happy ending was infectious 


  1. I'm guessing there are not a lot of takers for that swing seat, over the age of six.

  2. Anonymous11:10 pm

    I did have a chuckle about the swing seat! I would have declined too. I liked hearing about Lucy Worsley, I admire her for her research. She is always interesting. Jean in Winnipeg (Greek and Roman mythology is the course I’m taking)

  3. I can't even imagine parking myself in a "chair" like that. Did it actually swing? I always enjoy Lucy W.

  4. A swing seat? Sheesh, I'd have left too.

  5. I guess he thought you look like a swinger. 😇

  6. Anonymous11:40 pm

    I hear u john …invisible and troublesome


  7. I seriously doubt you're the only person who has walked out when offered that swing...........

  8. How could you possibly eat your dinner sitting on a swing?

  9. Outrageous. A swing seat? Maybe for a child. Then parents would not want their child swinging while eating. Next time, ask to speak to the manager. You could also consider saying something about this in an online review.

  10. That's weird! I can see three swing-tables/chairs in a row ... what are they expecting patrons to do? Practice acrobatic routines?

  11. I can't imagine digesting while swinging! No wonder that "table" was free.

  12. I've never heard a more ridiculous idea for a restaurant. I mean how can you even eat that way?

  13. I've read many AC books, but knew nothing of her private life. I shall now read-up.

    1. I'm reading Agatha Christie's autobiography and enjoying it very much ... especially the laugh-out-loud moments, and there are a few! -Kate

  14. Am more convinced than ever that I am out of sync with the modern world after hearing about the swing seat! Wow.

    Am hoping to go to see Lucy Worsley too. She sounds exactly as I imagine her from watching her programmes.

  15. That seat. What? Friendly only to the under twelves. Certainly not the likes of me - 63 with a cane. What are they thinking?

  16. The idea of anyone trying to eat anything in a swing made me laugh! Some places are trying too hard to be trendy. Good for you for asking for a table for one, then walking out when all that was on offer was a playpen! xx

  17. I cannot imagine eating on a swing. I would have walked out too. That is the most ridiculous thing I have seen in a while.

  18. I'm sure our bus driver last Thursday was on a school experience week, he looked 14, I know they have to be 21 before they can drive the bus, I really wanted to suggest to him, he grew a beard to help relax the passengers, at least that way he would not look so young.

  19. "I Love Lucy'... her enthusiasm is charming.
    Knowing hoe clumsy I am, I would probably fall backwards off that swing seat.

  20. At least the swing would have been 'better' than a rocking horse .Okay, maybe not.

  21. Having lunch on a swing ... with no backrest... Odd. I think I would have left, as well. And no non–swing seats? Not very inclusive.

  22. To all those people criticising the swing seats at Mowgli in Bold Street….
    Have you ever been there? Are you likely to ever go there?
    I've been, often, and fully intend to go a lot more in future, as I live between the two great cities of Chester and Liverpool.
    Although the swing seats are not for me, many people are more than happy to sit on them. In fact all tables and seats are bookable, but the swing seats are not, mainly because they are so popular.
    Mowgli is fully accessible for all abilities, and doesn't deserve the comments appearing here stating that it is non inclusive!
    We don't know what time of day John was there, but Mowgli is rightfully incredibly popular, with branches in many places across the country, but Bold Street is the original and best, and weekends are very busy.
    They're not trying to be 'trendy', they serve superb Indian food, some of which would be classed as 'street food' in a warm, inviting Indian atmosphere!
    Sorry for hijacking this post John, but as we both know, Mowgli is superb, and it gets me cross when people who have no clue about the place criticise it! X

    1. No problem , but I think the general consensus is that they are catering for younger people by using the swings..which are just trendy appendages in my mind. Most older people may not feel comfortable in them and that’s discrimination I think.
      I adore the food and the feel of the place
      And will be going back
      But I swings are over egging the pudding

  23. Anonymous9:49 am

    Wow. I am kinda shocked at that swing seat and would have walked out as well. In fact, in my city someone has opened a theater with a brewery adjacent - they offer a whole new take on moviegoing. They put together interesting pairings of films and are now the only one left in town doing classic movies. Have I been there? Nope. They chose to use individual wooden folding chairs in lieu of theater seats. Not for me, nor for most people over the age of 35. Definitely not inclusive.

  24. weaverr10:02 am

    She has recently chaired a fantastic - often very brain-testing - quiz on either channel 4 or 5. Made my brain hurt in placess!!

  25. We see Lucy's work here, it is good to hear she is the same in person as she is on video.

  26. Anonymous11:24 am

    Are you meant to sip your coffee while swinging? You have trouble with gravy, can’t even wrap my head around Indian food. Gigi

    1. Me eating on a swing , I might as well throw the food on the floor and jump on it

    2. lol, so funny

  27. Anonymous12:22 pm

    I love anything with Lucy Worsley. Wish I could have been there. I would have left the restaurant as well. My swinging days are over.

  28. This reminds me of being about 8 years old, in my aunties garden, laying on a 1960's flowery swing seat complete with fringe. I had a large cream cake to eat. As l swung forward l took a bite each time, eventually feeling sick then getting told off for being stupid. Fast forward 55 years and this method of eating is clearly on trend now. Me a trend setter, who knew!
    Lucy Worsley, elegant, lovely dress sense, brains and beauty, ah, sigh, never mind Tess

  29. Barbara Anne1:10 pm

    What an interesting life you choose to lead, John, and how delightful!
    Rome on Friday? JOY!!


  30. Anonymous1:43 pm

    64 year old me has trouble sitting still and would love a turn on a swing seat. I notice they are chained to the floor to prevent over exuberance. Llynn

  31. Agatha, the original cougar! I don't blame you for objecting to those seats. I bet they get a similar reaction from a lot of people.

    1. Going to see her Venice shocker on Tuesday

  32. I do like a swing, but that, I am pretty sure,would not work at all. Not necessarily the size of the rear end but balancing while eating off the table while balancing.

  33. A gimmick too far is right, John. Who ever thought they were a good idea must have a brain the size of a pea. I also returned to college as a mature adult (mature being their phrase not mine). I found the learning skills and time management courses enormously helpful. I even checked out a couple of my first papers with one of the staff in the learning centre. It gave me a boost in confidence knowing what was required.

  34. I'm in the non swinging group too. Or benches, or stools. I want a chair with a back.


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