A Haunting In Venice

There is only one true Venetian  ghost Movie and that is the knife wheeling midget in a red coat film,  Don’t look now. That WAS bloody scary 

Kenneth Branagh’s Scooby -doo version of Agatha Christie’s Hallowe’en Party is dreadful. Michelle Yeoh, 
Jamie Dornan and Kelly Reilly are wasted .
Heavy handed cinematography, too many dark sets and masks and I guessed the honey bit what a shame….nice to see sister Janet and sister in law Jayne.



  1. Traveller9:37 pm

    Scooby-do Agatha Christie….love it

    1. Anonymous6:37 am

      Google it. Scooby-doo Agatha Christie. Lots more for you to enjoy and love.

  2. Barbara Anne12:09 am

    Ruh-oh! Sounds dismal


  3. Another classic film review, John!

  4. Your problem is you know too much!! I am getting v-e-r-y tired of overly dark sets. I reckon it saves the industry money because the details don't show, but I flick channels pretty quickly. I'm not good on scary stuff ... or violence. There's too much of that in reality without paying to see it. Glad you enjoyed catching up with family. That was positive.

  5. 'Remakes' should only be allowed if they promise to be better than the original; which rarely happens.

    1. I tend to agree. Two 'superior remakes, though, which jump to my mind are Hitchcock's own second version of his 'The Man Who Knew Too Much' (but film 'experts' always seem to prefer his original) - and 'The Thing', for me one of scariest of ALL films rather than its rickety b/w original.

  6. I don't remember the whole plot of "Don't Look Now" but I still recall finding it creepy. Often I prefer the original rather than the remake.

  7. Got all excited - thought it read "House hunting in Venice" - in my defence, it's early lol

  8. I'll pass on the scary stuff, but meeting up with family - YAY!

  9. Yorkshire Liz7:55 am

    The reviews have been truly awful too. As is Branagh's embarrassment of a moustache. So it's not just you saying so. Remember when he was a true wunderkind and a theatrical force to be reckoned with? Oh dear!

    1. Traveller8:18 am

      Have tickets for his King Lear in November. Hopefully he will be on form

  10. Horror. Murder. The Supernatural. Detectives. Shoot-em-ups... Increasingly, I try to avoid such films but it doesn't leave much else!

  11. Yeah, I've heard that Branagh movie is a stinker.

  12. I just can't watch scary movies - ever!

  13. Took myself to this matinee and thoroughly enjoyed the movie. It was spooky and i enjoyed the actors and to me the cinematography was gorgeous... the light coming in the gorgeous window , very atmospheric. To each their own i'm sure John but i thought my afternoon well spent.


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