A Boiled Egg

 I’m only going to share one story about the Flower Show
Ive done it to death over the last week.
But this story is about the power of feeling a part of something.
Of joining in.
Of community.

Eirlys is a friend of mine. She’s like me, not built for fashion or elegance and is at her happiest mucking our her hens in a tired old jumper.
She is the first to say this, before you reach for your keyboards.

Anyhow, it’s been a very tough year for Eirlys. Her husband died in the winter and like many, rural widows, she’s been a bit isolated and all rather flat.
Yesterday she came and chaperoned the arts and crafts judge to help me out.
She also entered the boiled egg class in the cookery section, an event slightly fraught with difficulties as she arrived a whole 24 hours too early clutching said boiled egg on a plastic plate. 
After realising her mistake , she spent yesterday early morning boiling scores of eggs before turning up at the right time but in a rainstorm, laughing but stressed

“I ve dropped me egg in the street” she shouted at everyone when she walked into the hall but with a bit of cajoling peeled it before arranging it on a plate alongside the nine other entries.
She left just before the cookery judges assessed the eggs, with all the forensic detail of a coroner, she was happy that she had played her part.

After the show, I dropped off to her farmhouse with the egg. She had entered a vase of flowers too which I returned too; flowers she had picked from alongside the hard shoulder of London Road. And before she could draw breath I showed her First Prize certificate for Best Egg!

She laughed hard and long and almost seemed suddenly overwhelmed by the happiness and fun of the whole day. 
It was never about the egg,
How could it have been?
It was all about sharing, and company, companionship 
And being a part of something, ever slightly bigger than yourself and your own worries


  1. That is a lovely story. Was wondering about the egg, what shape or form, I now see it as hard boiled and not breakable. x

    1. Apparently there is a science in the assessment of boiled eggs . We had two official cookery judges for the price of one which was lucky

  2. Village life, I will always miss it.

  3. Yorkshire Liz9:46 am

    And that, my dears, is what life and the living of it is all about. The small things that are the important things and the things that bring people back to the surface and fresh air after being in the depths. A lovely photo of a lovely lady, and worth every award. Eggselent all round!

    1. “ back to the surface”
      I like that explanation

  4. A beautiful and insightful story.

    1. Thank you . The egg was a good foil

  5. Eirlys looks like a good egg.

  6. Well done Eirlys! The Flower Show has done more than just bring the community together for a fun day, it's helped to make that community. Kudos to all! xx

    1. Communities are only communities if the join together and mix
      If they don’t mix
      Then a community is only a housing estate

  7. Anonymous11:18 am

    As a recent widow myself this post really resonates . In the photo your friend looks amazing . And I hope she frames her best egg certificate
    Siobhan x

    1. It’s framed in her head I hope so x

  8. I was imagining a soft boiled egg at first. Could have been messy.

    1. The rules of the show
      Hard boiled egg
      On a bed of lettuce
      On saucer

  9. As a city man I forget about rural widows.
    To be isolated in the country is to be quite alone,
    I liked your phrase *overwhelmed by happiness*.
    And *to be a part of something, ever slightly bigger
    than yourself*.

  10. What a lovely story and well done Eirlys. You are a beautiful writer John, these little tales are what life is all about. We helped with a weekend long, local music festival last weekend, the feeling of camaraderie between the volunteers and the enjoyment of the bands and crowds was magic xx

    1. Her joy at the day , made my day. As did The lady that won two cups after trying lots of classes, her joy at being photographed at the prize giving by Bridget was priceless.
      I loved that Wendy from the village won the Auntie Glad cup for best scones after she had been so poorly and that Cameron was ticked at winning first and second in the cactus class.
      The day was filled with little stories

  11. A wonderful story! And a lovely photo too.

  12. Anonymous12:24 pm

    Widows in a big city can be just as isolated, she has a wonderful community. Good on her for taking part. Gigi

  13. This is what I love about your slice of life blog. It is real and devoid of pretentiousness.

    1. Lol I can be terribly pretentious sometimes but thank you xx

  14. Anonymous12:33 pm

    How lovely for that dear lady x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. 🌵🌸🌺🥀🌻🌸💐🌹🌷🥀☘️🌳🌵

  15. Anonymous12:36 pm

    That is wonderful ❤️

  16. John, you're a good friend!

    1. She’s been a good friend to me
      When I started with hens , she was always there with calming advice

  17. Nothing more to be said, the last sentence sums it all up. Keep up the tradition.

    1. I think we will keep it going , changed and modernised a little x

  18. Barbara anne1:05 pm

    I am delighted for Eirlys and it's a good lesson for us all!
    Hope you rest all day, John, with your feet up, music on, and a G&T when appropriate!


    1. It’s taken me until 4 to clean the house, return flower show bits and bobs and clean bluebell….I’m relaxing now before bed…

  19. Well done, Eirlys! Congrats!

  20. What a lovely post. She did well to drop it and then win. 🙂

    1. Especially after cooking bloody 6 or 7 eggs that morning

  21. Anonymous2:51 pm

    You have not done the Flower Show to death. Those of your readers with nothing remotely like this in their lives are doting on it.

    1. Perhaps they feel a part of it through Going Gently
      I hope that’s the case….
      Next year the international novelty vegetable photo competition returns

  22. Thank you for sharing a lovely story. I am enjoying your telling of this grand Community event.

  23. A short story with beautiful depth.

    1. What a lovely thing to say. Thank you

  24. Oh what a beautiful glimpse you have given us. Thank you.

  25. Thanks John - a bit of lovely.

  26. That's a really nice story, John. I'm glad Eirlys got to have that day.

    1. I am too….several people entered the show for the first time. My old friend sue entered the novelty vegetable and her creation of tulips made from mini tomato’s made best exhibit in show
      She was ticked pink
      As was jo from the old police house who put in a painting of hers at the very last second and won first
      I could go on with lots more tiny stories

  27. Anonymous5:24 pm

    Please explain what constitutes a prize winning hard boiled egg. All the eggs I boil look identical, a set white and a yellow yolk!

    1. Oh no !!!!
      After years watching the judges I have picked things up about the “ perfect” boiled egg
      The egg should be older, fresh but not newly laid
      These eggs can be peeled cleanly without an blemish .
      They should be cooked until the yolk is firm BUT not rubbery . There should be no grey ring around the yolk ( usually happens If the egg is not cooled in ice cold water after cooking)
      The ideal yolk is round without any gap with the white

    2. Anonymous8:37 pm

      Just like any boiled egg then!
      It's hilarious how frantic somebody can get about an egg!

    3. Anonymous8:38 pm

      "after years watching the judges" ROFL

    4. There is a skill to it , mock as you want

  28. You have brought tears to my eyes again about the show. That's so lovely.

  29. Anonymous6:05 pm

    I say you tell as many stories about the flower show as you wish. You never tell a story badly. :) Winning story.

  30. As a relatively recent widow, I understand that isolation too, even though I live in an urban setting. You are right that getting out with other people makes a world of difference in a day. I am glad fod Eirlys that she had a purpose and a good time.

    1. She helped me out on the day and coming out helped her too
      Win win

  31. Beautiful portrait —words and photo—just wish I could see her dog a little better—Border collie?

  32. Anonymous8:33 pm

    Hello always slightly late to the party

    This had a feel of one of those 1940 movies where something small was actually something very big
    If you see my meaning

    Your trolls will be silenced by the obvious affection that village of yours has for you….

    They did you proud fine sir

    Keith xxx

  33. Love your village stories. They are always so well told. xx0 N2

  34. So glad that Eirlys got a first for her boiled egg, especially after dropping it. Congratulations to her!

    Jo in Auckland

  35. I too thought this lovely; thank you for sharing it.

  36. Anonymous3:40 am

    What a lovely story! I wish we had something like the flower shows here. It surely is a great opportunity to create a sense of community.
    Hilde in Germany

  37. I think the spirit of fun is captured so well in the face of the young mum holding her jam. The photos of people on the day were really great and I love the last two sentences of your post.

    Well done Eirlys! So glad it was a good day for you.

  38. Anonymous6:05 am

    I've loved hearing about the flower show. Congratulations to Eirlys for her winning egg :) She looks like a really lovely, kind person. Sharon x

  39. What a great story! I've never heard of a boiled egg competition, but why not?!

  40. Fantastic the way support shows up in small villages.


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