The Boy On The Bike

 Best laid plans 
This story is worth sharing. 
I wasn’t expecting anything too
But It made me laugh 
So hopefully it will make a few of you readers titter.

I was packing my small suitcase during a real downpour when I heard a sort of bang and some distant shouting and crying. I waited for a while but the sounds continued so I pushed through the wet honeysuckle over the front door and looked into the lane. 
A sports bike was resting on its side by the field gate and a young man in Lycra and helmet stood in the street holding his side . 
He looked dreadfully upset and was bleeding from his fingers. His bike had lost it’s grip on the corner

“I’ve scraped my side !” he cried and he looked around 18 going on ten with all his face screwed up
I showed him into the cottage and he limped into the bathroom to check his wounds . 
I went through the first aid kit and dug out plasters for his hands
“I need a big dressing “ he wailed from the bathroom, all regressed and panicked 

I went upstairs with a bottle of TCP to see a large five inch square scrape on his thigh and fashioned a square of clean cotton from an old pillowcase. 
It looked like a scene from a cheap porno .
Him crying will it hurt? 
Before me saying “ Im a nurse” as I cleaned  the grit out of a nasty scrape with  my pillowcase dipped in antiseptic.
He was a brave little soldier and we dressed his cuts with plasters before he sat down on the couch and sipped some sweet orange juice before getting back on his bike 

“Me mum should be home when I get back” he said hopefully


  1. Replies
    1. And before I get called a dirty old man, I must say, unlike the BBC presenter I always go for the older looking man lol

    2. Oh, you mean........We've all guessed by now.

    3. Anonymous10:02 pm

      That TV presenter is now in hospital, you could at least have some sympathy especially now the police say no crime has been committed.

    4. I have to confess that my 'guess' was miles off the mark. 'Virtual' apologies to the erroneous person whom I didn't name (thank goodness) - plus, of course, wishes towards a complete and speedy recovery for the person now revealed.

  2. We all need our Mum when we're hurt! You were the next best thing. (PS Have to confess, I did have a little titter.) xx

  3. Anonymous6:49 pm

    My sister is a nurse and I am in awe of nurses. Lucky guy to have you nearby to come to his aid. Jackie

    1. I was amused by his trusting nature

  4. The pump caught in my trouser leg, and my sandwiches were badly crushed. (Monty Python)

  5. A wet gritty corner..the ones you dread! You looked after him well. He fell off at the right place!! Hope his mum was home when he got there

    1. He was being very brave, I did offer to call someone but he wouldn’t have it

  6. Traveller7:05 pm

    Read too quickly (always a bad habit) and thought you used a pillow case…then realized it was from an old pillow case.

    Have a wonderful trip in Barcelona JG. Relax, enjoy and come back with wonderful memories for you and stories for us!

    1. I will my friend , I actually go to Sheffield tomorrow, where I will meet up with Mike and john then see miss Saigon with Jane . Thursday Jane and I go to Barcelona

  7. Poor boy. Hope his mum gave him a cuddle.

  8. It would be tempting to make some lewd remark at this point but I have managed to restrain myself.

    1. I thought that myself as I knelt dressing his wound m it all looked a bit suspect lol

  9. Anonymous7:29 pm

    All boys need their mommy! Very sweet. Have a super time on your trip. John. GG

  10. You Florence Nightingale you x

  11. Barbara Anne8:12 pm

    So glad you were there to lend comfort and help hm clean up - less chance of an infection you know. John to the rescue!
    I'm glad you hadn't left for Barcelona yet.


    1. We go Thursday morning. I’m in Sheffield tomorrow

    2. How exciting! Remember to hug yourself. :)


  12. Aw bless him. He fell off at the right spot :-)

  13. Mary D9:38 pm

    That was good that you were there to help with the antiseptic,plasters. And a orange drink then got him back on his bike again. Enjoy your time off now,and your visit to Barcelona x

  14. It sounds like a nasty spill and lots of bumps, bruises and cuts. Poor boy was scared. He is lucky you were home.him. No chance of infection now...Nurse John to the rescue!

  15. Sansthing10:01 pm

    Poor little soul!

  16. I have to say I am VERY glad you commented on my post! I had lost track of where your blog was and missed it! I lost my bookmarks due to an unpleasant computer “update”.

    Glad to have your pleasant stories to once again read!!!!


  17. He was lucky that you are a nurse and this kind of stuff is nothing to you. I cannot stand the sight of blood!

  18. This reminds me of an old boyfriend who on one date in Chester as we were in a queue at a nightclub went to help someone who was having "difficulty". He camply screamed out at the gathering crowd "I'm a nurse".

    Thank you for the giggles darling John x

  19. You have a wonderful trip now.

  20. That young man will probably never forget what you did for him. Well done!

  21. Well, you did your good deed for that day, John. But lol, it DOES sound like a cheap porno plot!

  22. His mum should know her son was in good hands during his scrape with...scrapes.

  23. Poor boy. Have a wonderful time in Sheffield and Barcelona.

  24. Poor puppy. He couldn’t have fallen in a better neighborhood!

  25. Anonymous6:54 am

    Bless him, I'm glad you found him. Wishing you a wonderful time with your friends. Sharon x

  26. A good job a qualified nurse was on hand to sort out his nasty injury.

  27. Anonymous8:32 am

    Aww bless him,now go and enjoy your break

  28. weaver10:32 am

    A teenager sat in the middle of the road outside my bungalow this morning when I drew back the blind. I was just about to open the window and call to her when the ambulance drew up. She had obviously fallen while out 'early morning jogging'. Thank goodness for mobile phones! Enjoy Barcelone.

  29. Thank you for helping, enjoy Spain!

  30. Wait- you didn't make him some tea with lots of sugar? Isn't that the sure cure for any and all injuries over there?

  31. He picked the right corner to fall - and you were so kind to assist him. Have a wonderful time in Barcelona John - such a great city. Take your sun hat, and enjoy the awesome food!
    Mary -

  32. Yes, I did get a good chuckle and agree that he could not have fallen at a better place. You came to his aid and dressed his wound and made his day a better one than it had started. And, yes, it could be a cheap porn movie beginning. But now you head to Spain and I have all sorts of envy. Are you prepared if he should return to say a proper thank you?

  33. Trust me, I'm a Nurse! He couldn't have fallen off his bike at a better place. x

  34. Bless him. I hope his Mum was in when he got back.

  35. Poor kid, at least he picked the right place to hit the floor. Lucky he was. Hope he's ok.

  36. Anonymous7:42 pm

    A good lesson for all. Be the kind stranger to those in need.
    Love you John

  37. Great story. And how good that there was a nurse in the neighborhood!

  38. "18 going on 10" made me laugh out loud. I could picture it perfectly.

  39. Nice story, What happened to the break from blogging? But I'm glad something happened to it. After years of feeling otherwise I have recently become inclined to trust an experienced nurse more than a doctor. Partly due to one long story I won't tell but when I rather stood up to a celebrated consultant recently, when I was lying vulnerable in a hospital bed, the ward nurse stood behind a little while as the entourage all trooped out and she gave me a big thumbs up. I do admire (most) nurses.


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