Miss Saigon

 Much criticism has been launched at the new version of Miss Saigon , all rather unfairly I think. Bloody hell I remember seeing it in 1989 when North Walian Jonathan Pryce played the engineer with silty eyed prosthetics and a Kung Foo accent.

I loved the Crucible’s version. Jessica Lee ‘s vocals matched Lea Selonga’s anyday and Joanna Ampil brought a different energy to the usual male role of The Engineer. She was fabulous as was Shane O’Riordan who played John.

On the way to Manchester now and the airport.


  1. weaver9:12 am

    Bon voyage! xx

  2. Drink lots of water - it's going to be HOT.

  3. Anonymous10:43 am

    Have a wonderful time!

  4. Safe travels and hope you enjoy your trip.

  5. You do pack a lot into your days! Have a safe journey, keep hydrated and enjoy! xx

  6. Anonymous11:12 am

    Enjoy! X Libs x

  7. Ooo - Those handsome men In their tight trousers and tighter bottoms x 🇪🇸

  8. We saw the Jonathan Pryce version in New York in the 80s we thought it was brilliant but even then thought Jonathan Pryce was a bad choice for Eurasian.

  9. I hope you have a wonderful time. xx

  10. Anonymous12:40 pm

    Bon voyage!

  11. Happy travels! Eat, drink and be merry. Enjoy

  12. BArbara Anne2:02 pm

    I hope you two will have a glorious time in Barcelona, eye candy to the max, and delicious foods. may you each find someting perfect to bring home as mementos. Joy!


  13. Safe travels! Barcelona is a great city!

  14. Have a fabulous time. Drink lots of water and wear a hat!

    Jo in Auckland

  15. I saw that early Miss Saigon too - twice, in fact, both times with Jonathan P as 'Engineer'.. First time in a preview performance when the performance was halted by the elaborate scene-shifting staging failing, and then again later flawlessly. The show still remains one of my topmost theatrical memories.

    Have a tremendous time in 'Barthelona' - where, (who knows!) you just MIGHT perceive the ghosts of Freddy M. with Montserrat C.


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