

It’s almost time to leave for home.
Barcelona has proved to be a bit of gem and it is a city that I would quite happily return to on my own if the need arose. 
I’m sat with my third leisurely coffee. Jane is off walking the streets, and it’s still incredibly hot.
I feel very fortunate that that I finally got here given the flight cock ups of last year, but also lucky that in a few days time I’m off to London to see Nu and the National Opera.
Strike that, I’m not lucky, but I am fortunate 
I’m fortunate that I’ve saved my overtime money and am able to do these nice things in Life.
Life feels so much better when you make the effort……


  1. You do sound happy.
    A return visit will be something good to look forward to.

  2. Yorkshire Liz9:28 am

    That was just the sort of colourful, rich and leisurely break you needed. And it already sounds as if it hs done you good. Won't bother telling you how grim the weather has been back home while you have been in the sunshine. I shall merely say my winter woolly hats are back out for dog walks!

    1. Oh lord. I must admit ( though not complain ) that it was too hot . The walk to the Gaudi garden almost killed me

  3. In what ways would say that Trelawnyd is like Barcelona?

  4. You are certainly fortunate, but then you work hard to achieve it! Have a safe, uneventful journey home. The dogs will have missed you. xx

    1. They have done , but trendy carol and her hubby did them proud

  5. So glad that it has been a good visit, especially seeing the two weather systems that have been rattling around the whole of Europe

    1. It was too hot but I drank gallons of water

  6. weaver10:31 am

    Totally agree with that last sentence John. Little forays - which you are very good at- are food for the soul.

  7. So glad you have had a great experience. You set priorities and do what it takes to make them happen.

  8. Pleased that you have enjoyed your break, Barcelona is a fabulous city. Enjoy the opera with Nu.

    1. Oh lord I’m so excited there’s more fun to be had ,

  9. I like that you changed from lucky to fortunate. We all have choices and decisions to make. It looks like you have had a wonderful time away. I lived vicariously through you! -Jenn

  10. Safe travels home, John. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself!

    1. I’m home now with my usual dog covering and a bulldog licking my tired feet

  11. Barbara anne1:04 pm

    How sweet it is!

  12. It seems you find the most interesting places to enjoy and relax into x

  13. It's important to enjoy the fruits of our labours!

  14. Anonymous2:44 pm

    I think again of the poet Mary Oliver 'Tell me, what else should I have done? Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon? Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?' Jane x

  15. Anonymous2:45 pm

    It is fortunate that you live close to europe so that you can take mini breaks. For us it is a long flight so we tend to take a week or two once we get there. Glad you got at least a peek of Barcelona. Safe trip home. GG

    1. Yes, the flight home with Spanish company vueling was swift and efficient and from Barcelona drinking coffee to home was 5 hours

  16. Anonymous2:53 pm

    My father always told me to travel while I was young, before either your feet or your stomach can’t take it. He had ulcers at the time and now my feet can’t take any more so I am so glad I took his advice. I may have overdone it a bit but am happy with what I saw before the masses discovered some awesome places. Do it now John if you can. GG

    1. I wish I’d taken your fathers advice, but as usual I’m a late starter

  17. Glad you've had a good time despite the heat. Casa Batllo! That's one of the houses I visited when I was there. So glad you got to see it too.

    1. I found the house an incredibly moving experience
      The audio shut away the tourists

  18. I'm glad you have had a good time on your travel adventure with Jane..

    1. We had a lovely time indeed , great fun

  19. Anonymous4:14 pm

    I’m driving back from Carmel by the Sea. It is always such a great time

  20. If you have opportunity, another coastal town in Spain is Valencia. It's less touristy, and has a lot of Roman ruins. Also good markets.

    1. As u know I know Sitges well , I may go to “ bears “ week next year

  21. You sound relaxed and peaceful! So glad this trip has been a good one. Thanks for sharing bits & pieces of Barcelona with us. Have enjoyed all your photos! Safe travels home.

    1. Home now, covered in dogs, work in the morning xxlovely to be cool

  22. Yes, you are fortunate but you've been wise to save your money so you can take these wonderful trips. Thanks for bringing us your view of Barcelona.

    1. You are very welcome, I kind of fell in love with some of it

  23. Anonymous8:03 pm

    I love the way your Troll shows themselves up. They spend their time complaining about you, a blogger who is sipping beer in a lovely foreign city and who could not give them a second thought.
    So glad you loved Barcelona
    I visited the city last
    In {gulp}
    1974 when i was in the Navy


  24. Mary,D9:29 pm

    It was great reading your posts from Barcelona,and all the photos,glad you had a great time there.I couldn’t have taken that heat! Although things have been a bit too cool here lately,and lots of heavy showers! You have still got your trip to London to look forward to Enjoy! X

  25. What a fabulous trip - and well deserved (you earn it, you spend it how you like!) - and thank you for helping me remember our wonderful trip way back in 2007!! At the time, we teachers took a laminated "Flat Stanley" coloured by our children with us, and propped him up on famous landmarks and sent the photo home. Flat Stanley visited the Gaudi gardens Parc Guell too, and the unfinished Sangria familia of course. I noticed how much more congested it was - the tourist numbers have skyrocketed, haven't they. The dogs will have been so relieved you're home - and checked out all your foreign smells, I'll bet.

    1. My ex-husband's nephew sent us Flat Stanley from Pittsburgh years ago and we showed him round France and Italy (I live in France). He even went up the Mont Blanc (although I did feel a real fool)!

  26. I don't know if it's still the same, but flying into Spain I was always met by a very distinctive 'perfume'. I was told it was their soap, but I never found out the name.

  27. Short breaks can be so refreshing and happy! You planned well and it was so worth it. Good company on the trip too. I enjoyed your vibrant photos very much.

  28. I am so glad you had a good visit to Barcelona. My goal in life is to return there someday!


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