What’s going on

 Any tech bods out there…..consistently from early June the traffic logging in to Going Gently everyday has increased from 200,000 hits a month to over 500,000 ( 6-7 thousand a day to over 18)

There must be a practical and computer based reason for this hike. 

The last increase was a 100,000 hike when my husband and I split in July 2018


  1. Similar issues here - though my numbers are not as high. Still thousands each day - and none of them leave comments.

  2. Ah good , it’s a computer glitch

  3. A lady with a computer somewhere abroad calls my house phone - I wonder if it is something similar x

    1. Mad as a box of frogs

    2. Yorkshire Liz8:49 pm

      Whatever the true number, it's clearly up. Better up than down. And showing you on the up. Which nicely squares the circle, I'd say!

  4. I had to look at my All Time stats before I could see it like that...it is weird. Bots?

  5. I am up 150% from the prior month, I suspect bots

  6. It must be bots. At a discussion group I belong to there are only 10 members yet the #s are so high. I questioned the owner of the group and she had looked into it and said it was bots.
    I do visit your blog several times a day but nothing significant lol.

  7. I took a look at my stats and yes, they jumped enormously too. BOTS!

  8. Well, who's a popular lad, then? Your fame (or notoriety) is spreading. xx

  9. Interesting, I shut down my blog, said goodbye in Feb. I still get 300 views a month. Kind of odd.

  10. Putin and his army are coming.

  11. Ohhh
    Mine are not that high. But it says I had 979 people looking at my blog and got 23 comments.... But I blame bots too.
    Now that Vlad is cowering somewhere in Moscow they need to get to work.


  12. Anonymous12:43 am

    bots or nots........ LOL! I visit you daily and have for many years. Who knows? Hope it's not something sinister
    Susan M

  13. I'm afraid that I take all the stats 'cum grano salis'. They make no sense. Just look where all the visits come from!

  14. I think that was me!

  15. Am wondering what the purpose might be it it is bots. Curious.

  16. I noticed on YouTube this month that some creators have been commenting that views are way up but yet subscriber numbers have remained low. One creator commented just a few hours ago that if only 10% would subscribe it would be a whole new ballgame for him. My spam box has been getting 2-3000 entries a day for over a month now. It has to be an "attack of the bots". However, John you are a fantastic blogger and deserve all the "legit" visits you get.

  17. Anonymous6:15 am

    It’s because we love your wit and humour Sandy, mid wales

  18. I believe that most "visits" to most blogs are robotic systems scouring the net automatically, for both legitimate and nefarious reasons, and a vast jump like that is likely due to that type of thing. You clearly do have quite a few human visitors though.

  19. Nothing less than a monarch butterfly. Yeah, likely bots. I had 10,000 hits 2 months in a row. All with Russian IPs.

  20. Your stats have been infiltrated by Russia.

  21. 2 comments of mine (possibly 3 now) have been spammed.

  22. Anonymous2:22 pm

    Easily explained - it's Flis.

    1. Good day to you💃

    2. Anonymous3:31 pm

      Well hello! Good day to you too. Are you having a good one?

  23. Anonymous3:30 pm

    Well hello! Good day to you too. Are you having a good one?

  24. Anonymous11:16 am

    I read your blog daily look forward to reading about life in your village. As I live in a busy town. I rearly comment perhaps others are the same.


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes