Last Full Day


I’ve not been away with my friend Colin before and so needed to suss out his way of holidaying.
It will surprise no one to learn that I’m a wash face and go person
Colin is a gently gently face the day person, so I get up wash my face and take a short early walk.
He’s great company when he surfaces, yesterday we spent four and a half hours in a delightful cafe wedged by a canal,  drinking Apirol Spritz and talking and watching the world amble buy

Venice is truly magical. 

I’m quite captivated by it.
Blending in with the tourist places, the cafes and the church’s, almost faceless, ancient building brood and blend just as they did in the scenes of Don’t Look Now and the canal water glows a blue of the sky and looks clean and smells fresh.
I will come again ,I am sure.
I’m presently eating breakfast on the hotel terrace 
It’s still early 
I’m the only Brit in the restaurant, as far as I can tell the others, with an exception of a chic Greek family and one German lady are all Americans who banter between tables like old jolly friends. 
In my experience, they have little knowledge of the difference between an Englishman and being from the UK, so I’ve told everyone who asked that I’m Welsh.
Without realising, I even sound more Welsh as I told them
The iPad is now protecting me from further questions.
I need to be a little still in the early mornings

We are off to the Guggenheim a little later this morning
The weather is the same her as it is in the Uk
All of the Italians I have met, have been charming and friendly, quite unlike what I was told to expect.


  1. Traveller7:33 am

    I agree. Venice is captivating when you can find areas away from the crowds…early morning is perfect for that.

  2. My best memory of Venice is walking the back alleys at night often by side canals when the daytrippers had gone. It was so quiet and certainly like being in a film set.

  3. Lovely! Enjoy the last bits of your trip!

  4. There's something wonderful about sitting quietly, early in the morning, with just your coffee and your thoughts. You've made some lovely memories. Thanks for taking us along with you. xx

  5. You are a Welsh man of the world. And this year you are going to experience more of it.

  6. I hope there are handsome men aplenty - if only for fleeting flirtatious glances x 💫☕🍝

    1. Anonymous4:15 pm

      It's not what it's all about.

    2. GDTY 🙌

    3. Anonymous5:32 pm

      Nope thats not it either

    4. What's it all about Alfie 🎤

    5. Anonymous9:36 pm

      Well you should know.

  7. Bought any souvenirs?

  8. Sounds blissfully idyllic!

  9. When my daughter and I visited Venice, our favorite thing was to sit on the steps along the canal and just watch the boats and people go by. I am glad you enjoyed your trip so much.

  10. Anonymous1:39 pm

    You will have to return to Venice, too much to see in a couple of days! GG

  11. Anonymous1:59 pm

    It has been decades since I went to the Guggenheim, but I was captivated! I hope the same for you. Olivia in the US PNW.

  12. weaver3:54 pm

    John I have been to Italy many times - mostly to Venic but also Florence, Milan, |Naples, Rome, Siena - and I must say all the Italians I have met have been charming and friendly but then I am a woman - maybe a difference there?

  13. Anonymous4:29 pm

    Just watch on Youtube "Brideshead Revisited Venice" - which your description of the city recalled to my mind. Roderick

  14. You and Colin are having a splendid time in Venice!

  15. Lucky fellow, to have such good times and chum to share it with.

  16. Thanks for taking us along, John. It is a pretty cool place.

  17. Anonymous8:46 am

    I loved Don't look now. did you see a small person in a little red coat running round like in the film? creepy


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