
 Today’s small treat was an iced latte.
I bought it after going for my level four counselling interview.
I try to get myself one small treat a day.

We also had a chance to talk to a group of the level 4 trainee counsellors without the tutors being there which was illuminating . My application is in and so are my references . So it’s fingers crossed
I’ll start in September .


  1. I hope your tutors are competent - In my experience I have sometimes wondered - but not liked to offend x

    1. Anonymous2:25 pm

      Offensive comment.

    2. Anonymous2:51 pm

      That's not offensive. Flis is right - like everywhere there's a range of competency in all jobs. I did a university course as an adult and parts of the course were rubbish. Full of errors. The teaching of the different elements were also variable. And as an 18 year old doing an HND the case was the same. Ridiculous to say a realistic statement from Flis, very gently expressed too, is offensive.

    3. Anonymous2:51 pm

      Ha ha, I've also come up as Anonymous. My name is Ruth. My comment is the one saying the other Anonymous is being ridiculous saying Flis's comment was offensive.

    4. flis is never offensive.

    5. Anonymous9:24 pm

      Another anonymous
      Agree with
      Did my Masters after 27 years of teaching The tutoring was twaddle , in the end I did my group work alone . John you have the experience and understanding through the job you have been doing since whenever. In the end is simply paper work for them and you playing their game to satisfy their view of their self importance

    6. I feel the quality of my support in the university is high, it’s developed through some difficult times

  2. Barbara Anne2:31 pm

    Nice to have another goal accomplished and will hope for the best for the next stage.
    Choir on Tuesday during the interlude?
    Oh, yes, a treat a day is just right!


    1. I was late today and missed choir because I was thinking too much

  3. Anonymous2:43 pm

    Fingers and toes crossed for you, John. They are crazy if they don’t take you. You deserve a big treat today. Happy Pride month by the way. GG

  4. I should think you stand a VERY good chance of getting in September. In fact I'll eat my hat if you don't. ;-)

  5. I have complete confidence in you! May nothing stand in your way. Looking forward to the good news. Iced latte tomorrow morning. What we call café con leche with ice... unless we go to one of those chain cafés... like Starbucks. We'll be at Mesón Salvador.

  6. You have a natural way with people. You are open-minded and a good listener too. Surely these are qualities that an effective counsellor should possess. I don't think they can really be taught. You either have them or you don't.

    1. I will be suited to it or not…we shall see x

  7. Everything crossed here. How soon will you know? If they reject you, I don't know what sort of person they're looking for - you were made for it! xx

    1. My previous tutor is one of my refereees

  8. It feels like it's meant to be, so worry not.

  9. weaver3:37 pm

    You are a born natural John - sure you will be fine. x

  10. Glad you were able to speak with some of the level 4 trainees and you found their candid comments insightful. Sending best wishes, good vibes, and positive thoughts. As others have written... you're a natural counselor and have all the right stuff to be an effective and wonderful counselor.
    You've got this! 😊

    1. They were incredibly helpful and insightful and the difference between the 1st year students and second year was insightful too

  11. Anonymous4:27 pm

    Stand still John as you are about to be bombarded with a barrage of good luck wishes (of course you will be in in Sept). Jan in Castle Gresley

  12. Best of luck to you. I admire you for doing this at your stage in life. I don't mean that to be offensive or to say you are too old. I just know that at any age it can be tough. But your intelligence and heart will lead the way to success. I have no doubt.

    1. I’m not the oldest to do the course, a few years ago a73 year old woman sailed through her certificate

  13. Replies
    1. Thank you Jennifer , a new job, like yours x

  14. All the will succeed well

  15. Yorkshire Liz6:45 pm

    I would wish you good luck, but I don't feel you need it. You have been good counsel to people all your life; this is just about making it official.

  16. Anonymous6:45 pm

    Best wishes. I know you will breeze through. You really are a natural. Jackie

  17. Good luck! I hope all works out.

  18. How exciting for you. I'm echoing others when I say your natural affinity with others will hold you in good stead. You are empathetic, articulate and are a great listener; a counselor already in my eyes. Good luck.

    Jo in Auckland

  19. The best of luck to you John, however I don't think luck will get you the position, your skills, both in listening and articulating your position on matters are going to be what does.

  20. And I'm sure that we've all got our fingers crossed for you as well.


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes