

She rolled in the body of a dead badger on our last walk of the day 
After nights I am in despair 
It’s ok I have gin in 



  1. Dogs!! If they can find something nasty to roll in, they will.

    1. I’ve washed her twice and she still smells

  2. She's sorry! Very Very Sorry!

  3. When our Bearded Collie got coated in dead badger, it took two really good scrubby washes a day for four days to get the stench completely off her!

    1. Oh god..I’ve just sprayed her with Clinique happy

    2. Now she smells like a happy badger

    3. Barbara Anne4:57 am

      Perfect comment, Kinda! Thanks for the laugh.

  4. Oh, the price we pay for loving our dogs!

    1. Oh god the whole thing has been fraught

  5. You're gonna need a lot of gin.
    Bonnie in Minneapolis

  6. Anonymous9:02 pm

    I read somewhere that Tomato juice is used to clean off the smell of Skunk, that's serious stink !
    It can't hurt and may help, good luck.

  7. Poor you. I'm not good with smells.

  8. Anonymous9:28 pm

    A bottle of hydrogen peroxide with baking soda and a touch of dish soap is what we use to de-skunk dogs, have to be very careful of their eyes however. She probably is confused about why you are not happy with her entrancing smells.


  9. Anonymous9:48 pm

    I guess dead badger smells like eau de skunk, so sorry John, my dog got skunked twice this year and it is horrible! GG

  10. If you opt to use the hydrogen peroxide-baking soda-dish soap mixture to bathe Mary, use the mixture immediately and discard whatever you do not use. Do NOT try to keep any leftover mixture in a container/bottle/jar as it could explode.
    Wash the clothes you were wearing while bathing Mary as well as any towels you use on Mary with regular detergent & 1/2-cup baking soda.

  11. Oh no! Her timing wasn't the best, when you're low on energy anyway. I am sorry. I'd be wary that the hydrogen peroxide concoction might damage her skin, is it really safe? It sounds as if you've a long road before she will be smelling ok again. The worst our corgi ever did was "cowsh" and between that and wet dog, that was bad enough when she was cooped up in the car with us. Badger would be far worse.
    Good luck.

  12. Dauaghter swears by tomato juice scrubbed into the fur clear to the skin. Doggy won't like it and don't leave it there.
    Or call your vet and find out from them what to do. They will probably have some expensive shampoo to sell you. I am a cat girl myself so don't have those problems.

  13. This badger smell sounds as bad as skunk. With skunk, the smell dissipates over time but on rainy days it can be noticed a bit stronger. I am wondering if Dawn dish detergent would help. I know it is used to clean wildlife that got caught by an oil spill.

  14. Replies
    1. Anonymous5:27 am

      And all who wail in her!

      Jo in Auckland

  15. "Dead Badger"... The new fragrance from Yves St Laurent. For when you feel sett in your ways.

    1. Jennifer Barlow12:54 am

      Haha! Good one!

  16. Maybe sprinkle some of that gin on her.

  17. Take her to a dog washing place or your Vet if they do grooming! Pay the price to get her defumed!

  18. Oh, I once had a dog who was a 'holy roller'. Disgusting.

  19. My two, Monty and Bok, found a dead badger which they both used as perfume. I had to get a long stick, pick it up, and place it on a hight tree branch. It stank for weeks.

  20. Oh no! Not what you can face when tired after night shift.

  21. That does sound unpleasant.

  22. Barbara Anne4:53 am

    Oh, NO! As tired as you were, there was no alternative to giving Mary a bath. Glad you had some gin!


  23. Oh Mary!! Why do dogs like to roll in dead stuff? I had a mad chocolate lab who once rolled on a rotting dead sheep while we were hill walking. It's the vilest thing I've ever smelled in my life!!!! And we had to drive home with her in the car with all the windows down!

  24. I can't get me nose to unwrinkle. Time for a bath in tomato juice? And you could pour yourself a Bloody Mary.

  25. Anonymous7:53 am

    Seren our very special Welsh rolled in old dead fish...probably not as bad as badger... I washed her and disinfected her in DILUTE Jeyes Fluid. Still loved her the best though. She was a fabulous dog. Enjoy your blog every day but don't comment. Moyra in NZ

  26. Well what else are you supposed to do with a dead badger?

  27. That could take a lot of gin

  28. weaver10:30 am

    Oh Mary - and you a lady too - leave that sort of thing to the boys/ And I don't wish to know what a dead badgersmells like - give me Je Reviens any day.

  29. There is NOTHING worse than the smell of decomp!! Tomato ketchup in place of shampoo for the first wash, a good rinse and then lots of shampoo.

  30. Susie has recently taken to rolling in noxious substances she finds. She also smells lovely after a bath.


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