
 Does anyone else feel as though they are on catch up all of the time?
At times I can be almost overwhelmed by the size my to do list
And my life is nothing special 
Today I’ve taken the dogs out for a long walk, picked wild garlic flowers which resemble little fireworks of white and ordered logs and shopped. 
I’ve also called around to  Meirion Jones’ neat little bungalow to sweet talk him into being our flower Judge this year. He has the best garden in the village.
The flower show returns to Trelawnyd on August 5 th 
So back to today
It’s just past 10 am and I have a workbook for university to finish and share with my tutor on line. That has to be completed this afternoon.
I have certificates to sort for the Hall window sponsorship, they need printing out, hand finishing and posting
There are Carpets to clean after Albert’s nocturnal bladder emptying 
Dorothy to shower ( gawd don’t ask why all I will say that it rhymes with Manny) and it’s bugging me that my new outside solar lights haven’t had their little paper lanterns slipped over their cages.
The floor needs mopping, the chimney sweep needs re booking and I need to sort my repeat prescription for antibiotics out with the pharmacy. 
Oh and I got to sort out more vendors and posters for the vintage table stop sale a week on Saturday .
My to do list is written and I think I need another bucket of coffee


  1. Anonymous10:27 am

    In regard to Dorothy’s shower, I feel your pain! Our neighbor has three cats that use our yard for their potty. I try to be vigilant, but my dog rolled in cat poop 2 times this week. She required 4 baths to be odor free. Wrestling a 50 pound dog in and out of the bathtub in my 70’s isn’t high on my list of fun things to do! My mom always said you have to take the bitter with the sweet, and my Stella is very sweet, so I will bathe her and try not to grumble to much. Rita from Austin

    1. Rita , Dorothy , unlike the Welsh terriers hates showers and tries to escape at every given moment

  2. If you want something done, ask a busy person. Knowing the task is the job half done.

  3. Anonymous10:54 am

    My job of the day is washing a duvet. I have three of them on my bed so I will wash another one tomorrow..that might be all I get done. I have a hard time breathing so going down to the basement three times is enough for one day! Good on you for getting your uni job finished today. Loads of coffee is always good. Give yourself a little slack!!xx GG

    1. I’m relaxing now …and I’ve compromised and have given Dorothy’s Fanny a scrub with a face cloth

  4. I bet your kitchen smells wonderful with all those garlic flowers ... well it will after you've showered Dorothy most likely. ;-)

    1. The living room is gloriously garlicky

  5. weaver11:11 am

    What is happening on the Scotch Egg front - they don't seem to ever appear on your schedule these days - are they forbidden 'fruit' in your slimming regime?

    1. I haven’t had one for weeks , oh boy do I crave one now though thanks Patricia xxx

  6. Cat pee. What on earth do you use to get rid of the pong?

    1. Bio washing machine tablets dissolved in the carpet cleaner

  7. But think how smug you'll feel when (if) all your to-do list is ticked off! xx

    1. Anonymous5:20 am

      Ha ha ha.
      weavinfool, now living in Llanelway

  8. Anonymous11:46 am

    Do your repeat prescriptions online through the NHS app. It's the easiest thing in the world. Takes 30 seconds - Bel Ami

    1. Something I will try , it may be different in Wales as they are free

  9. I find 'to do' lists quite daunting at times, but better than the alternative when I don't make a list....I end up feeling frazzled because I know I have things to do, but can't remember what they are! Not a nice feeling.

    1. I love lost making and need to make them . I’m behind on my TCA work which is irritating

  10. I love how you took the time to pick a gorgeous bouquet of garlic flowers. Despite the long list of to-dos waiting for you at home, you stopped to 'smell the flowers'. You are doing life right.

    1. My friend Ruth makes pesto out of wild garlic flowers

  11. Never mind completing the to-do list. Just move on to the next thing. In the words of my SIL - there's always a list of things left undone. Can't say I'm ever bored.

    1. I’m seldom bored but I have my moments

  12. You need a personal assistant!

  13. I have to prioritise as I don't have energy for much - My dogs are quite time consuming - Earlier I too picked wild garlic - the 4th time recently - My large tich (Dog) weed on some whilst I was picking though x 🌱

    1. I’m tired now and I’ve not had a tiny nap today as I have a want to do when im pottering

    2. Tich ( dog ) 🐺

  14. I remember days like that when my kids were younger. Now I have more time to myself and find that I can waste a lot of time. I worry about it sometimes.

    1. Oh ive wasted time too today.
      But shhhhhhssshhh

  15. Barbara Anne2:03 pm

    Except for the class notebook Dorothy, and the carpets, some things on your list could be put off until tomorrow ... yes?
    I recently read that the pleasure of doning nothing is in having somethings to do and not doing it!


    1. I finished my on line notebook at 8 .30
      Half a day late

  16. I was very bored last night. Perhaps I should drive down there to help you out. Or maybe I should make a To Do list. I could find plenty to put on it if I could be bothered to write one. Let me try here: 1) Write a to Do List, 2) Buy beer for tonight, 3)...ach I'm tired already just thinking about it all...

    1. Can you be my PA ?
      I’d love to have a gopher
      I’m not joking
      10 £ an hour and free range in the fridge

    2. As I drink my beer (one task achieved on the To Do list) I have to inform you that I am far too expensive for you. Sorry, and cheers.

  17. I've never seen garlic flowers (that I know of). They sure are beautiful. Please tell me they do NOT smell like garlic. I think you lead a very busy life. We're overwhelmed if we have one appointment on the calendar.

    1. Oh you haven’t been to heaven my man
      Smelling garlic groves in the dew is glorious , and yes garlic flowers reek of garlic , the plants carpet damp woodland

    2. I agree John, very smelly but nice smelly. We have loads on our garden river bank, plus even more Hedge Garlic whose leaves I have just been munching on (pre beer, Trappist Tripel since you ask, 9.5%, ridiculous but fun). Goodnight.

    3. Goodnight deArheart x

    4. Well, that explains why Gilroy, California (the garlic capital of the world) reeks of garlic when you drive through in season.

  18. What a day!...but no saying that you are bored, ever! X

    1. I chatted to villager leader ian and Nu on the phone too

  19. Yes! I don't lead a busy life at all, compared to many others, but it seems that things to do follow one after the other with nary a break in between. That's life I guess. -Kate

    1. My workbook took much longer than I expected so the Fanny shower , had to be postponed as did the floor clean, the table top sale and the window certificates . The pharmacy was ordered though, the carpets cleaned and Albert hand fed……he hasn’t left the bedroom today and looks frail

    2. Traveller8:00 pm

      Give Albert my best.

    3. I will…he looks tired

    4. Anonymous8:15 pm

      Oh no

      Jen x

    5. Barbara Anne5:04 am

      Wishing Albert well. Big hugs!

  20. "To do" lists can provoke a bit of stress but they do help keep track and finish all jobs, eventually. It is the jobs that seem to fall off the list and linger that get to me. Your garlic flowers look fantastic and add to your decor. I washed Caesar (large Bernese Mountain dog) yesterday and it is always a big job. He's now nice and fluffy and the old musk is gone for a few weeks.

    1. Dorothy has a smelly Fanny when she’s been in season ,… you know

  21. With so many balls to juggle you must feel a bit like Elon Musk.

  22. I feel that way all the time and I don't even have a house to maintain!

    1. Thank fuck for that it’s not only me …it’s 8.30 and I’ve just sat down

  23. Anonymous8:14 pm

    It’s 4 ish here near Perth
    And my sleepless night has improved by this chatty blog. You make even the mundane sound interesting
    Love Jen

    1. Nice to see you again Jen thank you too

  24. The garlic flowers and their leaves are tasty to eat stir fried or blanched. Sorry to hear Albert is poorly.

    1. Yes I’m making pesto out of them tomorrow

  25. Garlicky pesto sounds wonderful. Mmmmm, good!
    So sorry to hear Albert's looking frail and tired. Have been hoping for better news about the old fella. Hugs to you both (even though Albert's not a touchy-feely, cuddly cat).

    1. More news tomorrow xx

    2. Is dear Roger continuing his vigil with Albert?

    3. No to be fair he’s not noticed him tonight

  26. We are preparing to go away for a while, and I have far too many jobs to do. I really must make a list.

  27. Turning a to-do list into a did-that list may not be extraordinary, but it can be dreary.

  28. Does anyone else feel as though they are on catch up all of the time?

    I used to, never enough time to do what I want to do. Now it's different. Retirement brings a lot more freedom. I never really got into lists. If I forgot to do something it may get done eventually, or it may never get done. I now share my time between different interests and activities. Your freedom will come when you no longer have to earn a living.


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