Swimming the Channel

 Bluebell broke down again today which was more my fault than hers. The same easily mended issue with the gear stick which I promised myself I’d sort two months ago. The RAC man should have bollocked me but he didn’t and I was on my way within an hour.
I’d broken down next to the pond in the next village, So the hour turned to be incredibly relaxing.
I rearranged the inside of the car, moved lunch with my friend to Friday and arranged a visit to see old Trefor at his nursing home in Rhyl later today. 
I found some general purpose wipes and washed my face and in a fit of self care rooted into the glove box and found a container of face moisturiser accidentally left in the car by work colleague. 
Without really thinking I took a huge scoop and lathered my face as though I was about to swim the channel then looked up through the windscreen. 
What was I thinking?
Walking towards me, not ten yards away from Bluebell were three hikers.
I rubbed my face and the bloody stuff didn’t disappear as I expected it to, so when the hikers came to pass me they saw this face looking back at them 

I shouldn’t be let out I really !

This afternoon I fared better. I bought a selection of newspapers and visited Trefor at his residential home. He looked and sounded well and looked immaculate  at nearly 99 in a clean shirt and dressing gown 

My hoodie had great globs of moisturiser down the front of it 


  1. Hmmm.. not sure I like your different hairstyle.

  2. Anonymous2:52 pm

    The new color is going to take some getting used to!


  3. Barbara Anne2:53 pm

    Ta for the chuckles as I read this post. Never a dull moment, eh?
    So glad Trevor is faring well. Bluebell, too.
    Perhaps a bib needs to be in the glove compartment?


  4. Glad Trefor is doing well and that you visit him. So many people forget about old friends and relatives in nursing homes.

    1. No covid problems now . The staff couldn’t have been more helpful either..I’ve promised him I will pick him up and bring him to the village coffee morning

  5. You're a danger to homosexuality x

    1. I know….I apologise to its queen x

  6. Anonymous3:27 pm

    What does "rearranging the inside of the car" involve?

    1. Gay. Men love rearranging furniture , I cannot do that in a car (obs) and so I moved around it’s movable contents , glove compartment bits, sat nav , gloves, scarves, shoes, leads etc etc

    2. Anonymous7:14 am

      Rearranging the furniture isn't a trait only specific to gay men, I often come home from work to find my (non gay) partner has rearranged the furniture and things aren't where they previously were.
      I'm not sure it's good for one's equibrilum to experience this constant flux!

    3. This made me smile Anon, my dearly beloved is the same, always rearranging something. It's quite common to come home and hear it announced we're sleeping in a different bedroom tonight.
      "We" are on a decluttering campaign at the moment, meaning I'll be coming home to things not only not where they should be but they're not in the house at all! But as they'll still be in the garage before being taken I can at least insist on things staying if "really necessary"
      I'm not complaining, it's a cause of great hilarity and there's something to be said for changing bedrooms, it gives you a new lease of life!

  7. It's a good thing they let you out of the nursing home. I bet they thought you were a resident, although, by the sounds of it, the residents aren't as messy! Glad Trefor is doing well. xx

    1. I’m surprised that he is as happy as he so obviously is…I think that company is a warm blanket

  8. Maybe there's hope for you yet. You've still got time before your 99th birthday.

  9. Anonymous4:03 pm

    Whoops, not a great look, did the goop help your skin? Sounds like Trefor is in a good place now. GG

  10. Anonymous4:12 pm

    You do need a keeper,lol GG

    1. Yes, it’s been said before, many times

  11. Is it too late to send you to some kind of Finishing School?

  12. Oh dear, this made me laugh :) sorry, not sorry.

  13. Thanks for the chuckle!!

    1. I found myself laughing at myself , especially as two ladies from choir went past

  14. Thanks for the laugh.
    Bonnie in Minneapolis

  15. Anonymous5:41 pm

    Brilliant, always a good chuckle with you as you write so well. Love it, Noreen

    1. What was I thinking? Moisturiser sat in the car!

  16. Thanks for the giggle & grin!
    Glad to hear old Trefor is doing well and hope your visit cheered you both.
    Stay safe & well,John dear.

    1. Trefor did indeed look well and is very sanguine about staying in a nursing home . His relationships with the staff are good and it was lovely to watch the banter between them all

  17. If we are voting, I say "No" to a facelift. You earned that handsome face, whether it is wrinkled or not, I love it just as it is. Even Russel Crowe must be jealous. -the old lady from Kentucky

    1. Lol I’m a big hit with old ladies xxx lol

  18. weaver7:57 pm

    If that is you in the photograph then I am a monkey's auntie!

  19. guess that is what happens when we are left unattended.

  20. Great globs of moisturiser down your hoodie. Ok, sure.

  21. Finding the moisturizer was like a prize that had to be utilized! Your glowing youthful skin must be lovely and refreshed. Those strangers will never recognize you without the cream.

  22. Always leave them wondering or laughing.

  23. Terrific post. I, too, wonder why they allow me out in public.

  24. What a funny story, John!!

  25. What on earth can go wrong with a gear stick? Did it fall off?

  26. At moments like that there is always someone we know going by!

    I have known a couple of people who enjoyed the care and company of a nursing or rest home.

  27. You've got me chuckling at that picture. I must be a gay bloke as I love rearranging the furniture. X

  28. If Roger was human, it's the kind of situation he'd find himself in. Is he picking it up from you or vice versa?

  29. Thanks for my morning laugh. You are a character!


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