Local News Strong Women

 As I am one of the TCA trustees I was asked by the secretary of the village Friendship Group if I would write them a letter of support for their forthcoming applications for community grants. 
I jumped to attention and completed the letter as quickly as I could  as it was requested by respected  village elder. Now The Secretary has always frightened me just a little. She is an assertive soul, a lady who has been big in the village church for years and I suspect a lot has been achieved because of her professional and cool approach to problems and needs. 
In a war She  would have been a bloody godsend .

I love the Friendship Group,  to me they have always thought laterally and for a group for older people , they still have a membership of over 65 people which I think is fantastic. 
Only a few years ago , they had a belly dancer show on one of their meetings in the hall , which I remember well as I listened to the belly dancing music from outside as I took the dogs for a walk and wondered just what the fuck was going on inside…..the applause and cheering was deafening lol .
Just to add to some local colour Irene Murray who has helped run the Friendship Group for 40 years , helped me run the Flower Show for years ( and with Sylvia Evans before me ) and my headstrong and sorted soay ewe was named after her with good reason 


And Irene. 

Yesterday I dropped in some flowers to another neighbour who I have just heard has been rather unwell. Flowers are not a panacea to all ills but they are pretty and they underline your best wishes well .I’m a firm believer in flowers as gifts, they say more than words often can . 

The sponsorship of the memorial Hall windows , continues to be a success , one lady rang me yesterday to see if I could change which window she was allocated in memory of her parents and of course I said yes. 
She asked me to allocate her a window which overlooked her mother’s former house because It meant so much to her. These things do so much don’t they ? 

Today I’m spring cleaning the living room and as a treat afterwards I’m meeting up with another of Trelawnyd’s women Chic Eleanor for coffee. 
The front room rug has already been washed and is drying in the sun on the front lawn
I’ve not heard the calves this morning as yet, which is strange as the living room windows are open wide and a cool breeze is flowing through the cottage like an avalanche 


  1. weaver10:15 am

    I really would like a window because of the pleasure your posts have given me over the years John - on many occasions you have 'kept me going'.- is this possible or is it just for villagers? PS Please read my post today - you have a mention.

    1. I saw pat….and you are welcome to a window , we have had a few sponsored for people not from the village xx

  2. Some women are formidable indeed. They get things done because they expect them to be done - no questions! Yes, little things like sponsoring the window that overlooks your mother's house do mean so much. And flowers continue to show you care for many days. Enjoy the sunshine, it's been a long time coming. xx

    1. The village has a history of matriarchs
      Irene lewis
      Miss B A Jones
      Auntie Gladys
      Sylvia Evans and her sisters…
      It’s easy to go one

  3. I enjoyed reading your post today. A cheerful way to start my day.

    1. Thankyou, mindless chatter more like x

  4. My ex-husband often used to say "If you want something done, ask a woman. Preferably a busy one!"

    1. Is that why he is ex

    2. Not at all. A farmer's son, he grew up seeing his mother working just as hard as his father. He employed farmers' daughters in the office, especially ones who were doing their Duke of Edinburgh awards. He knew that they would graft and not stop until the job was done.

  5. It takes strength and resilience to thrive, especially in a small community. And you have fit in so well.

    1. Not all of us, but we have a good proportion

  6. Proactive people are the best. They know how to get things done. The community is lucky to have them. I've observed, it is generally those not wanting change that dislike proactive people. Change v. status quo can be tricky. The TCA and Friendship groups sound like outstanding community-minded people and they get things done...while enjoying the process.

    1. Some people are jealous of proactive people that are fun I find…if you make things fun ,or positive or light, change is easier

  7. Such nice compliments for the busy women you come in contact with through your work at the TCA. What a nice positive group you have working together in your village.

    1. Oh there are few negative characters but I can’t blog about them lol

  8. Anonymous2:12 pm

    I enjoyed seeing both Irenes! Jackie in Georgia USA

  9. The world is a much better place because of dedicated volunteers who strive to build community.

    1. Community is a swear word to some who prefer to live in little nuclear families. …I call them people who want to live in housing estates in the country

  10. You live in a lovely village John.
    Good intentions here to do some spring cleaning but haven't managed to make a start yet.
    I've noticed you have no horrid anonymous coments now (or the annoying constant replying to them by another reader) and I wonder if this is because of moderation? It's refreshing to read the lovely comments these days, long may it continue.
    Also thankyou for taking the time to post and telling us about your days.

    1. Don’t tempt fate… the troll will pop up occasionally I’m am sure. I don’t care really , they don’t bother me

    2. If you are referring to flis, she is welcome here anytime

    3. Traveller6:48 pm

      If the references to replying to the anon is to me, I apologize if I am annoying

    4. No fingers pointed except to the nasty troll …xx

    5. Traveller, no of course I wasn't referring to you and I'm sorry if you thought that.

  11. Barbara anne2:54 pm

    Nice to meet the Irenes and I hope the calves are at peace.
    Delightful post this morning! Hope it has been a good day!


    1. It’s been a productive day, the front room is gleaming and smelling fresh . I’ve washed all the woodwork down and washed the upholstery as well as the curtains and couch…the wood burner makes everything very dusty and sooty

  12. You are indeed an asset to your village. Carry on!

    1. I’ve been called An ass by a few that’s for sure dave

  13. I love that you named your sheep after Irene!... Both strong characters no doubt. Same with the cleaning but mine is pre winter cleaning. I was going to work in the veg garden but it's persisting down so cleaning inside it is. Dust lurks in the most unlikely of places... my bedside table and lamp...oh lawd what a mess.... daddy longlegs love my bedroom I have no idea why; now I know where they live! Looks fresh, smells lovely and so it's a muck out all round at the moment. Won't last long but I might get a bit done ....if the rain persists. Stock pot of chicken stock on the stove nearly done... productive morning here too. I'd love to belong to a friendship group but here they are mostly run by the Baptist church and are a bit insular..oh well.

    Jo in Auckland

  14. Both Irenes made me smile. thank you.

  15. When I ran our village Youth Club (in Shropshire) for a year, I applied for money to send some of the children on an adventure holiday in Germany. The money came flooding in, and I ended up with far more than we needed. As a result the children had a fantastic holiday. So I wish your 'Friendship Group' good luck!

  16. I like to give flowers too. I appreciate the way you described a gift of flowers as an "underline of your best wishes." I've always thought that it is important to appreciate fleeting beauty as it underscores what is important in life--and brings meaning to each moment. You are a lovely soul, John.

  17. Anonymous4:55 am

    Hello John , it was interesting to here your comments about 59 wynyard , I purchased the house for my son recently , it was unkempt , the garden mainly but all looks good now you’ll be pleased to know .

    1. Thank you for that comment , I loved that house very much and worked hard to plant that garden
      I’d love to see some photos

    2. Ps your sons neighbour john at 57 is still one of my best friends


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes