Marina Abramović & Ulay On Their Meeting at MoMA |

 It was around 1 pm when I realised I’d not spoken a word today. I was walking the dogs down the lane and Polish Monika stopped me to ask how Trefor was doing. 
I’m not complaining, I’m just observing .
Of course I’m in work later with a lovely support worker who will chat away to me merrily all night if I want her to but that’s not what I was talking about.
When you live alone that’s what happens.
This isn’t a mournful post today, but it is a thoughtful one. 

The cherry tree has blossomed in the corner of the Churchyard and I stopped to look at it’s vibrant pink blooms from the lane bottom. 
Now when. did the likes of a pink tree please me so much? 

It feels warmer outside than inside today…I will go to bed shortly for a nap.
I’ve been dreaming odd dreams of late
This morning it was opening of odd Christmas gifts aboard a train crashing down a mountainside.
and the moving of  my belongings from a fractured old house
Figure those out of Freud .

I make pea soup for lunch and stir fried noodles for supper and listen to Max Richter’s On The Nature of Daylight, watched by my morphed family stood on the kitchen radiator. 
They watch and never speak 

I remember my grandmother’s fingers stroking my hair when I was a little boy


  1. Anonymous1:45 pm

    So you know Robert Johnson’s book Inner Work? It’s old but a great way to work with one’s dreams

  2. Anonymous1:49 pm

    Sorry, last comment was from Jean in Australia. A retired teacher of counsellors cheering you on, the the way. I would have selected you for our Grad Dip/Masters (and our course has such a good reputation we could be very choosy !

  3. Anonymous2:16 pm

    Interesting Jean. What can you tell of a man when reading only his blog of the pretty side of his life and reactions? Perhaps face to face wouldn't tell all either about an applicant but surely more is needed to judge good character and background information from referees and suitability to counsel others would assist such an important issue as other people's lives and wellbeing in the hands of another.

    1. Bertie5:22 pm

      It's just froth, a frothy blog post. Nothing to get all het up about, just enjoy it for what it is, a bit of froth. We don't all need to be amateur psychologists.

  4. I too live alone. My first thought was you didn't say anything all morning, like you don't talk to the dogs? Then I realized you meant that no one has talked to you. No conversations. That is a perfect day to me. :)

  5. Some dreams would have Freud scratching his head. Lovely memory of your grandmother. If I lived close enough, I'd come round and stroke your hair. Sounds like you could do with that today, John, although I might be way off the mark! xx

  6. I really appreciate days when no one talks to me - it means I don't have to reply! (The act of talking (and eating) hurts my damaged and arthritic jaw joints.) If I get a few days in a row of not having to say anything at all, I can feel almost normal.

  7. Anonymous3:04 pm

    Some days it is just nice to quietly reflect and think about who knows what! GG

  8. I cherish silent days.
    I hope that my grandchildren will remember me scratching their backs. When they get older, that is something physical I can still do with them that can show my love. And yes, I love to stroke their hair, too.

  9. Bob never stops talking - the Irish side of his family is to blame! I like to chat but also enjoy quiet time alone to reflect on life, plan for the future etc. Lately though I find I'm playing more music - mostly Hans Zimmer movie scores (Gladiator, Interstellar etc.) Ludovico Einaudi concerts, and my new favorite young pianist Tony Ann who is awesome and going places for sure!
    I don't have any pups or kitties to talk to!
    Mary -

  10. Another wonderful post of keenly observed thoughts about daily life. And that's a great video follow-up to your previous post, thanks for sharing it!

  11. I love your 'family' on the radiator!

  12. Barbara Anne7:03 pm

    Another enjoyable post, John. I am reminded of Sarah Susanka's books about living small and always having an 'away' room where you can read, nap, or just enjoy the quiet.
    Love your friendly beings on your radiator. They seem benevolent.


  13. nflis9:06 pm

    The pink blossom brought to your attention today John is a sign reminding you that you are surrounded by love x💮💗

  14. The dreaming and the memory rather obviously tells me that you are somewhat mourning your lost childhood and fretting about your accommodation security for the future; but we all feel that way as we age, and I am Dr Scott, not Dr Freud. Bad dreams myself recently, and all rather obviously linked to life's anxieties.

  15. I talk to myself quite often during the day when I am at home by myself. :)

  16. The cherry blossoms must be very beautiful. Spring is a great time of year. Quiet does make our thoughts wonder. Dreams are flashbacks. Your day combined both. What will tomorrow bring?

  17. You know what I thought as I read your last line? That quite honestly, I have no memory of feeling cherished as a child, by anyone. It came as a bit of a shock to realize that. I sat here in the dark, thinking that I must surely be wrong. I honestly don't remember that.

    1. If you can’t remember it , sadly it didn’t happen xx I was lucky

  18. I've often spent long periods alone when my wife visited the UK or Australia, and like you I didn't speak. I used to find the experience very pleasant, and thought of myself as a monk in a silent order.

  19. Lynn Marie11:16 pm

    I never notice if I've spoken to anyone in a day or not. I live alone and relish it. If I haven't had to talk to anyone all day, it's fine with me.

    1. Anonymous1:31 pm

      Same here Lynn Marie and I'm glad I'm not one of those who can't cope with their own company and have to be in the limelight.


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